Chapter 3
They left for the airline ticket counter where he presented their passports. Once the agent handed him their documents, Jason and Raquel made their way hand in hand to security clearance and the departure lounge. Once inside the departure lounge Jason bought two barbequed burger sandwiches along with a salad. He also bought two booster shakes in addition to two ice-cream sandwiches.
In no time they had devoured the small feast. Raquel had just finished disposing of the trash when a boarding announcement for their flight came booming through the P.A. system. They stood, hugged and kissed each other and then made their way to exit gate number nine.
Having cleared the gate they proceeded through the aerobridge, into the aircraft and to seats in row twenty five towards the rear of the aircraft. Jason allowed Raquel to have the window seat. No one was sitting in the rows adjacent or immediately in front of them.
Once airborne Jason and Raquel reclined their seats resting comfortably. Holding each other’s hands they looked into each other’s eyes smiling. Jason tickled Raquel in her palm and she responded by squeezing his hand. He was enthused by the response bending over to kiss her gently but firmly. Releasing her hand he gave her a piece of chocolate. She smiled and in response broke off a piece inserting it into his mouth. She watched him close his eyes with a hint of a shudder. Raquel smiled. She had her plans for later.
They read the morning’s newspaper. Nothing much of interest was there. It was just more of the same. The usual news concerning the events of the previous day graced its pages. They resumed holding hands while looking through the window. Then ahhh! Raquel had a thought.
“It feels so good to be up here,” she said.
“It sure does,” he responded. “Can we pray?”
“Of course my love.”
They prayed for a brief while just audible enough for them both to hear. When she finished they embraced as best as they could.
They felt the plane descending a bit and a little while after the captain made an announcement. He welcomed all on board the aircraft. He gave directions for viewing the island of Martinique whilst broadcasting that their next stop would be Antigua. He briefly spoke about the fine weather wishing all a wonderful trip and thanking them for using the airline.
Raquel commented how fabulous Jason looked and smelled. In return he commended her emphasizing how beautiful she looked. Raquel was wearing a fuchsia colored top trimmed with a little white lace, blue jeans with blue and white Asics sneakers. She also wore ankle length white socks. Her hair was combed nicely and flowed into a mane which flowed past her shoulders. To complete her appearance she was wearing a gold omega necklace, gold earrings, and three gold bracelets on her right arm along with a gold Citizen quartz watch. A hint of lip gloss and minor eye shadow accentuated her look.
Jason thought he was the luckiest man in this part of the world. Raquel was indeed a sight to behold.
“You look lovely Raquel.”
“Thank you,” she said smiling.
“Well it seems as though I have found a jewel which has been hidden. Makes me feel like a prince. Soon I intend to make you my queen. Then I will be the king of the west.”
She smiled. “You are sure of yourself aren’t you? I will test you first though, so remember the scout’s motto, ‘Be prepared’.”
Assuredly he mused, “With a fine lady like you who wouldn’t feel full of confidence? I am happy we have met. I have no regrets at all. Do you?”
“Absolutely none, but I still have to get to know and learn about you. Sometimes that may be easier said than done.”
“You’re such a tease,” Jason said.
“Oh you ‘aint’ seen nothing yet,” she quipped. “Tease isn’t the correct word but I’ll accept it for now. I will remind you of it later.”
“Thanks for your courtesies my dear. I shall remember them. I am most appreciative. Love is what the world needs, you know!”
“That’s very true,” said Raquel.
Ten minutes later the stewardess was announcing on the ‘mic’ their impending arrival at Coolidge airport in Antigua. Antigua looked quaint and picturesque. Small cottages lay nestled side by side giving a cozy feel to the island. Cars and other vehicles were bustling along. With a small bump the plane landed.
They were ushered off to the arrival hall and into the ‘intransit’ area. Once again it was the same routine. Immigration and security clearances. The hall was cool as outside was now quite warm. They bought roast beef sandwiches along with juices and a fruit salad. In short order Jason and Raquel devoured all of it.
“I see you have a healthy appetite,” Jason mentioned. “To keep and feel good one must eat healthy,” Raquel countered. “You’re a handsome hunk of a guy after all,” she finished with flair.
“Well I try to keep in good shape. Can’t afford to be sloppy and have my princess rejecting me,” he said.
“Well sweetie beauty is from the inside out. Not the other way around. So if your heart is where it should be then the other areas will fall into place.”
“You are so correct. You’re amazing Raquel. And you make me happy with those pronouncements.”
“So what did you expect? A nitwit dressed in the finest? Come on Jason. I am an all inclusive package. Simply the best. Nothing else will do.”
Before he could answer she held his hand sweeping him up in the rapturous moment of a soft yet firm and quick sensuous kiss. It took his breath away.
“Hmmmm!” He smiled. It took him totally off guard. “I warned you,” she said.
“I know. You have won that one.”
“And I will always win senor.”