Unique or Eunuch? by David H McKey - HTML preview

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                                              CHAPTER 59


The marksman on the roof-top, brought the scope sight up to his eye, centring the cross-hairs on the forehead of his target… he chambered a round!…

The “Circle” bodyguard who was escorting James and Marianne from the entrance of the apartment building in which the “Circle safe-house” was located, glanced around the area hurriedly, and as usual, saw nothing untoward. This was undoubtedly one of his most boring assignments…playing “nanny” to a couple who were as bored with the routine as he was. He stepped forward to open the door of the company vehicle, which had pulled to a halt alongside the entrance, when without so much as a murmur, he collapsed, falling heavily against the side of the vehicle.

James looked down at him with perturbation, which rapidly turned to shock as he saw the red bullet hole, spurting blood, which had appeared between the startled eyes. He grabbed for Marianne as the driver’s side-window shattered loudly and the driver fell forward against the steering-wheel, the hooter blaring loudly.

Before he could hurry Marianne away from the scene, he felt his arm being forced up against his back, as he and Marianne where gripped by two men and roughly bundled into the back of a black panel-van which had miraculously appeared from out of nowhere!

The black panel-van sped furiously away from the scene, leaving behind a dead bodyguard who was being mourned by an extremely loud “hooter-solo”! - performed by an extremely dead driver!…

James and Marianne were subdued using ether-soaked cloths…and lay  asleep, in the back of the panel-van as it sped on its way…blissfully unaware that Hu Lyang had retaliated with lightning-speed and was now leading the game!


Amelia received the news of the kidnapping with shock – both Marianne and James once again in the hands of Hu Lyang…what would he do to them now?.…especially after what her “gentleman” friend had done to him!.

The Police had arrived at the scene of the “double-killing and kidnap”, but aside from forensic examination of the scene and bodies, were unable to do anything positive. No empty casings were found…they could not even establish where the assassin had actually been staked out. The “Hit-Man had obviously been a professional and had cleaned up after him.  “The Circle’s” own team was equally unable to come up with any clues, merely taking photos of the scene and bodies for their records.

Rory and the “Circle” MD, both knew who was responsible – of course they had no proof whatsoever…chalk-up two more murders against Hu Lyang’s name!…they both did not voice their inner thoughts: what about James and Marianne?…would there be two more names to add to the list of the murdered?!………







                                              CHAPTER 60


Marianne finally emerged from her drugged sleep, glancing sleepily around her – then recoiled with shock and terror as an old nightmare flooded her mind and  became reality!

She was once again in the Room where Hu Lyang had filmed and raped her. As before, she was totally nude but this time she had been tied to a wide chair, her legs, spread and tied to the front legs of the chair…absolutely lewd and degrading!.

James now occupied the spot that she had previously occupied when her humiliation had begun.

He was also nude, lying on his back in a spread-eagled position – his limbs secured by plastic ties attached to the hard surface of the raised platform, of the matte-painted “Cyclorama”, a spotlight shone down upon him. He had also obviously just regained consciousness and looked around at his surroundings. He looked down the length of his body, realisation causing him to flush with embarrassment as he saw that he was nude and that someone had undressed him!

As if on “cue”, at that precise moment, Hu Lyang stepped into the room. He looked down at James smilingly:

‘…Ah!… James, so you have “arisen” have you?… not yet eh!…but we shall see what we can do about that little thing!…you will have to really take yourself in hand, to come up… to…or, equal the performance, that your dear wife, eagerly provided, her admiring fans with – of course she did have two “star” performers to assist her – we will of course, provide you with some help as well!…we must after all be fair, mustn’t we?…’ he pointed to the video camera mounted on a tripod standing alongside the raised platform of the “Cyclorama” – ‘…don’t forget to smile for the camera – that’s important!…the fans must see how happy you are!…right!… you can join us now, girls!…’

Two girls came out from the room behind the “Cyclorama” and climbing up the steps, joined James on the platform. Hu Lyang then took up position behind the camera.

The girls, a blonde and brunette, were both nude and well-endowed. The blonde walked up to where James’ head was, and then stood over him, a leg on each side of his head.

The brunette, knelt between his splayed legs and bringing her head down to his crutch, took him in her mouth…and proceeded to suck him…James tried to remain detached and unaffected, but the human psyche being what it is!…His treacherous member started to stiffen and respond…

Marianne watched the proceedings, filled with repulsion and disgust…and pity for poor James who was red with shame.

When James was hugely tumescent, the brunette stood up, then lowered herself down upon the rigid member, engulfing him fluidly!..

At the same time, the blonde knelt down over James’ face and lowered her pudenda onto his mouth. He tried to turn his face to the side, but she placed a hand on either side of his head and forced his mouth onto her wet labia and commenced rubbing! - this was lip-service to die for!…in the right circumstances and with the right person of course!..

