Unique or Eunuch? by David H McKey - HTML preview

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Jenni, she noticed, after a perfunctory greeting….still looked a bit uneasy and appeared even more so after being informed that Amelia wished to see her. May-Lin also noticed that her lips looked slightly swollen and that her skin showed signs of beard-rash….she flushed guiltily upon noticing May-Lin’s observation. She had definitely had a hectic session of loving recently!.

 May-Lin remembered the proprietorial way that Hu Lyang had had his arm around her waist when James had been carried from Jenni’s apartment…what a sly creature she was…nobody had any idea that she had a lover!. May-Lin wondered what other deceits she had perpetrated…

Jenni entered Amelia’s office. Amelia was busy on the telephone and motioned for her to be seated. She sat down and glanced uneasily around her – she then paid attention to the conversation going on between Amelia and…she almost gasped out loud….Hu Lyang!!…

Amelia said: ‘…right Hu Lyang - there is someone in my office that I want you to speak to…’ – here she indicated that Jenni should take the receiver…with a shaking hand Jenni grasped the receiver and stuttered: ‘…..Hu!…….help me!…’ and the receiver was immediately snatched from her hand by Amelia, who said: ‘….right, we have your lover, agent or whatever, here with us! - so phone back in an hours’ time and we can discuss the terms for an exchange!…..’ She gave Jenni a contemptuous look and replaced the phone without a further word.

Jenni jumped from her seat in alarm, turning to bolt from the office and ran smack into May–Lin!. She tried to dodge around her and also attempted to punch her – only to receive in turn, a point-of-jaw “hay-maker” from May-Lin, which dropped her unconscious to the floor – just as James stepped into the office!.

Between the two of them May-Lin and James carried the incapacitated Jenni to the lift and took her up to the pent-house level. She was placed on a folding-bed in the storeroom and the door was securely bolted and locked from outside – they were taking no chances of her escaping!  The room had no windows only fresh air inlets in two places on the walls next to the ceiling, so Jenni’s hands were not tied – there was no way that she would be able to escape from the store-room. They left the light on for her and placed a tray with a flask of coffee, milk and sandwiches on the stool alongside the bed….James remarking that he had not been afforded these courtesies when he was imprisoned at Hu Lyang’s Woodlands cottage – he had even been gagged!



The Patient looked up at Rafael Pedrogonca, with gratitude…had it not been for him, the Patient would be dead. Rafael had found the Patient unconscious and bleeding in the dense bush, where he had landed after being thrown clear by the force, which had emanated from the exploded vehicle.

He had come to investigate the cause of the massive explosion and had noted the charred corpse in the front of the burnt-out Land Rover. The number-plates had partially melted and the registration numbers were almost indecipherable…. He would however, report the accident to the police as soon as he could.

As he gently laid the smoke-blackened, bleeding figure, onto a hastily made, makeshift bed in the back of his truck, the Patient briefly regained consciousness and clutching at Rafael’s shirt, mumbled: ‘…please no Police!’… and lapsed into unconsciousness once more. 

Rafael had no option but to take the Patient to his home – he would sort out the legal implications once he had attended to the Patient’s injuries…perhaps a doctor would have to be called.

After washing and sponging-down the Patient, and dressing him in a pair of his pyjamas, Rafael was relieved to find that there were no serious injuries…just minor cuts and abrasions. There was a contusion to the side of the head, which had obviously caused unconsciousness. The Patient had recovered consciousness once more and was asked by Rafael, whether a doctor should be called, but was told that this would not be necessary…a good long, restful sleep was all that was required. All questions would be answered after the Patient had had a good rest….he was happy to hear that his cell-phone and wallet had escaped the conflagration.

The Patient had slept on and off for two days and felt able to attempt to piece things together at last.

