The Thrill of the ROSE by Remy Joyeiux - HTML preview

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Chapter 14

A hiking excursion was their next adventure. The Quill is a perfectly formed volcano at the North end of the island where visitors could hike the two thousand meter mountain encompassed by rainforest. If they wished they could descend down to the floor of the crater.

“This sounds like really good fun,” said Raquel.

“Indeed it does,” Jason offered. “Are you ready for the fun or does the terrain get you scared?”

“I am not chicken and I’m fitter than you think,” replied Raquel.

“Good then we can move along. We can walk there it’s only twenty minutes walk away.”

“Okay. I can handle that. I am sure it will be better for my body. A healthy body can do wonders.”

They set out for the quill and all of its adventure. He was dressed in an orange polo shirt and a pair of black Dockers shorts. He also was wearing a white and navy pair of Nike sneakers. The shorts allowed one to see his legs which were slightly bow and full of thick black hair. His Burberry sport cologne made him smell sexciting. One simple accessory adorned his physique. It was a gold necklace.

“You look good and you smell good too,” Raquel said. “You always look good and you smell nice too Jason responded. Look at how those shorts accentuate your curves. And the tee shirt you are wearing leaves subtle hints.”

“Along with your Asics sneakers and your gold omega you look amazing. I love you my sexy angel.”

“Too,” said Raquel.

They carried a haversack this morning. It contained a few items. Two water bottles, some juice, two cans of malted beverage, two turkey sandwiches, a small towel and some antiseptic cream in case it was needed. Jason carried it all.

Along the way they frolicked occasionally, stopping to look at flowers, the landscape and sometimes the fruits on the trees. Once they stopped and look at some cows. As Jason said the Quill was not very far away. It was a simple easy walk not requiring much attempt. More like a leisurely stroll.

At the Quill they were greeted by a hostess. Michaela was one of three hostesses on duty that day. Her green and khaki uniform was crisp and fitted her well. She smiled and welcomed them to the Quill. After exchanging small pleasantries Michaela invited them to the interpretation centre. They saw a short video of the volcano and learned of its history and significance.

With the orientation finished, Michaela used her VHF radio to summon the tour guide and driver. They arrived in about thirty seconds. Driven in a four by four pickup designed especially for this they were given an exciting adventure.

At different points the vehicle stopped and the tour guide as well as Michaela pointed out some interesting features of the Quill. The smell was not so pleasant and the bubbling pools could be seen at a couple of points. They were fascinated by the purported properties of the mineral pool which flowed from the higher end to the bottom of the crater.

After the tour Jason and Raquel took the time to go on a little hiking adventure. Discovering a stream surrounded by some thick vegetation, they got an instant idea. Jason had secretly packed swimwear for both of them in the bag hidden in one of the pockets in case something like this occurred. Raquel however wasn’t up to it. She said she felt tired and a little drained. Jason gave her some water which she had asked for.

“Refreshing,” she exclaimed.

He also had some water taking the time to sit for a while.

“So when are we going to look at the wedding plans in a little more detail,” Raquel asked.

“Whenever you want to love,” Jason responded. “Would now be a good time to start?”


‘Ok. Where will the wedding take place?”

“Would you like to have it in Trinidad?”

“No,” Raquel replied. “Let’s try for someplace we both have not gone. Like St. Maarten.”

“Sounds nice. We have a date and a place already. Small outdoor garden wedding?”

“That would be heavenly. About thirty or so guests I would think.”

“Hmmmm! I see your mind has been thinking overnight and non-stop,” said Jason.

“Yes my love. I can’t afford to let a prince like you, the jewel in the isle of spice’s crown get away.”

Jason smiled pondering on the words she had just expressed.

“Neither can I allow a pretty hummingbird princess to be away from at my side for too long. But we have plenty of time I would think.”

“It’s true there is time, but with your travelling, work and arranging all of the necessary things which have to be put in place it’s better to start earlier than later.” One could see that Raquel was a thinker and an organized woman.

“We will plan it all, down to the very fine details. It’s an experience in life which is supposed to be a memorable one. Would you like to have a sandwich?”

“Sure,” she said. “It certainly will satisfy a bit of hunger for now.”

“Here you are,” Jason said. He gave her the sandwich and some juice which he poured into a plastic cup.

“You’re a gentleman Jason,” said Raquel.

“But of course I am. As the jewel in the isle of spice’s crown, it can be no other way. Much is expected of me and I promised I won’t let you down. So relax a bit and let’s enjoy this together.”

Raquel smiled from ear to ear. When she smiled she captivated his heart. He blushed momentarily saying a silent prayer.

They finished the meal and sat for a while on the grass. Jason and Raquel sat on the grass for a while as they discussed various wedding options. Lying on him she fell asleep. Jason could not help admiring the beautiful damsel who lay on his lap. He smiled caught up in her beauty. Lightly he began to stroke her hair.