The orgasm became a gigantic communal happening, occurring for the two girls and James virtually simultaneously! The brunette fell to the side… James’ flaccid member, slipping from her abjectly, as her sex relaxed its spasmodic grip. The blonde however, still kept her labia pressed tightly up against his mouth, almost smothering him. He twisted his head from side to side desperately, until she finally got the message, falling away from him as he gulped for air.

This grotesque, “nightmare-like” interlude, abruptly ended for James as he felt a sharp, ripping pain across his crotch and stomach:

‘..Right!..’ said Hu Lyang, as he brought the riding crop down again, over James’ lower body…’…now we film the bit for the “sado-masochists”…this is the part that I now have to enjoy, thanks to You  James!…so it is only fitting that you have the main lead…here, take over from me girl!…enjoy!’… he said throwing the riding crop to the blonde who caught it dexterously, an excited glint appearing in her eye!.

Hu Lyang strode back to the video camera, turning it on the tripod and zooming in for a close-up of the crop, held in the slightly trembling hand, of the excited girl – Hu Lyang had chosen the right one for this part! The brunette shivered and averted her eyes…

The pain seemed to be never-ending. The girl threw herself into the part with gusto, seeming to derive an almost sexual pleasure from the blows that she rained down, upon a barely conscious James!.

Marianne was sobbing softly, with pity for James, enhanced further, by the memories of the suffering inflicted upon her by Hu Lyang and his “biltong”-guzzling “side-kick”!

Suddenly a hoarse voice grated in her ear: ‘..do you remember how you spat in my face? – well… here we go again!…Her clitoris was gripped, pulled and squeezed brutally!…- mercifully, she passed out from the terrible pain!. Hu Lyang stared down at Marianne..’Stupid bitch; she thought that I had forgotten about her!…’

‘…You!’- he shouted at the blonde…’…can’t you see he is unconscious, you stupid creature!…now take that crop and start using it on your gutless friend!…’ he pointed to the brunette…’..I want to get some good shots and I want to hear her screaming!……….’

The blonde, who had really started to enjoy inflicting pain on others, smiled wickedly and walked over to her “friend”. She raised the crop and brought it down with savage fury across the breast of the brunette!…

The brunette lay shuddering and sobbing, curled up in a foetal position, her body criss-crossed with cuts and wheals. Her “friend” had administered to her very well!……

‘…now!..’ said Hu Lyang to the blonde…’..bring that crop over here, back to this piece of garbage!…and whip the soles of his feet…I’ll make sure that he won’t be able to walk for a long, long time…he won’t have the “soul” for it!….so… carry on!…’ he broke into a high-pitched cackle of spiteful mirth!, striding through the doorway behind the Cyclorama.

He was greeted by the old and rheumy dog, that belonged to the janitor, who wagged his tail and made to lick his hand. He responded with fury, kicking the poor old creature, howling, onto it’s back against the wall! ..’…out of my way you smelly fleabag!..’ he cursed. Not the nicest of gentlemen, our Mr. Hu Lyang!……




Kim ho-Taung had only just discovered that the Kane couple, who had been rescued from a fiery death, on the platform at sea, by Rory Hamilton - were related to Amelia Hamilton, a Director of the Collett Corporation and the sole owner of the prestigious “TuranColl Imports”. He and Amelia were acquainted by virtue of the fact that he was the “Assistant Trade Attache” for China – the country from whom she imported the majority of her goods.

Furthermore, he had also found out that Amelia’s Father’s cousin, Ed McKey, had been at one time, a very well-known and respected businessman in Asia, who had lived in Beijing, for many years.

He had purportedly spoken two dialects of Chinese, and strongly championed China in the world’s business community….as did Amelia!. Ed had also evidently, been responsible for saving the lives of the inhabitants of a small Chinese village, during some period of internal strife. The grateful villagers had presented Ed with a gold and diamond locket suitably inscribed – which Amelia had inherited.

Marie had, ever since she had taken over the running of the Collett Corporation, been the main sponsor of the ”Benefit Society for  Orphaned Chinese Children” in Searsville, San Mateo County, California USA – much endearing herself and her Family to China.

Kim had heard about the murder of the two Security Guards and the kidnapping of the Kane couple. Thinking of the strong bond between the Collett/Hamilton Family and the Chinese, made him feel obligated to offer the help, in any way, of the Chinese Embassy and of himself in particular. He also guessed that this kidnapping was the work of Hu Lyang – which could not be proved of course – but he would place Hu Lyang and his associates’ movements, under surveillance from then on!.