The Patient, looking much recovered, thanked Rafael for the life-saving rescue…but could shed no light on what had caused the accident or indeed who the incinerated body in the wreckage belonged to…. or who had been driving the vehicle…only that for the moment, the instinctive feeling was that the police should not be informed (someone else would undoubtedly see the burnt-out vehicle and report the accident to the police)  – this could be attended to, once the Patient had recovered from memory-loss and established what had actually happened…..in the meantime Rafael’s hospitality was greatly appreciated, and he was promised that he would later be recompensed for his efforts.

 Rafael was a bit perplexed, but agreed to put things on hold until the memory-loss was breached…also not wanting to get involved with “officialdom”……...perhaps the Patient’s wallet and cell-phone which had escaped the explosion virtually unscathed, would help him to recover his memory…. Rafael had been unable to open the wallet as it was protected by a digital-cypher lock.



Hu Lyang was incensed – he had tried to contact Jenni without success…not knowing whether the call from Amelia was a bluff or not – now he knew it was for real and he had to devise a plan of action to rescue her. To add to his problems, P’yongyang was pushing him to increase the Drug sales and distribution in South Africa, as the sales in the rest of the world had taken a beating owing to the increased efforts of the Anti-drug authorities, who had seized and destroyed many of their big shipments.

Bureau 39 informed him that they would be sending one of their “Business Efficiency” experts to aid and assist him. Hu realised that what this actually meant, was that they were not all that happy with his efforts and were detailing a “watch-dog” to report to them directly.

That would make two people who were keeping an eye on him - the other one was “Chapo Guzman” who had arrived a day ago…he would have to watch his step…failure would not be tolerated…he did not wish to become another “accident” statistic!. Personal involvements like that which existed between himself and Jenni were frowned upon…he would have to be very, very careful, from then onwards…

He had instructed the nurse at the “Private Sanatorium” (owned by Hu Lyang and used to ‘dry-out” drug addicts) that held Marianne, to stop drugging her for the moment. He needed her lucid as he wished to interrogate her regarding James and Amelia…he had to get Jenni out of their clutches……



Marianne awoke from a deep and restful sleep. The drug-induced mists had diminished and finally dispersed, and for the first time in days she was able to think coherently. She remembered some of the abuses she had suffered at the hands of Hu Lyang, vowing to find a way to escape and destroy him. She glanced down at her hands and realised that they were no longer constrained, neither were her feet. She felt hope arise in her breast…this was a good sign. Perhaps Hu Lyang thought that he had broken her spirit and that she would no longer contemplate escaping – she would remember to act cowed when he again appeared.

Glancing at her hands again, she noted that she still had her rings and golden bracelet…she would have thought that these articles would have been taken from her. Something in her memory was seeking to emerge…then she remembered!…the built-in alarm and tracking devices!

The miniature bell that was connected to an alarm at the “Circle” was gone!…however the motorcar “tracking” charm was still there! She immediately turned the charm around on its connecting pin and was relieved to note that the tiny windows of the mini-vehicle became suffused with a red glow! – thank goodness…it still worked!…she would leave it activated and hope that James would notice and come for  her!…she had no idea what sort of range the tracking device had…

Marianne cautiously slid from the bed and walked to the door of the ward. She tried the handle and as she had expected, the door was locked from the outside. The only other door was the one that led to the bathroom / toilet. There were no windows in the ward or in the bathroom – so the only way out was through the ward door…and that was pretty solid and the lock mechanism appeared impregnable.

Her only option then, was to try to overwhelm the nurse who would bring her meals and medication. She glanced around the room – if she could only find something to use as a club…the nurse was a quite substantial woman, and would take some subduing!.

She glanced up at the wall clock and noted that the nurse would be due any minute now with her 6 o’clock evening meal and medication. She hunted around the ward feverishly and then at the last minute spotted the only thing available to bludgeon the nurse with…she hoped that it would do the job – a solid, old-fashioned chamber-pot!…she could hear the sound of the key in the lock, so she hastily grabbed the pot and stood behind the door which had begun opening…

The nurse stepped into the room carrying a tray, and Marianne swung the chamber-pot with all her might, catching the unfortunate woman a mighty blow on the temple!…She collapsed without a sound, the tray and its contents hitting the floor with an almighty crash!.

