The Thrill of the ROSE by Remy Joyeiux - HTML preview

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Chapter 32

Cheryl went to Jason’s place on Monday morning. He was very pleased to see her.

“My,” he said, “you’re actually glowing. Wonder what details I have missed.”

“I’ll tell you later she said. Raquel’s gone I guess?”

“Yes she left yesterday. I miss her already.”

“I can imagine. You two love each other immensely.”

“Yes we do. What are we doing today?”

“Well here is the contact information you will need to remind all involved in this wedding of their tasks and the dates. We will expect all to fulfill responsibly and on time whatever their assignments are. If you encounter any problems just give me a call, but don’t depend on me to make everything happen. I have given you the authority to make it happen.”

“I fully understand Jason,” Said Cheryl.

“Good. Now today we need to visit my future home, the place where Raquel and I will live. We need to see what else needs to be completed. Once we have finished that I need you to go with me to Geo F Huggins & Co Ltd. Car dealership as well as Steele's Auto Supplies Co Ltd. I need your assistance to choose a vehicle for Raquel. When she relocates she will need to move around. You will also need to get her an identification card from the electoral department. Once she has that you will need to get her license and have it endorsed at the Ministry of Communication Works &Transport. I will also need to apply for her citizenship. Write it all down as this is very important Cheryl.”

Cheryl and Jason walked over to SPICY OASIS. This was the name of the house and the gold lettering had been engraved in green marble.

“Wow,” Jason said when he saw the sign. “I like that.”

“I am happy that you do Mr. Aurelien.”

“Awwww Cheryl! What happened to Jason? We don’t need to be so formal.”

“Ok Jason,” said Cheryl. “That’s more like it.”

They inspected the grounds first. All was completed and the place looked immaculate. The garden was coming along nicely. The furniture made of plastic lumber from recycled HDPE plastics looked fine. The fencing was also done well. The tank was installed and functional. It had already collected some rain water and they could see the amount of the water level via a special device which was installed.

“Ok,” Jason said. All is good here. Give the creators of the garden a contract for a year for the outside maintenance of the grounds. After a year we will know whether we will renew it or not.

The renewable energy component was already installed and working fine. All of the LED’s were lighted providing excellent illumination. The A/c units were working producing some very cool temperatures.

All of the furnishings and appliances were in place. The appliances were all working well. The house looked and felt great. The only thing missing was a family to occupy it. Jason smiled. In eight weeks time that will be a reality he thought to himself.

He sat down in the office and went over all of the finer details. When he and Cheryl were finished Jason was satisfied that all was in order.

Ten minutes later Jason and Cheryl left for St. Georges. First they visited Geo F Huggins & Co Ltd. They looked at the vehicles there. Jason liked the Hyundai Accent. Cheryl liked it as well. They both decided to go for a test drive. Not a bad buy at all. Well we can decide after our next visit. They then went onto Steele's Auto Supplies Co Ltd. Cheryl liked the Suzuki Grand Vitara. Jason like that too as well as the Toyota Corolla. They took both for a test drive. Cheryl was hooked on the Grand Vitara.

“So which is it? The Grand Vitara or the Hyundai Accent?” Asked Jason.

“I like the Grand Vitara, but the Accent looks really nice. I guess I will have to find a way to discretely find out from Raquel.”

“Please do,” said Jason. They thanked the sales agent and left the dealership.

As they drove back home, Jason mentioned to Cheryl that he would be leaving for Virgin Gorda on the weekend. Raquel would join him there. They would have counselling and some other details to attend to. Cheryl would be in charge of things for 3 weeks.

Then she would join them both on BVI. Raquel had spoken to Allison the transport coordinator. Allison would ensure that all would be well coordinated so that everyone would be in BVI two weeks before the wedding. Cheryl would confirm the transportation arrangements in BVI and report back to Allison. Everything was in place.

As they alighted from the vehicle at Jason’s place Cheryl asked if she could speak to him privately for a while.

“Of course,” said Jason.

They entered his lounge closing the door. He turned on the A/c unit to cool the room. Before he opened the min-bar he asked Cheryl if she’d like anything to drink. “I’ll take a shandy,” she said. He opened the mini-bar and took out two bottles of Hairoun Shandy. Jason opened both of them handing one to Cheryl.

“Ok, let’s hear what’s on your mind Cheryl.”

“I don’t know how to say it but I know I can share it with you. Jason during the week I met a most handsome and loving man. Andre Franklyn. He’s mannerly and kind. And he thinks we have a future. He’s caring Jason. What do you think? Should I trust my heart on this one?”

“Very good,” said Jason. “I like what I hear. What work does he do?”

“Andre is a quantity surveyor. He knows his job. We worked together on a project previously and I had feelings then for him. We had a little argument and I thought I lost him. He came back recently to apologize.”

“Hmmm! Sounds good to me. Have you thought about it?”

“I have and I’m inclined to tell you some good thoughts I have. I drew some sketches of Andre. I accentuated them and made them hot. He thought I was being a pervert at first. Now he’s had second thoughts. He took them without my knowledge to a publisher who wants to offer me a contract to draw for a book.”

“I was thinking that when Raquel comes we could team up together since she is a graphic artist. If she agrees to help out then you could be my manager/producer. We could work together as a team. This is an incredible offer which I don’t want to mess up.”

“Cheryl you have a wonderful opportunity. Grasp it with both hands. Focus and aim high. I’ll give you all the assistance I can. So when are you planning to accept your sweetie’s proposal?”

“I have already. I haven’t told him in so many words yet.”

“Good I like what I am hearing. Any help you need just let me know. I will talk to Raquel whilst I am in the BVI. I’m sure she’ll agree.”

“Thank you Jason.” With that she gave him a big hug and a kiss on his cheek.

“You’re welcome Cheryl. Hope this means we will see another wedding sometime in the future?” Cheryl just had an ear to ear smile.

“Would you like to have an apple cider or some sparkling Martinellis?”

“Sure. Anything you choose Jason.”

He chose the Martinellis. It was chilled and delicious. “Have a good day now Cheryl. And don’t forget we have a task which must be done subtly.”

“Of course,” said Cheryl. “I will get