The Thrill of the ROSE by Remy Joyeiux - HTML preview

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Chapter 15

Alighting from the aircraft, Raquel made her way towards the arrival hall of the Juliana airport. Once the formalities were over, she headed for the taxi stand. The Holland House Beach Hotel in Phillipsburg was her destination. When the driver reached she paid him and made her way into the hotel. Once there she asked the hostess for room 103. The bellman assisted her with her luggage and lead the way to room 103. When he opened the door there was a beautiful floral arrangement on the dresser. She smiled. Of course Jason would have sent it there.

She thanked the bellman for his assistance giving him a tip in the process. Lying on the bed she started to get more comfortable. In no time she relieved herself of all clothing. She turned on the air conditioner and lay on the bed naked. Her smooth unblemished caramel colored skin was a perfect sight to behold.

She fell asleep within minutes. Raquel felt the soft flesh of comforting lips on hers. She didn’t bother to open her eyes. Instead she joined the activity. She enveloped her lover’s body with hers. Together they explored each other, passion and ecstasy devouring each other. They were deliberately slow in their attempts. Satisfaction and fulfillment were they intent.

Together they stroked each other, teased each other. She shivered and he pushed her on. Raquel caressed Jason’s torso and back lovingly. Slowly her hand drifted down his torso to his inner thighs. It was pure torture for Jason. Now Raquel tickled him. He moaned briefly with delight.

Encircling his head with her arms, she pulled his head closer. Now she was in control. Then there was a knock at the door. Jason jumped up off of the bed and ran to the door. He used the peephole to see who it was. There were two men escorted by the bellman.

When Jason opened the door he asked, “is there a problem?”

“Not unless you make one. I am detective Rossi the man volunteered. I am investigating something and I need your cooperation. May I come in?”

“It will take a minute for my sweetheart to tidy up before you can.”

“Then let’s go to the lobby,” said Rossi. “Ok.”

Without even a goodbye Jason disappeared. What’s going on wondered Raquel wondered. She quickly showered and got dressed. Raquel hurried from 103 to the lobby. When she got there she inquired if Jason was there.

“Yes but he left in a hurry with another man,” said Amelia the receptionist.

“Did you know where they went to?” She asked. “He didn’t say.”

“Hmmmmm! Ok,” she said. Raquel called Jason’s mobile phone. There was no answer and it went straight to voicemail. Reluctantly she left a message.

She went back to her room. On entering she saw a mass of confusion. All the clothes were scattered on the floor. Her suitcase was emptied. The furniture was a mess also thrown all over the place. She dialed reception to inform them of what she found. They agreed to call the Police right away even though it didn’t seem too convincing.

Thirty minutes later the Police had not yet arrived. Raquel left the room once again lost in bewilderment. She returned to reception where she informed Amelia. Amelia dialed a number. She made some quick demands to the person on the other end of the line. Soon a police vehicle drove into the parking area. They visited 103 with her. After surveying the damage they took photos and dusted for finger prints.

They took a statement from her and had her sign it. Then they left her a business card if she needed to have further follow-up. What is this Raquel queried in her mind. First Jason appears, then he disappears. Wonder what’s behind this mystery. She asked for another room at the front desk. Amelia agrees to facilitate her request. I understand how traumatic this must be for you.

Believe you me, you cannot begin to understand how I am tripping right now. Amelia sends the bellman and two housekeepers to assist Raquel. When they have finished Raquel is now repositioned in room 186. It has a fabulous ocean view. Raquel has an idea. She begins to read the bible in the room on the desk in the corner. Then she prays. “Dear God please let nothing happen to Jason. Protect him from any danger and reunite us soon. Amen.” Immediately after she finished there was a knock on her door.

“Who is it?” She demanded.

“Raquel?” She would know that voice anywhere. “Jason?”

She rushed to the door, cautiously viewing through the peephole. Once she recognized him and sensed that there was no danger, Raquel flung the door wide open. She hugged and kissed her sweetie. “Are you okay?” She asked.

“Yes I am Raquel. I’m sorry about this.”

“Now you’ve got some explaining to do. And I want all answers. Nothing less than the truth will suffice.”

“I was kidnapped. Unfortunately it was a case of mistaken identity.”

“Really? So what are you going to do about it?”

“Well the Police are investigating what happened. The thugs who got me thought that I was someone else. They roughed me up some and demanded my money. Fortunately I don’t travel with large amounts of cash. I gave them a fictitious name too.”

“Are you sure you are ok honey?”

“Of course I am sure.”

“Awww look you are bruised. Let’s see what we can do about it.

He protested but Raquel was not about to be distracted by Jason. His shirt was ruffled and dirty. He smelled of grass and mud. His shoes were also full of mud. She stripped him, examining him carefully. Then off to the shower they went.

When they finished she attended to his bruises. “Owwww!” He complained.

“It will hurt just a bit,” she said. “Just a bit my dear.” When she finished he fell asleep. It must have been some ordeal. Wow.

A little later he began thrashing around on the bed. “Jason! Jason!” Raquel tapped him gently at first then firmer. “Wake up. You’re having a bad dream.” He woke up groggy and disoriented. Then he went right back to sleep.

Raquel fell asleep as well. Then a stranger thing happened. She screamed. She thrashed about.

Jason gently shook her. “Raquel!” Raquel awoke with a start. She almost screamed when she saw Jason. He held her close giving some reassurance. “What’s the matter?” He asked.

“I was having a bad dream about you she said. It all seems so mysterious. I guess it was just a dream.”

“You’ll tell me later,” Jason said. “Now let’s get going so we can get back to the hotel and refresh. Then we can have a meal. I am famished.”

“Okay,” Raquel said. They hailed a taxi. The driver was friendly. He took them back to Charming Villas. On reaching their room, they showered. They dressed and soon after they departed for the Blue Bead Café. They had amazing French cuisine dishes.

They ordered a Chicken Nicoise Salad. Its ingredients were mouthwatering. Grilled boneless, skinless chicken breasts, red potatoes, green beans, romaine lettuce leaves baby asparagus, small plum tomatoes, cucumber slices, hard- boiled eggs, black olives, crumbled browned bacon and lemon mustard vinaigrette. For a beverage they ordered virgin coladas and pets de none cinnamon swirled pastry in addition to ice cream for dessert.

After enjoying their meal, they relaxed enjoying the cool tropical breezes. They kissed and held each other for what seemed eternity. Then they said goodbye to the staff of the Blue Bead Café and headed back for the night. Once back at Charming villas they discarded their clothes. They relaxed on the terrace balcony, holding each other and petting lightly. Soon they were asleep.