Kim, who was particularly Nationalistic, hated the Drug Trade and what harm it had done to China over the years.

The United Kingdom, had in the days of the “First Opium War”, legalised the trade in opium, by British merchants, with the general population of China in the 1800’s – creating two million Chinese addicts at that time – today of course, the figures have increased.

As a result, of this addictive abuse, the lives of families and communities have been destroyed The Incidents Analysis research has indicated that 46% of the criminals, arrested last year for serious crimes, such as murder, rape and aggravated assault, had tested positive for illegal substance abuse!.

Kim was absolutely dedicated to destroying this drug-culture curse and ridding society of the perpetrators! – whom he justifiably felt, should be given the death-sentence!

In the meantime, Amelia doubled-up on security at “TuranColl” - her home and the apartments of May-Lin, Jenni, Rory and the “TuranColl” penthouse. Jenni’s apartment had remained locked-up and deserted, since she had absconded and joined the ranks of the enemy!.



The “TuranColl” chauffeur, Henry Martin, had had quite a heavy day. Amelia had moved all around the city, attending meetings, visiting warehouses, inspecting goods newly arrived in the country and acting as liaison officer between Customs and “TuranColl”. Henry often wondered, where a lady in her late eighties, found so much energy!.

Finally arriving back at “TuranColl”, Henry stopped the Rolls in front of the lift in the basement and opened the door for Amelia, who then strode to the lift after bidding him a “Good Night!”. He then drove the Rolls to her parking bay, locked up and climbed into his Volkswagen Polo and left the building, grateful for the end of a long, tiring day.

Being an old bachelor, Henry had no meal waiting for him at home, so as usual, he drove straight to the local Pub, which was a few blocks away from his flat…

He pushed away the empty plate and sat back with a sigh. He had enjoyed two steak and kidney pies followed by an ice-cream dessert and felt quite replete. He ordered an Irish Coffee and sat back looking idly around him. The venue was not all that busy tonight. His eyes met those of a pleasant-looking, middle-aged lady sitting alone at a table near to him. She smiled briefly and continued eating her dessert. She was rather good-looking in an understated way and appeared to be on her own – there was an open book next to her on the table, which she glanced at every now and then.

Suddenly, he felt like company. He was quite a lonely man and did not have many friends, so his social life was virtually non-existent.

She finished her dessert, picked up her wine-glass and drained what little there was left, when Henry caught her eye again. He held up his glass questioningly….she smiled and shook her head in refusal – then put her book and keys – definitely no car keys visible - into her handbag, left some money on the side-plate and stood up and began walking towards the door.

Henry quickly stood up, thrust some notes onto the side-plate and hastened to catch up with her as she left the restaurant.

‘…Excuse me!..’ he said, striding up to her…’ please don’t think me rude, but it’s late, and not all that safe for a woman walking on her own…can I offer you a lift?..’

She looked at him hesitatingly, then much to his pleased surprise said: ‘Thank you that would be very kind of you – I have a flat actually three blocks away!’

He opened the door of the VW for her, noticing a very trim-looking ankle as she stepped into the vehicle. He liked what he saw, but decided to not try to rush things…

Following her instructions, he pulled up in front of a dimly-lit apartment building. The street was deserted, except for a white Hyundai parked to the side of the main entrance. He turned towards her and was shocked to look into the barrel of a business-like Colt magnum!…

A trembling Henry was roughly bundled into the rear seat of the Hyundai by two hooded men, who had appeared as if by magic alongside his VW and dragged him from his seat. Looking through the rear-window of the Hyundai, he saw his VW speeding away….



Amelia came striding out from the lift and entered the Rolls. A muffled-up Henry closed the door behind her.

‘..Where to Ma’am?..’ he said via the intercom, in a hoarse voice that she barely recognised. She glanced at him curiously, through the glass partition - he certainly wasn’t his usual cheerful self today. He had a thick scarf wound around his neck, which with his heavy spectacles, and peaked cap, almost hid his face…must have a bad cold or perhaps flu…better keep the partition closed!…

She instructed him to take her to the Customs office where she had an early morning appointment scheduled.

She noticed his eyes watching her in the driver’s mirror….something was different today…something was odd!…

She was mystified further, when instead of taking their normal route to the Customs Offices, the car suddenly turned into an area of deserted,  dilapidated-looking  buildings and ground to a halt in a dark shadowed alley.

Henry jumped from the driver’s seat and pulled the back-door open. She found herself looking up the barrel of an automatic pistol.

