The Final Kiss by Honey Kiron - HTML preview

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Their idea of not putting alarm turned out to be worse than they imagined. Though they had the program only at 5 in the evening, and they thus had no worries whatsoever of oversleeping, they didn’t really imagine it would turn out to be this disastrous!

So when the sun started streaming in through the windows and literally burning them alive, Hazel finally stirred.


Her voice was groggy due to oversleeping. Since there was no reply from her, she somehow managed to hunt her phone from the bedside table, and power it to look at the time! At first, she thought she was dreaming, and turned the phone upside down to see if she was reading it right.


“What the hell! Can’t you let me sleep in peace?”

She had barely opened one eye and she was already telling her off for waking her up!

“It is 3’0 clock, sleeping beauty! We may not even make it to college. Get your ass outta bed!”

“What the fuck are you talking? Give me the damn phone.”

Chloe extended her arm, but her eyes were still firmly closed, and Hazel placed it in her palm. After she looked and re looked, confirming all her suspicions, she jumped out of the bed with a start.

“We are screwed!”

“Oh! That we certainly are!”

Her house was about 40 km from college and unless they raced, there wasn’t any chance of reaching college in time.

“What are we going to do?” Hazel said. Wrinkles had started forming between her brows.

“Calm down Hazel. You go for a shower. I’ll make us something to eat. Let’s hurry.”

Though there were about 20 missed calls and about a dozen messages in her phone, she didn’t bother to check them and instead rushed off to shower. She showered as quickly as she could, and put on her pink frock before rushing down for lunch. Chloe had managed to make some tea and pasta was simmering away.

“Dude, this pasta will take some time. I have timed it, so you needn’t worry. Why don’t you dry your hair, and stuff, I’ll take shower by then and we can eat together.”

It sounded like a good plan and both of them rushed back to Chloe’s room. It was almost quarter to 4 before they finally managed to extract themselves out of Chloe’s room and come down for food.

As they gobbled the steaming hot pasta, they almost forgot about the tea. Just as Hazel was about to wash the dishes, she remembered.

“The tea!”

“Shit! It would have become cold by now”

“Well let’s drink it anyway!”

In a hurry to pour it into cups, Chloe fumbled and a lot of it fell onto her new dress.


“What hap…?”

“Shit! What are you going to do Chloe?”

Ever the optimist, Chloe, for the first time was almost on the verge of crying.

“Calm down! We’ll get it dry cleaned.”

“There is no time!”

“There is darling. It is OK. We can be a little late.”

“You have to present the bouquet to the guest of honor. You go! I’ll come in some time.”

“Don’t be stupid Chloe. I am gonna stay right here with you, no matter how long it takes. I’ll ask someone else to present the bouquet. OK?”

“No! Don’t! You were so excited about the whole thing. I’ll just change into a pair of jeans!”

“Pair of jeans? Put on your white frock and don’t argue. I’ve had enough! And we are getting late!”


“Please Chloe?”

“God! You always get your way! I’ll be back ASAP!”

When she finally managed to come down, Hazel was rooted.

“You look so pretty Chloe. Told ya...white suits you! You know, if I weren’t with Shark, I would as well have asked you out today!” she said winking.

Chloe let out a high pitched laugh.

“I’ll get my keys.”

“Your keys? We’re going in my car!”

“We’ll never reach then!”

“Chloe! Am offended! Dude, you don’t wanna spoil your dress going on your bike!”

“Hmm…point! Well we’ll go in your car…but I’ll drive!”

“Well…umm...fine! Let’s go then!”