The Thrill of the ROSE by Remy Joyeiux - HTML preview

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Chapter 27

When they awoke the next morning it was five o’clock. Jason went to pee, taking the opportunity to brush his teeth thereby freshening his breath soon after. He showered quickly too. Less than two minutes.

After he finished Raquel walked into the bathroom. She did what she wanted to do. Answer nature’s call. She also decided to refresh. However she did it a little differently. She had a quick warm shower, then brushing her teeth and washing her face.

When she exited the shower, a warm towel awaited her on the rack. She did not hear when Jason placed it there. He slithered effortlessly and quietly in and out of the bathroom. He didn’t make a sound. Raquel dried her caramel skin. Then she walked out of the bathroom deliberately naked.

Are you sure you want to start new exercises? If we do we might not make it for out ten o’clock, he said.

Try me Jason. I am sure you like a challenge. Then taking up the remote control she pressed a couple of buttons. Almost immediately soft music filled the air.

“Ouuuuu this song’s my favorite” she heard him say. Before he had a chance to prepare for the inevitable she had pushed him back on the bed. Straddling him she looked into his eyes.

Before he knew what was happening she was kissing him. Then she slid her tongue in his ear coaxing a moan from Jason. He gripped the sheets as she continued flicking her tongue over his nipples. She lifted her head to look into his passion filled eyes.

She continued her kisses and caresses. Her tongue set alight his sides, his navel and then the inner sides of his thighs. What she had previously imagined was turning out to a huge fantasy for there before her was the real thing. To Raquel it was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen. She commenced stroking him becoming bolder with each soft caress until he started thrusting himself against her palms.

Skillfully she stroked his manhood before taking him into her mouth. Swirling her tongue around his huge crown she caused waves of heated sensation to run through his trembling body. Raquel decided that she had had enough love play.

Fully astride him now and realizing he was ready she inserted his swollen sex where it belonged, deep inside of her moist vaginal core. This cowgirl was one who could ride and he was going to get the thrill of a lifetime.

She rode him sliding him in and out of her bending down often to kiss him and at times to suck his nipples. He bucked against her moaning. Gripping the sheets he arched his backside higher off of the bed. Increasing her rhythm she sped him to a crescendo. He called her name loudly before climaxing, his body tensing beneath her.

Raquel did not pause for him to recover. She carried on in search of her own climax. A little while after she began to moan passionately. Then whimpering she called his name before letting out a loud shriek. He grabbed her and held her in a tight embraced. They held each other for quite a while.

“I love you Raquel.”

“I love you too Jason.”

They both exited the bed after exchanging a few more kissed. Entering the bathroom together, Raquel turned on the faucet. The water was just right. Not too cold, and not too hot. Patting Jason on his butt she urged him to get in with her. He obliged like an obedient genie under her spell of love.

She wet his skin. Taking a rag full of soapy lather, she commenced lathering arms, his torso, crotch and legs. He smiled at her through the curtain of water coming from the showerhead. She rinsed him off.

“Want me to shampoo your hair?” She asked. “Sure,” he replied.

She took a generous helping of shampoo in her hands and lathered his hair delicately. Turning him around she washed it out. Then she applied some conditioner.

“Now it’s your turn while the conditioner sets in your hair doing its job.”

Jason complied. Wetting her skin he ran his hands lightly over her. Then he took a rag, soaping it generously with some fragranced L’oreal body wash. He lathered her body gliding over her arms, breasts, torso and thighs. Then he knelt down and soaped her legs and feet. He left her crotch for last. He soaped the mound with a gentle but quick maneuver.

Turning on the faucet he washed her off. Her hair was enclosed in a shower cap. Slapping him on the backside she indicated that she wished for him to bend down. Obediently he did. She washed the conditioner from his hair.

Turning off the faucet, Raquel grabbed a Blue towel and began to dry Jason’s skin. She dried his arms, torso, legs and feet. Yes she also dried his penis tenderly and with care. When she finished her task, Jason said Thank you.

She dried herself off quickly and they both exited the bathroom. Jason was beginning to feel sensuous again. He hugged and kissed her. She returned the kiss quickly and favorably. Then she cautioned him, reminding him of their engagement. Jason smiled. “Let’s go and make breakfast,” she said.

“Sure my dear. What’s on the menu?’ “What would you like,” she asked.

“Cereal, fruit, hamburger, and some juice would be nice.”

“Oh k. then you can assist me,” Raquel said.

Very cleverly and quickly they prepared breakfast.

Sitting down they also devoured all of it. “What time is it?” Raquel asked. “Nine o’clock.”

“Ahh we still have some time.”

“Let’s go and get dressed so we can be on time to meet Cheryl. I know she will be here early. Where are we planning to visit today?” Asked Raquel.

“I have left it up to Cheryl. She usually knows these things very well. So far she has done an incredible job getting the house and the grounds to this stage.”

“Wow. I admire her. She has done a great job.”

“I’ll see what she comes up with.”

“What are you wearing today? Can I iron anything for you?”

“Sure. Here’s my Khaki Shorts and my burnt orange polo shirt. That’ll be all I need love.”

“Ok Honey. I’ll be finished in five minutes.”

They both looked fabulous when they had dressed and were ready to go shopping for the furniture.

Jason donned his burnt orange short sleeved dress shirt, Khaki Slacks, and white Asics sneakers.

Raquel chose a red and black striped top, along with a black skirt and black Mary Jane casuals. She used some of his Burberry Sport cologne. They embraced and kissed and made their way to the lounge.