‘..Get out!..’ he commanded in a voice no longer hoarse but threatening. She tremblingly climbed out from the rear of the Rolls. She stood hunched over… her right hand tucked into the arm-pit of her left arm:

‘…ooh…my heart!…’ she quavered…’..please don’t kill me….I’ll pay you whatever you want!…please!…’

‘ Listen you old “gaijin” cow…I’ve brought you a message from Hu Lyang!…you and your Family have interfered in his business for the last time…so say your prayers…this is goodbye!…’

He lifted the pistol, aiming at her heart…his finger tensed on the trigger..

The report was incredibly loud. His look of merciless concentration, turned to one of surprise, as the heavy glasses fell from his face and hot blood spurted from the pulsating wound in his neck. The slant-eyes closed, as gagging, he violently slid to his knees, the automatic pistol falling from his limp hand. He fell forward onto his face, coughed, quivered and then lay still. Blood radiated out from beneath his neck area, spreading across and soaking into, the ground!!…

Amelia stood over him, the two-shot baby derringer that had once belonged to her father, Rory Collett… smoking in her hand!…

‘…the eyes… son,… the eyes… they tell the story!….’ said Amelia slowly straightening up, amidst the dissolving wisps of gun-smoke…



Amelia, still trembling, phoned Rory for aid. He brought a helper with him, and between the two of them they stuffed the Asian’s corpse into a large Hessian bag. They later on, placed one of the show-pieces of fancy jewellery, that had been on permanent display, at Hu Lyang’s,  “Imperial House Diamond Boutique” - (one of his favourite pieces, containing his ancestral logo!) - in the corpse’s hand! The beautiful piece had been sacrilegiously-flattened by a hammer and the diamonds removed!. This bag was dumped in front of Hu Lyang’s house during the night, in a drive-past!

The bullet-riddled body of Amelia’s chauffeur, Henry, was found later in the day - stuffed in the boot of his VW Polo, in its usual parking spot in the “TuranColl” basement.



Hu Lyang was incensed and almost apoplectic when he was shown the contents of the Hessian bag in the morning!. His treasured piece of artistically-sculptured jewellery, flattened and destroyed by a barbaric “gaijin” hand….the diamonds plundered!…what a decadent and uncultured race they were!…had they no appreciation of Art and beauty?! He was also specifically annoyed, at the loss of his highly-trained and experienced hit-man…a great inconvenience! - costly too…these damned Hamiltons!…they must be annihilated once and for all!…He set off for the Newlands Stadium, taking with him a large attaché case.

At the stadium, he entered the “Ubisi” storeroom and walked directly up to one of the huge, waist-level deep-freezers, at the one end of the large room. Holding on to the end of the freezer, he exerted pressure, and the freezer silently and smoothly, pivoted to one side, revealing a large opening in the floor with a flight of steps leading downwards.

Descending the stairway into the hidden chamber beneath, he glanced to the furthest end, and saw that a new shipment of drugs had been unloaded. He made a mental note to see that this shipment, plus the contents of the built-in safe, would be transferred to the secret compartment of the next available “Ubisi” tanker before the explosion occurred – this would be transferred to the Gauteng storeroom in Johannesburg – why waste?!...

He opened the attaché case and brought out several packages of “semtex” explosives, each with an electronic mini-remote affixed to it. These packages were distributed discretely around the shadowed, top four corners of the storeroom, placed close to the unlit ceiling, so as to be not too noticeable to the casual eye. The area was now primed for the explosion – all of the packages could be detonated by the use of one remote – carried by Hu Lyang only!

The structural location of the “Ubisi” storeroom – weakened by the partial removal of foundations to be able to build the secret store beneath - it was calculated -  would help to affect as much damage to the stadium as was possible, when the explosion was triggered within the confines of this area. The private box owned by “Ubisi”, in which the Chinese Embassy staff had been given Complimentary seats, was two floors above the store-room and would definitely be destroyed in the conflagration!.

The “Sales-Trays” prepared for the “Ubisi” Ice-Cream and Milk Drink vendors, for the “Big Match Day, had hollow bases in which the drug “twists” were concealed. The “twists” ( “Tik” inserted into paper sachets marked “Sugar”)were accessed via a spring-loaded panel in the back of the tray – the part nearest to the vendor’s body, which helped to obscure the removal of a “twist” when a sale was made.. This time however, Hu Lyang had also inserted a “semtex” explosive, combined with a mini-receiver, which was hidden and glued in place, so that it would not be dislodged, when a “twist” was withdrawn from the spring-loaded panel.

These “booby-trapped” trays would ensure that the explosives would be distributed over areas not covered by the blast from the hidden store-room…Vendors would be assigned to work and remain within specific areas, within the stadium, to coincide time-wise, with the triggering of the remote! - tough luck for the vendors!

 Hu Lyang wanted to achieve the maximum number of deaths possible! - the TV news coverage would be great!…P’yongyang would be proud of him!…he visualised the “Hero” medallion being plac

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