Truth in Time by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 10


Thirty minutes had passed, and Ernie showed Louie the places he would hang out to get away from Jesse. When he was a teenager, he would find ways to slip out of the house to avoid Jesse's hair-trigger temper.

Ernie and Louie finally made it back down Waterford Blvd where they walked upon Whitfield Chevrolet.

Ernie and Louie saw the new 1956 cars in the sales lot including a Corvette.

"There's a sweet Corvette over there I want to check out," Louie told Ernie and headed to the car lot.

Ernie reluctantly followed Louie to the lot.

Louie walked around a red with red interior Corvette. He almost drooled on the shiny paint job. "Isn't she a thing of beauty?" he asked Ernie.

"She sure is," Beth's voice replied from behind Ernie and Louie.

Ernie turned around, and his eyes widened in a little shock at the sight of Beth while she walked over to them.

Louie looked at Beth and didn't know what to say next.

"So, are you in the market for a Corvette?" she asked Louie.

"Ah, I'm thinking about it, but just looking now," Louie replied and liked what he saw when Beth walked up to him.

Beth extended out her hand at Louie. "I'm Beth Whitfield. Unfortunately, my one salesman Albert is busy with another customer, and my best salesman, Jesse, slipped away from the lot for some reason. But if you can wait, I'll make sure you get a good deal," she told Louie.

Louie looked at the Corvette then back at Beth.

Beth looked at Ernie, and something seemed odd. "Do I know you? You seem really familiar," she asked him.

"An, no, we're from Columbus. We're passing through Waterford and heading to Atlanta," Ernie replied.

"Well, wouldn't it be nice to head to Atlanta in a sporty Corvette?" Beth replied with her best saleswoman voice. "The wind through your face," she added.

Louie looked at the Corvette and wanted it in the worst way.

Ernie glanced down at his watch. "Hey Louie, we have to be going," he said while he tapped his watch.

Louie looked at the Corvette with the $3,225 painted price on the windshield. He looked at Beth. "I'll have to think about it. That's a lot of money at the moment," Louie said.

Beth looked disappointed. "Come on back. We have some other Chevy's that might be within your budget," she said.

"I will," Louie said.

Ernie motioned to Ernie that they should leave.

Louie nodded, and they headed off to the street.

Beth watched them walk away, and something about Ernie still bugged her. Then she remembered he was the one Jesse started to beat in the woods.

She walked away and headed to the dealership building and was curious about Ernie.

A little while later, Ernie and Louie walked down the sidewalk and passed by the Waterford Majestic Theater where the "The Killer Is Loose" movie still played.

They jaywalked across the street.

They rushed down the sidewalk where the First National Savings and Loan bank was visible down the street.

Then Ernie and Louie saw the robber run out of the bank. The robber was dressed in black rubber boots, black pants, black shirt, black gloves holding a paper bag, and wears a black ski mask. The robber was dressed exactly like the newspaper article Ernie read and had a 38-Special in his right hand and a paper bag in his left hand.

Ernie looked at his watch, and it was only 11:50 a.m. "He robbed it earlier," he cried out to Louie then he bolted off down the street.

Louie ran after Ernie but at a much slower pace.

The robber bolted down the sidewalk then turned right and ran down the side of the bank.

While the robber ran down the side of the bank, he dropped the 38-Special into the paper bag.

Across the street, Jeffrey Kingman walked down the sidewalk. He stopped when he saw the robber running down the side of the bank.

Ernie picked up his pace while he ran to the bank.

Louie lagged behind and started to get out of breath.

Jeffrey saw Ernie turn and run down the side of the bank after the robber.

The robber ran to the woods behind the bank.

Ernie ran to the woods and saw the robber up ahead about twenty feet.

The robber ran into the woods.

Ernie ran to the woods where the robber was still visible up ahead running between some trees.

Louie lagged way behind huffing and puffing.

The robber glanced back while he ran and saw Ernie. The robber got pissed he was being chased.

Ernie quickly removed his camera from around his neck. He stopped, aimed his camera, and snapped a picture of the robber.

