The Rainbow Man by Ethan Forester - HTML preview

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Anne Plan, Two

Part of this plan had been the mass immigration. It was a dangerous game, she knew. But they had to do it, had to take away national identity. So the peoples of countries would learn that they had no country anymore. They would learn that “we are all one”. Then, the Muslims, Islam, would take over, or try to. Because their belief was totally contrary to integration. They would import millions of Muslims, cause Chaos, then come in to save the world , again, with their ready made plans. Ax was a large part of it. The sheeple would want him rescued, at all costs and they would, of course, increase his value daily. By the time the American “empire” came to it’s natural end? They would be living on Mars. The rich. The little sheeple could have the polluted and raped Earth. Anne was going to Argentina, first. Cosmetic surgery and money would buy their ticket to Mars.

Anne laid out her plan. And then they talked. They talked about how to get Ax involved. What would happen. They discussed how to tell the world that he had known, had fucked, Julie etc. They talked about turning the tables, making Ax unsympathetic, a cold-hearted killer who had deliberately killed a child. They talked about their plans. They would respond to the video threat by giving the terrorists Ax’s name. They would tell the T.V. stations here that they had no choice. To save her life, they had to give up Ax. To save her life, this bitch, this rich bitch, this daughter of a politician, this Redcroft, she thought. It would not save their countries but this they could not know, yet. History was made of this. They could not see what was hidden, what was secret. National Security. What was kept secret. They were so stupid these sheeple. It had always been the same. They were kept in the dark for a reason. They were most terribly stupid and incapable of understanding, anyway, and they forgot with a terrifying rapidity. The only difference this time is that the deception would last.

So Anne gave away the details. Where was Ax? Then the secret fuckers in the British intelligence talked to the American oil people and leaked Alex to the terrorists. It was a double plan. The terrorists thought they were getting Ax, but the Brits and Americans knew, they would win either way. If Alex were to succeed and kill the terrorists causing another false flag? The Muslim world would react to the slaughter and fight back. What the Americans and British actually knew? Is that Alex would do anything to get his girl back if she was taken. So, try to kill him, failing that take the girl and he would go after her. It was a beautiful plan. Such beautiful carnage yielding so much money and power.

“No. We need him. And we need him to be killed. By Muslims. We shall call them terrorists. The sheeple will love it. Their government fighting terrorism on the front line. We shall refuse his resignation.”

They looked at her. Wondered if she was still sane. Was it not her who had told them how dangerous this man was?

“We need him, gentlemen, “ she said.

Anne turned face on face to the others in the room. ”We cannot allow him to leave, he knows more than anyone about this terrorist and he is too good at what he does. We must convince him to stay. We need him to be killed.”

She bowed her head. “Help me,” she said.

Much later that day Anne was alone. She was on the phone to her contact in the CIA after getting off the phone with her money oil-man. She told her CIA contact her plan and they discussed what to do. Anne told him her version. He laughed. “But the plan is already done, just not finished,” she said, “the terrorists will go after him, he will be forced back into their fight. My plan will succeed,” she said again. “It has to.“

The CIA man put down the phone and had a think. Then he picked up the phone and made another call. They had work to do.

Ax knew that Anne would call. Would tell him about Julie. He smiled, a cold,. bitter smile. OK, he said to himself. I will kill again. But not on your terms. Then he sat down and waited for the call.

When the phone rang Ax was in his garden. There was a cold wind blowing, howling through the trees but he still heard the phone. He knew what it was. It was time. It would be Anne.

“Axel? phone for you,” Lucy shouted.

Ax turned slowly, knowing that this would be a difficult call. He wondered what it would be. How she would phrase it. What the problem would be.

“We have a video, “ she said.

The silence was dead. Ax let it run, saying nothing.

Anne continued.

“It is bad, very bad, you know Julia,” she said, “well, I won’t beat about the bush. You must have seen the news, you know they took her.”

Ax’s hand gripped the phone and he stopped breathing.

“You fucking bitch.”

“Ax, now is not the time, Julie has been taken. You need to see the video.“ Ax slammed the phone down and went upstairs to pack his stuff. Lucy just watched.

Anne picked up her red phone and placed a call. “Fuck him, Scottish bastard,” she thought.

When the call was answered she spoke plainly. “The plan has started,”

She replaced the receiver and stared at the cup of cold tea on her desk. “Shit fucking Scot,” she thought.

There was no turning back now. She would start a rescue mission without him, it would fail, and he would feel responsible again and be more than willing to jump in and do her bidding. To help.