Marianne shot through the door and found herself in a corridor within a house, not an actual nursing home as she had expected. She ran toward a staircase that led downwards to an ornate front-door. Stumbling down the stairs, she reached and opened the front door, just as someone began shouting upstairs.

She sprinted down to the pavement outside the house noticing a queue of people forming at a bus stop a short distance away. The bus had just arrived and the passengers were alighting in a very leisurely and orderly fashion. Marianne brushed past everyone amidst cries of outrage and plonked herself down almost next-to the driver, who gaped at her in astonishment. Besides queue-jumping, she was barefoot, dressed in men’s pyjamas and her hair was in total disarray!

As the bus was about to depart, James’ car, lights flashing, pulled up in front of it and James jumped out signalling frantically to the driver to hold on. Marianne saw James and with a cry of relief jumped down from the bus and sprinted into his arms, bursting into tears and sobbing noisily!.

 The bus driver, mouth hanging open skirted around James’ car and drove off – all eyes on the bus were riveted upon James and Marianne…someone  whistled!…a few even clapped!.

As James and Marianne passed the house from which she had fled, they saw Hu Lyang in the doorway, standing with the nurse, who was holding her head tenderly between both hands. The duo gazed after them…Hu Lyang giving them the finger and hurling abuse!. Marianne returned the compliment using both hands!. The battle was out in the open now – only this time James had the advantage - having Jenni in their custody! – this he was sure would really rattle Hu Lyang!…

Marianne asked James in which part of Johannesburg they were driving and was flabbergasted to hear that they were in Cape Town.

‘James, my mind is really mixed up – the last thing that I can remember coherently was being hijacked by an AA Patrolman near Alliance Francaise….then being dreadfully abused by Hu Lyang and his henchman!…’ here she burst into tears. James pulled into a vacant parking space under a street light and took her gently in his arms, cradling her until she had calmed down.

‘…Thank goodness the motorcar tracking-charm…worked like a charm! – how would I ever have been able to trace you otherwise?….never mind, you’re safe now!…we’ll go to my suite in the Peninsula Hotel and let your Gran know that you are safe and sound…then you can relax and we’ll plan our next move from there!…believe me… Hu Lyang will pay for what he did to you!’

Marianne climbed into a hot bath immediately upon arrival at the hotel and lay there luxuriating in the feeling of cleanliness - feeling the tension,  aches and pains draining from her body…

James had arranged for a doctor to visit and examine her and also give her anti-viral injections. The doctor was an old friend, so kept the consultation confidential and the multiple rape was not reported to the police. She was also tested for AIDS – humiliating but necessary.

The MD of “The Circle” provided James with two bodyguards. Each would serve a 12 hour guard duty spell in the lounge of the hotel-suite occupied by the Kanes. His partner would rest-up in the suite directly opposite James’ suite - on immediate call via interconnecting telephones. Marianne was not too happy with this arrangement, but conceded its validity in the circumstances.

The house or Clinic, where Marianne had been held, would be kept under 24 hour surveillance by “The Circle”.


                                              CHAPTER 51



Mr BEE was devastated. He had just finished reading a confidential Doctor’s report regarding his favourite daughter Lerato. According to the report his daughter was in the final stage of AIDS, and was expected to live for only about two months at the most. She was also a hopeless drug addict…and only nineteen years old! She had not been living at home, so he had had no inkling of the state of her health. She had always been a bit wild and after finishing a brilliant school career had become involved in an acting career touring the country with a stage show.

