Truth in Time by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 9


The sun rose, and it was a little cloudy with a hint of rain. It was Friday morning.

Ernie and Louie woke up, and after a little bathing in the river, they started their walk back into town. Ernie had his camera around his neck to capture the needed evidence.

Ernie and Louie walked past the covered time machine. They don't notice that the left side door was partially opened under the tarp.

Ernie and Louie headed down the dirt road and were soon walking down the two-lane road.

A little while later, they passed by the sign for the Indian motorcycle. Louie drooled at the thought of buying that excellent piece of machinery.

They headed back down the road and into town.

While Ernie and Louie walked into Waterford, the clouds started getting dark.

"I hope it doesn't rain on us," Louie said while he looked at the sky.

Ernie looked at the sky and silently prayed the rain would stay away.

A little while later, Ernie and Louie walked down Waterford Blvd, and the rain didn't ruin their walk.

"Do you know what time it happens?" Louie asked while they walked down the street and passed by the First National Savings and Loan building.


Louie glanced at his watch. "It's nine, we have three hours to kill."

"Well, we do need some breakfast," Ernie replied with a grin then headed down Waterford Blvd.

Louie's stomach growled. "Yep," he said, then rushed after Ernie.

In the showroom of the Whitfield Chevrolet Dealership, Jesse sat behind his desk. He tapped a pencil on the desk while in deep thought. He glanced out the window front pondering his moves today.

He glanced over and saw Beth while she walked out of Billy's office. She glanced over at Jesse and looked upset.

Jesse got up from his desk and walked over to Beth while she sat down at her desk.

Jesse looked over his shoulder. The coast was clear. "Don't worry honey. We'll head over to Emerson tomorrow, and everything will be back to normal."

"I still don't have that kind of money," she said while she sounded like she would cry at any moment.

"Don't worry, baby, I said I'll take care of it, and I mean it," he replied with confidence.

Beth looked unsure. "Are you sure it's safe?"

"Of course. He's a doctor," he replied and looked confident.

"There's another problem."

"What's that?"

"Someone broke into Billy's office. It's a mess. The robber stole his thirty-eight special," she said while she looked back at Billy's office.

"Billy's going to be pissed when he returns on Monday," he said while he glanced inside Billy's office and saw the mess all over the floor.

"Daddy's going to be pissed also," Beth added.

Jesse saw Laurence outside near the side door. "I'll be back," he told Beth then walked away from her desk.

Beth watched while Jesse headed to the side door and wondered why the sudden departure.

Jesse stepped outside through the side door.

He saw Laurence who scoured the area in a panic. "What's the matter, boy?"

Laurence saw Jesse and looked upset. "I'm sorry, mister Jesse, but my rubber boots are missing," he said while he looked around the area again.

"Missing? How can that happen?"

Laurence scratched his head while he looked down at the concrete. "Don't know sir. I left them here last night," he said while he pointed to a spot by the wall.

Jesse pretended to get pissed. "Boy, we can't afford to buy your new boots all the time. Besides, someone went into Mister Watson's office last night. It's a mess, and I believe some things were stolen. Do you know anything about that?"

Laurence looked surprised by hearing that piece of news. "Oh, no, sir. I know nothing about that," he replied and looked sincere but a little nervous, as he knew Jesse hated him.

"Mister Whitfield left me in charge while he's on his European vacation, so I don't have a choice. You're fired. Get off the property immediately."

Laurence looked stunned. "But Mister Jesse, I left my boots here last night. And I don't steal anything from Mister Watson. I swear," he pleaded.

Jesse glared at Laurence. "Get off the property, or I'll call my dad to come over and remove you with his police car," he said and looked serious.

Laurence looked upset while he walked away.

Jesse watched with a smirk while Laurence walked away through the lot.

Jesse headed back inside the dealership through the side door.

In Woolworths, Ernie and Louie sat down at the food counter and waited for some service.

Ernie's camera was on the counter.

Four other people eat breakfast, including Howard.

Howard had love in his eyes while he sneaked glances at Erica while she was inside the kitchen.

Erica really liked Howard and sometimes-wished she dated Howard back in the day. But she made her bed and must lie in it.

Howard wished he asked her out when they were in high school. He was still kicking himself in the rear for being too afraid to ask out a girl.

Ernie looked anxious while he eyed Erica.

Louie leaned over to Ernie. "Are you going to tell her?" he asked in a lower voice.

Erica walked out of the kitchen. She saw Ernie and her eyes lit up.

"I should. But I don't know if I should tell her today," Ernie replied being a little afraid.

"You're back darling," Erica said while she walked over to Ernie with her pen and pad ready.

"Of course, I love the wonderful service."

"What will you have this morning?"

"How about some French toast, bacon, and orange juice?"

"Sure thing," Erica said then looked at Louie. "And you darling?"

"I'll have scrambled eggs, bacon, and coffee."

Erica jotted down their order, turned around and walked away and headed to the kitchen.

"I don't get a darling. I'm telling you, she doesn't like Mexicans."

"You imagine things. She did call an old man darling," Ernie jokingly replied.

"I guess."

Erica walked back to the counter with two cups of coffee. She handed Louie his coffee then gives Ernie his coffee.

"I didn't order coffee," Ernie said.

"It's on me," Erica replied with a warm smile then walked away to attend to her other customers.

Louie leaned over to Ernie. "I think it's time."

Ernie debated in his mind while he watched Erica head into the kitchen. He looked nervous while he waited.

Erica walked out of the kitchen with a plate of French toast and bacon and another plate of scrambled eggs and bacon.

She placed the plates in front of Ernie and Louie then looked past over his head. A loving smile grew at what she saw in the store.