He would hear about the plan to rescue Julie. That plan would fail and he would be drawn into the fight. All was good. The war would come and she would retire a rich woman with Anastasia. “Fuck him, “ she thought.

The plan was simple. This is what the S.A.S were trained for. Go in, get the girl, get out alive. They had put together a team that consisted of S.A.S and expendable Rainbow. “Gentlemen. We cannot fail,” said the guy in charge. He was some bigwig in the S.A.S, posh English accent and a shirt dripping with colour. The Rainbow guys were looking around as if they were unwanted, smelly guests at a birthday party. They would all be dead soon, they just did not know it. But, being Rainbow, and very, very rich, they did not care, or believe.

The S.A.S guys looked at the Rainbow guys as if they were shit. But they knew. Even if they did not say it, they knew. They chose not to. Half of Rainbow was ex-S.A.S. Rainbow started where the S.A.S. finished. And when it came to killing? Nobody fucked with the Rainbow guys. They were all wearing a ski-mask already. The S.A.S guys just laughed a nervous laugh.

“Sir,“ said the S.A.S guys as they stood to attention, slapping feet together, hands to heads. One of the Rainbow guys let out a comment. It sounded like a bad fart on a plane. “Twat,“ was the one word. But it had been heard by many. There were many S.A.S who thought bad things. But, despite the pretence they all knew Rainbow. So nobody moved. Nobody said anything. They all wanted to live. This would not be an easy gig.

The guy in command said it could not, would not fail. In the short time it was the best they could do. The best that is, without Ax. Ax knew the territory and the victim, but never mind, he said. The cost, considering who the victim was, would be one hundred and twenty thousand British pounds, give or take. The S.A.S commander hated this. He hated these Rainbow cunts. He shook his head. Trouble was, he knew they always got the job done. The price to pay. £120,000. The S.A.S were seen by Rainbow as a kind of backup, and by British Intelligence, S.A.S and American Delta as a fail-safe. Both would be proven drastically wrong. Rainbow never, ever failed. But this time, they were supposed to. It was a set-up. Everyone knew the S.A.S. - it was the public face of the governmental fight against global terrorism was it not? Joke. The Rainbow guys laughed. To them, British Intelligence was a huge oxymoron.

Finding the girl had not been hard. British Intelligence had boots on the ground all over the area. American C.I A. were everywhere in Turkey. There had been much chatter. Someone had seen the girl being bundled into a car. Drones and satellites had done the rest. They knew exactly where she was. It would be a piece of cake. They were working on deniability. The sheeple had been told of Predator drones. They were not told it was a twenty year old technology. There were now much better drones. More expensive but so much more capable. More profitable for the war-makers. They would be told she had been found by Predators.

What they did not know is how Julie had felt. The kidnappers had drugged her and taken her to a sea plane. She had been bundled onto the plane in the middle of the sea. Nobody could trace them. But they had not flown far. They had landed again off the shore of Anatalya. They had thrown the bitch into a boat and taken her ashore. A huge Arab had carried her to the little house. Cottage. Place. Then the van. Then the long trip to Yemen. Completely untraceable. She nearly suffocated in the back of the van as it bounced over dry and dusty roads.

The team suited up and boarded the Apache that would take them over the landing area. They would parachute down, kill the terrorists, save the girl and be back in time for dinner and TV fame. Their weapons were the same as those used by Russian and Israeli troops… made in America. Killing toys for killers.

What they did not know was that three hours before the attack was due to begin a certain Said Al Benito received a phone call from the White House on his private line. The voice on the end of that line said three things. A time, a place, and a number. The voice had a posh English accent. The voice was known as the secretary. The voice was female. The White-House put down the phone. The call had never been placed. Said Al Benito smiled.

The parachutes opened perfectly. The elite group landed safely. They approached the building silently.

It was over in less than 5 seconds. Machine-gun fire from the shadows and the roof of the building had cut the team in half. It was all filmed from the fleeing rescue helicopter and the next day a video was released to the local news station showing the massacre. Worse was to come. The next video was of what the kidnappers did to Julie.

The package came special delivery, addressed to “The Infidels. Watch.”

A conference had been called and people had been arriving for the past hour. The meeting was scheduled for 3pm. They were nearly all there at 2.40 pm.

At exactly 3pm Anne stood up and addressed her captive audience.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” she said, “today is a black day. I am going to show you a video. This video arrived three hours ago. I have seen it. I hope you have not eaten too much. Some of you will need to throw up. She laughed what sounded like a nervous laugh, but actually, she didn’t give a shit. “Sorry. I am sorry for what you are about to see.” She hoped she sounded good.

Anne made a sign and the girl dimmed the lights.