The robber suddenly dashed to the left by some bushes.

Ernie noticed the robber's evasive move, and he ran to the bushes.

Ernie made a left turn by those bushes.

He stopped by a large bush when the robber was no longer visible. "Where the hell did he go?" Ernie said while he looked all around the area for signs of the robber.

Then wham! A fist came out of nowhere and smacked Ernie in his jaw. Ernie flew backward and slammed to the ground, landing on his back.

Ernie was a little dazed. He looked up just as a cowboy boot came out of nowhere and pressed on his chest.

He looked up and saw the robber glaring down at him through his ski mask. Ernie saw the lips of a white man and blue eyes behind that ski mask.

The robber pressed his right brown snake skinned boot harder into Ernie's chest. Ernie forgot about the lips and eye color while he squirmed in pain.

The robber pressed his boot harder to where bones were expected to be broken at any second.

"Ahhh!" Ernie cried out in pain.

The robber reached down and snatched Ernie's camera from around his neck. The robber looked at the camera then smiled. He placed the camera around his neck.

Ernie peed his pants in complete fear.

He reached down and grabbed Ernie's by his shirt and yanked him on his feet.

The robber saw the wet spot on Ernie's crotch. He chuckled then punched Ernie in his stomach.

Ernie buckled over in pain.

The robber pulled Ernie up by his shirt and punched him hard in the face.

Ernie flew back, and the back of his head smacked into a tree trunk. He passed out and slid down to the ground.

The robber heard the sounds of someone running in the woods. He looked at saw Louie about fifty feet away. The robber aimed his 38 Special at Louie.

Louie saw the robber with his 38 Special aimed in his direction. "Shit!" he cried out and ducked behind a pine tree. A bullet hit the pine tree. Louie hit the dirt and covered his head for protection.

The robber took off running.

Louie cautiously got up and peeked around the pine tree. He saw the robber running away through the woods.

Louie gingerly walked toward Ernie.

"You okay?" Louie asked while he cautiously walked over to Ernie.

Ernie lay in the dirt out cold.

Louie looked concerned while he scanned the area over in case the robber came back.

All he heard was the sound of a car engine and then dirt flying everywhere while the robber drove away.

Louie knelt down at Ernie. "You okay?" he asked Ernie while he lightly tapped Ernie's cheek. Ernie's eyes fluttered a little. Then his eyes opened.

"What happened?" Ernie asked when he saw Louie looking down at him.

"The robber kicked your ass," Louie replied.

"My head is killing me," Ernie said while he cringed in pain.

"Do you have the strength to make it back to the machine?" Louie asked.

Ernie thought about his question for a few seconds. "Yeah," he replied, then sat up.

"Good, because I want to be around here when your grandfather comes looking for the bank robber," Louie said while he looked over his shoulder.

Louie helped Ernie to his feet.

Then Ernie looked down and saw the wet spot on his crotch. "Ah, man. I did it again," he said, feeling ashamed.

"Don't worry. It happens more than you think when you get older," Louie said.

The sound of a police siren was heard coming in the direction of the bank.

"We better getaway before your grandfather thinks we robbed the bank," Louie said while he looked over his shoulder.

Louie and Ernie rushed away through the woods.

Then Ernie's eyes widened when he remembered something. "The robber. He wore brown snake skinned cowboy boots," he told Louie while they made their way deeper into the woods.


"My dad wore those same boots at the drug store," Ernie said.

"What?" Louie asked not sure what this means.

"My dad wore those same cowboy boots at the drug store. In fact, I remember dad always wearing those types of cowboy boots," Ernie said then he thought for a few more seconds.

His eyes widened again when he remembered something else. "The robber had blue eyes and the lips of a white man. Not brown eyes and the lips of a black man," he said with confidence. He thought for a few more seconds then it hit him like a ton of bricks. "Dad robbed that bank. Not Laurence Lincoln. Dad's the bank robber!"

"Are you sure?"

Ernie cringed in pain while he nodded that he's sure. "I can't believe it. Why would he rob a bank?" he asked then thought for a few seconds. Then his eyes widened. "My stepmom's pregnant. They talked about abortion last night and needed a thousand dollars."