She had gone from one intimate relationship to another, none of which had lasted for more than 2 to 3 months…AIDS was the outcome!. She had tried to boost her deteriorating health by using drugs recommended by various friends and had only succeeded in becoming addicted. Her condition had been noted by one of Mr.BEE’s pushers, who had contacted him. He had had her placed in the best nursing home possible, but it was already too late… When he had time to think about the situation, he reflected sadly how ironic it was – drugs supplied to her, which were helping to kill her, came, albeit indirectly, from his enterprise!...was Modemo (God) telling him something?…

He glanced around his opulently furnished office and surroundings…was this worth the life of his daughter?…how many other teenagers were treading the same path?. For the first time in years, he was starting to feel uncertain about his career and motivation…and its effect upon the lives of the innocent!…

He stood up from his desk and walked over to the wall cocktail cabinet and poured himself a stiff, expensive, malt whisky…thinking of the past when he could only afford a cheap brand of beer!…and been happy with that!. He had all the trappings today of a very wealthy man…but did he still have his soul?…He realised how far apart he and his wife had drifted. She had accused him of only being able to relate to his business and having no time for her or their children anymore. Perhaps there was truth in what she was stating. The family had been pushed into the background, they were no longer a happy unit!…money had become everything!…he had even started to think of entering politics!…their happy African heritage forgotten and exchanged for the fast-changing Western culture!. Oh Modemo!…what had he become!…what would his beloved old “baba” (Father) have thought of him today?!

He thought of how he had become involved in the Drug trade. How skilfully Hu Lyang had reeled him in… like a fish – not that he had been an unwilling recruit at all!… The money to be made had been a very powerful lure and he had responded with enthusiasm. He had made millions out of drugs and he had also enslaved millions – many of his own race who could ill afford it….what sort of monster had he become?!….Oh Modemo.. forgive me!…

He had consumed half a bottle of Malt in his effort to still his rapidly escalating conscience, all to no avail – his mind would not give him a break – many incidents which he had forgotten about or deliberately buried, reared their insistent heads. The past was determined to make itself heard and no amount of whisky was going to keep it buried. Lerato’s imminent, unappeasable, death, was taking over his mind, demanding that he pay attention and take some sort of corrective action.

He wiped at the tears, which were silently coursing down his face. He would have to confront Hu Lyang and tell him that he wanted out – as soon as possible!. He had no doubt that this would be unacceptable to Hu Lyang, but he would insist…Should Hu Lyang refuse to accept his resignation, things could become unpleasant. He would have to threaten to expose the Organisation to the DEA or Police and he knew that by going  this route, his life would be at stake – and he also knew that Hu Lyang was totally implacable and would not hesitate to have him liquidated as quickly as possible…so, how to proceed?…there was also his family to think about. He could of course approach the DEA and become a State Witness in exchange for Immunity from prosecution. …. Hu Lyang however, had connections everywhere, and would hunt him down!.

 There was no question about it, he and his family would have to flee the country – thank goodness he had transferred capital abroad, so they could afford to go anywhere. But “anywhere” would have to be somewhere that they were safe from the long-armed reach of Hu Lyang!……who would be relentless!.                                                 





                                              CHAPTER 52    


Jenni looked around her dazedly – where the heck was she?. The bed on which she found herself was a fold-up type, and the surroundings certainly weren’t that of a bedroom….more like a storeroom. Yes that is what it is…a storeroom. Looking at the files on one of the shelves, she realised that it was the “TuranColl” storeroom – so she was in the storeroom alongside the Visitor’s Pent-house….

She tried the door and then remembered that it could only be opened from the outside. She glanced around and affirmed that there was no way that she would be able to escape from the room!……if only Hu Lyang was here!…however…..She looked alongside the bed…but they had not brought her handbag. She felt in the inner pocket of her designer-jeans with rising excitement….yes!.. they had not searched her when they  brought her to the storeroom – her ultra-slim cell-phone was still there!

With trembling fingers she dialled Hu Lyang’s number and gave a gasp of relief when he answered. She briefly told him where she was and what had happened. Hu Lyang decided that he would come for her later in the evening - after 8pm… when he knew that there were only three security men in the building. His crew could overpower them quite easily.

Jenni poured herself a cup of tea from the flask and settled down to await  the arrival of Hu Lyang …..

