The Thrill of the ROSE by Remy Joyeiux - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

Just then announcement came on for passengers to Anguilla to board at gate number five. They gathered their things and obeyed proceeding to the gate. Same procedure. Minor gate screen and check, and aboard the aircraft they went. This time Jason chose to sit closer to the front since it was a smaller aircraft and a short flight to Anguilla. The aircraft was off in no time and in twenty five minutes they were disembarking.

After clearing immigration and customs they took their bags and exited the arrival hall. They got a taxi to take them to a hotel where they would spend two days before going to Statia. The hotel was the Sunflower Pavilion. It was set in enchanting surroundings of lush flowers and vegetation. There were plenty of Bougainvilleas, Heliconias, Hibiscus’, roses, frangipanis and ‘Lady of the night’ blooms.

Once they had checked in and they placed their luggage into room thirty two. They explored the northern balcony of room thirty two on the fourth floor of the Sunflower pavilion to be exposed to the rich foliage there. Jason sat on the lounge chair in the balcony and beckoned Raquel to sit on him. She obediently did so. They embraced and kissed with a searing fervor. She took his hand and suggested that they go inside and get into some more comfortable clothing.

Jason readily agreed and she led him by the hand to the room. Before she could remove a shred of clothing, Jason encircled her with a warm embrace. Raquel returned the favour with a crushing closeness neither of them had ever experienced. Slowly they kissed. At first teasingly then it became more intense. It became like a duel to see who would be able to capture the others spirit. For every action Jason had Raquel had an equal or more overwhelming response.

Slowly they untangled from the encircling passions which had them entwined. Raquel was bolder than he thought. She outfoxed him yet again. Not waiting for him to make a move Raquel removed his polo shirt. That was easy as he submitted and allowed her to complete the task. Swiftly and deftly she unbuttoned and unzipped his pair of shorts. Next she removed his chain. He kicked off his shoes not needing any prodding.

Then he had his turn. He unbuttoned her blouse slowly removing it and letting it fall on the floor. Almost expertly he unclipped her pink bra tossing it on the other bed in the room. Then with deftness and skill he unzipped her jeans. She assisted him in removing it. When she bent down he tickled her ass gently. She wiggled as it made her sensitive skin react. He smiled. Jason waited patiently for her to finish. Then he slowly removed her black laced panties from her waist. He took pains at sliding them down her smooth legs and she stepped out of them leaving them on the floor.

Jason gently lowered Raquel back onto the bed her head resting on the pillows. He removed her Omega necklace and joined her. They smiled at each other. He kissed her gently opening her lips to accept his tongue. Her lips were smooth and inviting. His hands caressed her tummy. In tandem she stroked his head lovingly. Their movements were deliberate, teasing and erotic.

Raquel ascended a bit ensuring that she could reach to return his kiss. Fire erupted in their bodies the moment her wet lips latched onto his. Their tongues collided and both of them began to breathe rapidly, consuming each other with unbridled desire.

He cupped her bared breast with his hand. He felt her nipple respond becoming hard and swollen beneath his touch. He slowly lowered his head and teasingly yet skillfully took one of her nipples into his mouth. He ravished the soft elasticity with a consummate urgency.

Raquel inhaled noisily every ounce of air that she could. She earnestly wanted to take control in search of a new adventure she was enjoying. Patience she told herself. She knew it was only a matter of time before she had her way to do as she pleased.

Her breasts quivered to and fro slightly when he changed his position. He smiled mischievously. With purpose he started kissing them both while tenderly sucking on her now erect nipples. From one breast to the other he stirred her passions.

Raquel was writhing under the erotic fire of his adept tongue. Just when she thought she would burst he paused. Turning his attention to her abdomen he licked her down to her belly button. It tickled her so much that she let out a moan. Next he turned his focus to her mound. It was populated by a dense clump of black but carefully maintained low cut hair. His passion rose even more.

“Damn chica! You could make a bull snap his chain,” he said. He kissed her through the hair. Raquel skillfully raised her hips ever so slightly assisting him to achieve his goal. He rested his cheek where his mouth was just a moment ago. When he breathed on her womanhood she shivered. Her pheromones were making him dizzy. The scent of her freely flowing nectar drifted from between her legs. He inhaled deeply the unmistakable scent of love.

“You smell wonderful Raquel. And you have recently shaved. I must taste you.” He shifted the position of his body. Intimately he positioned his hands under her knees. Searching her countenance he saw her smiling at him lovingly. She released her legs opening a little wider giving him unfettered admission. After a dizzy period of glorious oral sexual passion, they became more comfortable. Jason and Raquel had a fantastic first adventure of sex. It felt as though they had known each other for years. They cautiously explored each other and the thrills of coitus were satisfying.

They showered together. He lathered her back, torso and legs while she returned the favour. Jason offered Raquel a warm towel to dry off and she blushed. He took it back and dried her off himself. Curiously she licked his back and earlobe. He wriggled and shuddered. Not now he said. Why not? She asked.

He took her hint and lifted her half wet, carrying her to the other bed. Slowly he eased her onto the bed and joined her on it. Kissing her he playfully teased her aroused nipples. Without as much as a hint she turned and straddled him. Inserting his manhood into her moist vagina, she rode him like a bucking bronco. He moaned and groaned especially when she clenched him.

Then she kissed Jason with her tongue taking his breath away whilst she continued the ride. It didn’t take long and he came with a shudder and a low guttural cry. She didn’t stop however as she was aiming for her own ecstasy. This she soon achieved with a loud ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! He felt the juices flowing and knew she had climaxed. Raquel remained astride him. He saw a gleam of naughtiness in her eyes. Let’s leave some of this for later he suggested. She willingly obliged. They showered once again. They had a glass of fruit punch. They dressed and left to go to dinner.