The Thrill of the ROSE by Remy Joyeiux - HTML preview

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Chapter 23

Raquel’s flight arrived on time. Not a minute late or too early. She disembarked the aircraft and made her way with the passengers to the arrival hall. On reaching the hall she stood in the immigration line. A voice called her name – “Raquel Martin?”

Raquel looked around meeting the eyes of an airport hostess. “Yes that’s me she replied.”

“I’m Dana. Follow me.”

What now thought Raquel? Before she had time to answer, she was being escorted to the immigration office.

“Good morning Ms. Martin,” said the senior officer. “I’m Malcolm Franklin. May I have your documents for processing please?”

Raquel gave the gentleman her travel documentation. He stamped her passport and returned the customs form. “Enjoy your stay in Grenada,” he said. With that Raquel was escorted to the baggage carousel. Once she identified her bag, a slim young man wheeled it to the customs desk. She handed the customs declaration form to the customs officer. He smiled and declared, “Welcome to Grenada Ma’am. Enjoy your stay.”

Wow she thought. This has to be the work of Jason. Only he would go to such lengths for me.

She exited the arrival hall and stared. But she did not see Jason at all. Instead there was a chauffeur who was carrying a sign with her name. She made her way over to him.

He smiled and introduced himself. “Hi I am Neville. I am your driver for the evening. May I take your bags?”

“I am Raquel. You may assist me with my bags. I am sure that Jason would not be too pleased if I said no.” With that he lifted both of her bags as though there were a bundle of feathers. Placing them in the boot of the vehicle he closed the lid. Then he opened the passenger’s door for Raquel.

“Thank you,” she said and slid into the comfortable seat. Neville closed the door. Inside of the car was nice and cool from the air-conditioning. The drive to Jason’s was a nice cruise. It lasted for thirty minutes. When they arrived at his house she saw a beaming Jason. He came out to meet her also opening the door for her.

“We have thirty minutes before it’s twilight,” Jason said to Raquel. With that he escorted her into the house introducing her all the while to those friends he had invited just for this event.

Having made sure that Raquel was comfortable Jason moved into the spacious lounge. There were cheers from all who had gathered. Jason laughed as he summoned all who were invited and had gathered for the function. Just before he made the announcement he gently took Raquel his sexy caramel sweetheart against him and kissed her full on her lips. This was better than she could have imagined she thought to herself.

Today I want to propose a toast to Raquel and I before all of you my friends. As the hostesses finished filling all of the goblets with Chamdor Sparkling Raquel whispered something in his ear.

He went ahead and ushered the toast. Hip hip and everyone responded hooray. When they had finished Raquel took out a small piece of paper from her pocket. She gave it to Jason. Opening it he smiled. Then he embraced her and kissed her again.

It read as follows:

My Lips ... He gently nibbles and caresses

My hands ... He holds them gently

My trust ... He’s gained it

My heart ... He owns it

His back ... I’ve got that

His heart ... It’s all mine

My Boo ... That he is

His role ... He plays that oh so well

We are happy ... I know many will hate that

They are jealous I know that

Husband seekers Back off, rather forget it

Cause his wife IS DEFINITELY ME