The black 4x4 “Police Patrol” vehicle stopped and parked in front of the main entrance to “TuranColl House”. Hu Lyang sitting in the driver’s seat motioned to his men to get out. The street was deserted and they could see the security guard sitting behind the reception desk watching the panel of Video screens that were connected to security cameras situated throughout the building. The other two guards were obviously patrolling the building.

As Hu Lyang’s three men left the 4x4 and walked up to the glass doors of the entrance to “TuranColl House”, the streetlights reflected off the buttons and cap badges of the “Police” uniforms that they were dressed in.

The man dressed in the uniform of a sergeant, rapped on the glass door with his night-stick attracting the attention of the security guard. The guard stepped out from behind the reception desk and with one hand placed on his holstered pistol, walked towards the entrance. He pressed the button of the door intercom:

‘ Yes what can I do for you?…’ The sergeant responded by placing his official police Identity card up against the glass of the door, saying:

‘..We were requested to immediately search this building as a tip-off suggested that a break-in was going to take place….we would like to come in and look around, just in case the tip-off is real!..’

The security guard not looking too happy, opened the glass door allowing the “policemen” to enter. The sergeant said that they would use the stairs and have a look at each floor – suggesting that one of his men would sit behind the reception desk allowing the security guard to accompany him on their search.

Walking up the stairs, the first door that they came to, was that of the toilets. The sergeant motioned for the security guard to walk in first. As the guard entered and veered to the right with the intention of looking in each booth, the sergeant lifted his silenced pistol and put two shots in his back. He fell to the floor, gave a sigh and then lay still.

The sergeant said: ‘…right! - two to go…let’s get them quickly now!..as quietly as possible!..’

They encountered the next guard as they walked onto the fourth floor. He was walking along, filling-in a form on a clip-board. He stopped and looked up at them with surprise. He still registered surprise as he fell over backwards with a bullet between his eyes!

They spied the last guard sitting smoking on a chair in front of the storeroom in which Jenni was imprisoned. His eyes were closed and he did not hear them walking up to him. He was also dispatched with a shot to the head.

Jenni had dozed off, and was abruptly woken when the door of the storeroom crashed open. She recognised the sergeant and rushed to join them. They dashed to the elevator as there was no longer any need for silence.

Stepping from the elevator on the ground floor, they were about to dash from the building when the sergeant remembered the video security system. They then waited while the man who was sitting at the desk started wiping the observation tapes. As the last tape was wiped clean and they were about to leave, the door at the stairs was flung open and the security guard, who had been shot in the toilets and dripping blood, staggered into the foyer with a drawn pistol. He immediately fired hitting one of the “policemen” in the stomach. The sergeant retaliated putting two shots into the chest of the guard who with a superhuman effort fired a return shot into the group and then collapsed.

Jenni gasped with pain and shock, looking down in horror at her chest, which was rapidly becoming covered with blood. The sergeant grabbed her and lifted her onto his shoulder and raced out of the building to the 4x4, where he placed her as gently as he could on the back seat as Hu Lyang began to keen. The other “policeman” likewise carried and placed his stomach-wounded compatriot in the vehicle. The 4x4 fled from the scene, tyres squealing!…

 The genuine police arrived on the scene a short while later after being summoned automatically by the video surveillance system, which required the operator to punch in a code every half-hour. They found the door to the building unlocked and the security guard lying alongside the door to the steps. By some miracle, the man was still alive even though he had four bullets pumped into him – he was critical though, so one of the police vehicles rushed him off to hospital instead of waiting for an ambulance. The police noticed that, besides the blood shed, where the guard had fallen, there were two other pools of blood near to the door and a trail of blood that led from the largest, out of the building, to where a vehicle had obviously been parked. This led to the conclusion that, two other persons, had been badly wounded and one of these, had lost a lot of blood. The police radio network was told to contact all emergency hospital services and clinics and ask them to notify Headquarters should someone come in requiring treatment for gunshot wounds. The police found the bodies of the other two security guards who had been so callously murdered. No one seemed to know why the attack had occurred, or w