The Thrill of the ROSE by Remy Joyeiux - HTML preview

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Chapter 17

They spent the day relaxing in Charming villas. They sent their clothes to the laundry and they cleaned the room even though there was room service. They enjoyed this type of teamwork. Together they made a good team.

Then they prepared lunch. Today they both felt like cooking. Jason was beginning to like this and he could see that Raquel was also enjoying herself. After deciding what they would do they got busy. Tempting as she was in her shorts and vest with no bra, Jason remained focused on the job at hand. There would be other times he told himself.

Raquel was baking a chicken, even though Jason had suggested the oven rotisserie method. He was cleaning and chopping the vegetables for steaming. Jason also would make the juice as well as the Cole slaw. Raquel had also mentioned baked potatoes and some curried rice. What Jason didn’t know was that she would also do a cake.

Ninety minutes later they sat down to eat. What a sumptuous meal. The villa smelt of all kinds of delicious food. Raquel prayed and then they helped themselves to generous servings of the fare. When they were finished, Jason left the table and returned with a fruit salad he had made but had not mentioned. Raquel smiled. “Hmmmm! I see you wanted to surprise me?”

“Yes,” he replied.

“Just a moment my dear. Please excuse me for a bit.” She went into the kitchen and promptly returned with a caked.

“Wow,” he said. “Seems we both had our secrets.” They both smiled and enjoyed some of both of the treats.

“Today I vote that we relax all day,” said Jason.

“I agree,” replied Raquel. It’s been a good week.

Tomorrow we have to pack so we can leave early the following morning for our journey back.”

“Yes, it’s just what I was thinking. Maybe we should go look to see if there is anything we need in the shopping centre,” Jason coaxed.

“We can do that this afternoon around four,” she replied. “It will be cooler by then.”

Together they went and lay on the balcony just holding each other. They both fell asleep. When they awoke they relaxed for a while exchanging kisses and appreciations. I love you was the most used phrase. Then they began to pack their belongings. The return trip was a routine affair by now and being proactive Jason had every aspect of this covered.

When he arrived in Trinidad they spent some time chatting, before embracing, kissing and saying goodbyes. Raquel shed a tear or two which elicited a soothing touch from Jason. They then parted.

Jason reflected on his trip to ‘Statia’. He knew he had found his jewel and would make no mistake in having her inserted in her rightful place. He planned meticulously on the ride back to the spice isle.