The Thrill of the ROSE by Remy Joyeiux - HTML preview

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Chapter 24

Jason excused himself for a few moments. When he returned he gave Raquel a sheet of paper. It read like this:

I will love you… just the way you are

I will be sensitive… to your needs

I will spend quality time… with you

I will pray with… and for you

I will make sure… our home is safe

I will help you… financially

I will not lie or cheat… on you

I will appreciate… your intelligence

I will be proud… of your accomplishments

I will encourage… you at all times

I will build you up… never tear you down

And I will never… disrespect you.

Raquel smiled after reading it. She hugged and kissed him, as a tear rolled down her cheek. This man meant so much to her. All that she had longed for she was now finding in Jason.

As they released from the long and emotional embrace they looked each other in the eye. “I love you,” Jason said. “I love you too,” Raquel replied. “And I want to say thanks from the bottom of my heart.”

After exchanging some pleasantries with the invited guests they ate some of the hors d’oeuvres which were already being eaten. A couple of hostesses served some drinks along with other snacks.

After they’d finished, Jason proceeded to show Raquel their future home. The grounds were quite large and the extensive work which had been going on was almost completed. She loved the area which had been prepared for recreation.

Hmmmmm! Cozy she thought. She smiled. Jason asked what she thought of what she’d seen so far. Very nice she replied. Next he showed her the house. All of the rooms were large. The windows and doors allowed easy ventilation and light inflows, as well as easy access.

“I have something special to show you,” he said. “Yes,” replied Raquel.

Jason led her into what would become her work centre or home office. It was spacious, with plenty of lighting and it was air-conditioned. “I like this room. Trust you to think of this. I love the colors, the layout, and I like the lighting. It has enough space for my equipment. We can always talk about the furniture later.”

There was a door on the inside. When she opened it, it was a little room also air-conditioned.

“What’s this for?” she asked.

“This is a room for you to relax if you want to during the day. I propose that there be a bed, a mini-bar, a sofa, and a Television just for you.”

Raquel giggled. “I should have known that you’re thinking of everything.”

“Tomorrow we will join with Cheryl to go and shop for the furniture for this house in addition to your office. Please do not protest as I want only the very best for us.”

She smiled and hugged her boo once again. “What time do we start tomorrow love?”

“Is ten o’clock too early?”

“Ten it is boo.”

“Now can we say goodbye to your guest and have some quality time in private? I want my boo all to myself for the rest of the evening.”

“Sure honey. I will be very pleased to oblige.” Jason said his goodbyes to his friends and left promptly.

Raquel realized as she walked hand in hand with Jason that he was quite a hottie. She knew that they were the centre of attention. When they reached his place, Raquel followed him up the stairs. Jason put on a savvy Latin mix via his MP3 collection. He took her in a dance. Pulling her close he ground his hips against hers. Raquel felt herself relax as he placed his strong hands on her waist, sliding her body against his. First one way and then the other; back and forth, up, down and around. Jason definitely had the moves.

Then he selected an R&B number by Luther Vandross. Softly, tenderly they shifted on the floor gliding effortlessly. He had her in an embrace from which there was no retreat. Raquel outfoxed him though, throwing him off balance and kissing his throat. She nipped the skin firmly leaving her mark on him.