"That sounds like a reason to rob a bank if you're short of cash. Abortions are illegal during this time, and a crooked doctor would charge a hefty price to perform one," Louie said.

Ernie stopped walking at Louie, and then his eyes widened in fear. "I wonder if dad really killed mom?"

Ernie turned around and started walking back to the bank.

Louie grabbed his arm and stopped him. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Talk to mom. She has to know about dad," Ernie said and looked determined.

"No. I don't feel safe heading back into town right now," Louie replied and looked concerned.

Ernie looked at Louie. "I believe he wants to kill her."

"Let's get back to the machine and plan our next move," Louie said then he started walking away.

Ernie thought about Louie's comment and felt he was right. He walked after Louie.

During the whole trip back to the time machine, Ernie and Louie walked in the woods near the two-lane road.

They eventually walked back the time machine, and Louie saw that the left door of the machine was partially opened under the tarp. He got concerned and rushed over to the machine.

Louie moved the tarp and went under to investigate.

He opened the door and peeked inside the cabin.

He glanced around. Everything looked intact but when he was getting ready to close the door, he noticed the key was missing from the ignition.

He looked on the floorboard. It was not there.

He looked under the left seat. It was not there.

Louie closed the door and got out from under the tarp.

He looked all over the ground near the time machine. The key was not there.

"Shit," he said while he closed the door.

Louie came out from under the tarp. "I have some more bad news. Someone went inside the machine and took the key out of the ignition."


"The key is missing from the ignition. The time machine won't work without the ignition switched to both."

Ernie looked a little exhausted and groggy. "Probably dad."

"Well, we're stuck here," Louie said and looked worried.

"Whatever, I'm exhausted, and I have a splitting headache. I need a nap," Ernie said while he walked over to the time machine.

Louie followed while he tried to think of a work-around to the missing ignition key.

Ernie crawled into the tent and immediately closed his eyes. At the moment, all he cared about was some sleep to get rid of his splitting headache.

Louie sat outside the tent and pondered their situation.

Back at the First National Savings and Loan bank, Matt finished jotting down information from all the witnesses from the robbery.

Then while he headed back to his police car, Jeffrey Kingman rushed across the street.

"Sheriff, I saw the robber run out of the bank," Jeffrey told Matt while he ran over to his police car.

"Which way did he run?"

"Down the right side of the bank and headed to the woods," Jeffrey replied.

"Thanks, Jeffrey," Matt said while he jotted down the information.

"There's something else, Sheriff."

"What's that?"

"Two strangers ran after the robber," Jeffrey added.

"Two strangers?"

"Yes, I've seen them walking down the street yesterday. I've never seen them before. I didn't get a good description, but one looked to be a young man, and the other was older. The young man wore a white tee shirt and blue jeans."

Matt thought about the description for a few seconds. "I've seen them before."

"Do you think they were in cahoots with the robbery?" Jeffrey curiously asked.

Matt thought about his question for a few seconds. "You just never know. Thanks, Jeffrey," he said while he headed down the right side of the woods.

He searched the area around the rear of the bank and the woods for any evidence. He came up empty-handed, so he headed back to his police car.

In the showroom of the Whitfield Chevrolet dealership, Jesse sat at his desk. He looked a little on edge while he stared at the windows.

"Where were you earlier?" Beth asked from behind Jesse.

Jesse jumped startled by the sound of her voice. He saw Beth standing by his desk and looked at her with a loss of words.

"I said, where were you earlier?"

Jesse pondered a response for a few seconds.

"Oh, I went out for a walk to think about our problem."

"Did you hear that the bank was robbed earlier today?" she asked.

"I didn't," Jesse replied while he looked away from Beth and looked a little nervous. Then his eyes widened. "You know, these two strangers were hanging around town. I bet they robbed the bank."

"I remember them. They were here earlier looking at our Corvette in the lot. One of them was the guy you started to beat last night in the woods. You better go tell your father about them."

