The Rainbow Man by Ethan Forester - HTML preview

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Anne Plan, One

The room was dark. Anne looked into a computer screen. She saw the face of evil. Everyone knew the face and nobody knew the person. Ethan Harrington, the head of Rainbow, he, too, was here today.

He was one of three people to make this plan. The plan was to take control of everyone. Everything. Everywhere. They wanted everything. Their plan had started years and years ago. A long time ago. They had worked the plan for a united Europe, started after WW1, the plan for the European union. That had worked and now they had the plan for a united Asia followed by a united USA, Mexico and Canada. This would create three main points in the world. Three power points. Instead of controlling country after country after country they would only need to control three areas. Everything and everyone. It was all in place. They would use the huge military of America to enforce the law. You couldn’t really expect Americans to think, but when it came to bombing and killing there was nobody better, she thought. They would take control by martial means at first. By agreement. Later they would control by submission and fear. They would own and control everything. The North American Union, as it was humbly known, was already in existence.

Of course, part of the plan was keeping secret who “they” were. And, nobody at Atlas ever talked.

Also in the room was Jacob Rosenberg. It was a well known secret that nobody knew that it was he who controlled all the oil in the world. A well known secret if your business was oil, that is. Everything went through him. Even the Saudi Oil Empire sold to him, first. The thing was that they needed to make the world believe that the oil was running out. That they had to buy, steal and store at any cost. For America. At elevated prices. That is all it would to make him even richer. And it was just a consequence. It was also the cover the Americans would need to justify what they were about to do and if there was one thing Anne Pembleton knew it was that Americans would accept anything if it was “justified”. “We, as Americans, need this,” is all it would take. Anne knew the truth. She knew the facts. America was way, way down on every scale imaginable. Education, housing, health, everything. Even Albania was higher in some things. Still. Americans still believed they were the best at everything, so let them believe it, she thought. Soon they would have no more Chinese immigrants doing the research and development needed to stay mainstream, and the American empire would just die so much faster. In the meantime she would use the only thing they were good at to her own advantage: Their military might, their killing machine.

Jacob Rosenberg also controlled all of the main-stream media outlets. He owned the newspapers, owned the T.V stations. He owned everyone. And if you were not scared of this man you were dead.

He had financed many of the popular Hollywood movies. Movies about despotic governments taking over the world. He was preparing the sheeple for things to come. Things that he had foreseen. Things that he wanted to happen. Things that would happen, whether they wanted it or not.

He had already chosen the next president of the U.S.A. Someone who was already bought and sold. “She” had taken their millions for the promise of power. She would have power. The power to do what she was told. Unless the revolting sheeple got a life at last! Or, if they proved themselves to be even more revolting than he could think up. Still, she would wait until they decided the time was right, or illness stepped in. Meanwhile Jacob Rosenberg laughed with the rest of the world watching American “elections.” All the little sheep running around waving their pretty, expensive, little flags and believing that their vote actually counted. Anne snorted a laugh as she shook her head.

But for now they had a different problem. They needed this “Rainbow” man to be involved. Anne had laid out a plan. Would it work?

It would have to work. They would destroy the Arab world forever. The destruction of Islam had been foreseen, foretold as far back as 1871. It would work. Because they would make it work.

If they did not make it work then Islam, Sharia, would take over the world and they would not allow that. The Torah spoke about it. It would not happen. Not because the Jews believed that “God” loved them more than anyone else. No. It would not happen because American bombs were going to wipe out these fucking Arabs once and for all.