"Ah, there's something I need to tell you," Ernie blurted out before he changed his mind.

"Ernie my darling!" Erica called out.

"Yes!" Ernie replied automatically.

Erica looked over at Ernie a little confused why he answered.

Ernie got a little embarrassed. "Sorry."

"Mommy!" young Ernie called out from behind Ernie.

That voice sounded familiar to Ernie. He looked behind, and he couldn't believe his eyes when he saw himself when he was three years old.

Young Ernie walked to the counter holding hands with Wilma.

While Ernie ate his French toast, he couldn't believe his eyes when he saw his grandmother Wilma. She looked so young and beautiful.

Louie leaned over to Ernie. "Who is that hot looking woman with that young kid?" he whispered to him then took a bite of his scrambled eggs.

"That' my grandmother and that's me when I was three," Ernie whispered back.

Louie looked at young Ernie then looked back at Ernie. "You're here and over there. Weird. Very weird," he whispered back.

"I know," Ernie said while he watched Wilma lift Young Ernie up and sat him down on a seat. Wilma sat next to him.

"Did you want to tell me something?" Erica asked Ernie.

Ernie looked at Young Ernie and then looked back at Erica while she set their check down on the counter. He got scared. "I was wondering if I could take your picture with your son picture? I'm a photographer. I'll get it developed and give it to you."

Erica looked down at Ernie's camera. "I would love that. Thank you."

Erica walked over and to the other side of the counter.

He got his camera ready while Erica walked over to Wilma and young Ernie.

Erica posed with young Ernie and Wilma.

Ernie snapped a picture.

Then he snapped another picture while Erica gave young Ernie a kiss on his right cheek.

"Thank you. I'll have it in a few days," he told her.

Louie looked at Ernie and wondered how was he going to fulfill that promise while he ate some bacon.

Ernie remembered those sweet moments while placed the lens cover back on the camera.

"I'll get your French toast baby," Erica told young Ernie then kissed the top of his head.

Erica walked back behind the counter, then headed into the kitchen.

Ernie glanced down at the other counter and still can't believe his eyes while he saw his grandmother and himself as a child.

Young Ernie glanced over at Ernie. He gave Ernie a warm smile.

Ernie leaned over to Louie. "This is too weird. I'm smiling at myself," he said in a whisper while he set his camera down on the counter.

Louie glanced over at young Ernie. "You were a cute kid."

Erica walked out of the kitchen with a plate of French toast and a plate of fried eggs. She gave young Ernie the French toast and Wilma the fried eggs.

Young Ernie immediately grabbed his fork and dove into the French toast.

Erica walked away with a loving smile at that sight.

Ernie glanced over at young Ernie who smiled with a mouthful of French toast and a syrup ring around his mouth.

Ernie grabbed his camera and snapped another picture.

Erica brought a cup of coffee for Wilma and a glass of chocolate milk for young Ernie.

She glanced over at Ernie while she set the coffee and milk down. "What's your name?" she asked him.

Ernie looked like a deer seeing headlights. He wasn't prepared for that question. He quickly tried to come up with a name. "Ah...Timmy. Timmy Tyson. And this is my friend Louie Rodriguez."

Wilma glanced at Ernie, and something felt strange with this stranger. "Do you live around here? You look vaguely familiar," she asked.

Ernie was again taken by surprise and still wasn't prepared. "No Ma-am. We're from Columbus and passing through. Heading to Atlanta looking for some work."

Louie felt neglected but shrugged it off then finishes his breakfast. He figured this was Ernie's special moment.

"Good morning, Erica," Matt's voice bellowed from behind Ernie and Louie.

Ernie and Louie cringed at the sound of Matt's voice behind their back, as they knew who was in the store. They turned around and saw Matt walking up to the counter in his Sheriff's uniform and a cowboy hat in hand.

He walked over and gave young Ernie a kiss on the top of his head. Then walked over and sat down next to Wilma and gave her a kiss on her cheek. He glanced at the people at the counter. "Where's Jesse?"

Erica walked over with a cup of coffee in hand. She set the coffee down in front of Matt. "He hasn't shown up yet," she replied but deep down inside, she was glad he wasn't in the store.

Matt looked over at Ernie and Louie and remembered the two strangers from yesterday. "Are you enjoying our town?"

"Yes, sir," Ernie replied.

"Good. I hope I won't have any trouble from both of you?" Matt replied with a voice of authority.

Wilma lightly smacked Matt's shoulder "Leave them alone, Matt. They're not causing any trouble.

Matt nodded at Wilma then he looked back at the store area. "It's not like Jesse to miss out on our family breakfast.

"He's probably busy with a customer," Erica said then she silently prayed Jesse wouldn't show up. Erica walked away and headed back into the kitchen.

Ernie glanced at Matt then leaned over to Louie. "We better go."

Louie glanced over at Matt and felt intimidated. He nodded in agreement then he gulped down the rest of his coffee.

Ernie removed $1.25 and placed it on the check.

"Leaving?" Erica called out from the kitchen when she saw Ernie and Louie get off their chairs.

"Yes," Ernie replied.

"Come back," Erica replied with a warm smile.

Ernie and Louie walked away with short glances at Matt, Wilma, and young Ernie.

Matt sipped on his coffee and watched Ernie and Louie with suspicious eyes while they walked through the store.

Ernie and Louie stepped outside Woolworths.

Ernie looked at his watch. "We have a little over an hour to kill until the robbery," he told Louie.

Louie looked around the area. "Well, I guess we can walk around and check out the place," Louie replied.

"We don't have a choice."

Ernie and Louie walked down the street.