Jesse glanced at the windows. "Yeah, I better.

Jesse got up and rushed over to the door.

Beth watched him and thought his behavior was a little odd.

Out in the lot, Jesse ran to his Bel-Air.

He got inside the car and drove out of the lot.

Back in the dealership, Beth walked back to her desk and sat down. Then her eyes widened then something dawned on her.

"Could those guys have made it in time down to the bank? They were on foot," Beth talked to herself while she glanced out the windows and stared at the Corvette Louie was interested with.

Jesse drove around town and pondered his next move.

An hour later, Jesse drove back to the dealership.

"I couldn't find Dad, he must be out there searching for the bank robber," Jesse said while he walked up to Beth's desk.

"On second thought, I don't think they could have robbed the bank. They left here on foot."

"They're strangers. They would be my prime suspects if I were Sheriff. I'll let dad check them out," Jesse said and looked sure of himself.

Beth replied, then she remembered something else. "Besides, where's Laurence Lincoln? I haven't seen him all day."

"Oh, I fired him earlier this morning," Jesse replied.

"Fired him? Why?"

"Well, he claimed he lost his pair of rubber boots, and I think he was the one that broke into Billy's office," Jesse told her.

"What? That doesn't make sense. Laurence's been a faithful employee. He's never stolen from us in the past," she said and sounded upset.

"Well, they never steal from you until the moment they steal something from you," Jesse said.

Beth looked even more upset. "That doesn't make a lick of sense. I like Laurence. I know you didn't like him, but I like him. He was always nice and pleasant," Beth said.

"I'm sorry, but I was left in charge, and I made a command decision," Jesse said with an air of authority.

"Well, I'll just have to get daddy to hire Laurence back after he returns from vacation," Beth said then left in a huff.

Jesse walked back to his desk.

He sat and stared out the windows at the car lot. He glanced back at Beth while she sat upset behind her desk. He got up.

Jesse walked back over to Beth.

"Listen, I'll go and rehire Laurence first thing in the morning," he told her.

"Okay," Beth replied and felt better.

Jesse walked back to his desk and sat down. He tapped his pencil on his desk while he pondered his next move.

The sun started to drop below the horizon to signal the end of another day.

Jesse quietly sat at his desk in deep thought. It was closing time, and the dealership was void of customers and the other employees except for Beth and Jesse.

Jesse walked up to Beth's desk while she placed her cover over her typewriter.

"I'll pick you up in the morning around ten, and then we'll head over to Emerson," he told her.

Beth looked a little nervous while she grabbed her purse and stood up. "Are you sure this doctor knows what he's doing?"

Jesse nodded that the doctor was excellent.

"But what about the money?"

"Ah…I…ah," Jesse stammered for a few seconds. "I contacted a friend who will give me a loan," he lied through his teeth.

"A friend?"

"Yeah, I also saw him when I drove around earlier," Jesse lied again and started to sweat a little.

"I'll let you handle that end, I just want the get things back to normal," Beth said while she walked away from her desk and headed to the side door.

Jesse followed her.

Out in the car lot, Jesse and Beth did not show any signs of romance while they walked to their cars.

They got inside their cars, started them up, they drove off in different directions.

A little while later, Jesse pulled his Bel-Air into his driveway. He shut off his car then got out. He looked around the nearby homes, and none of his neighbors were visible.

He rushed around to the trunk of his car and looked around the neighborhood. The coast was clear as all his neighbors were inside his home. Jesse opened up his trunk and swiftly removed a brown grocery paper bag. He quietly closed the trunk.

Jesse rushed to the side of his garage with the grocery bag.

Jesse quietly entered the garage from the side door.

He looked at this workbench with drawers.

He looked at the bookcase full of crap that includes a couple of baseball bats.

He looked at the garbage can and smiled, as he knew this was the perfect hiding place.

He quietly walked over to a garbage can.

He removed the lid and dropped the bag inside the can.

He quietly reinstalled the lid.

Jesse quietly headed back to the side door and went outside.

Jesse went inside the home through the front door and surprised Erica by being sweet.