Unique or Eunuch? by David H McKey - HTML preview

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Rory, Marie and the two girls had eventually moved from Kimberley to Johannesburg which they felt had far more to offer them socially – also Rory’s continually growing business interests, were basically centred in Johannesburg which now became the Company Head-Office, the name  changing to “The Collett Corporation”.  The girls enjoyed the change of location and became enthusiastically involved with the social scene – the Colletts were regarded almost as local “gentry”.

Marie was contented with life, and thinking back to her origins in England, appreciated her present circumstances all the more – Rory Collett, had brought all the good luck and love to her and she adored him – he was the only man that she had ever looked-up to and trusted implicitly.

Rory found that as his business increased, more and more legal work and knowledge was required, so he took in an Attorney, Ronald Patterson, a bachelor, whom he had first met at the Golf Club and taken a liking to. Ronald was highly qualified and highly regarded within the business circles and Chambers of Commerce countrywide. He did not come cheaply though and insisted on a small shareholding as well.

 Rory and Ronald worked well together and Rory found that he was relying on Ronald more and more, especially for getting the more humdrum and everyday schedules attended to – this was just as well, as
Rory was not feeling all that well lately – he supposed that it was just a normal progression of age, as he was not so young anymore.

The Colletts, “en masse”, had attended the Old Year’s Eve party at the Country Club – a robust glittering affair – enjoyed by all, – the girls, especially so, had danced energetically the whole evening – there were beaus aplenty! – the girls were very popular and eligible!. Rory and Marie had eventually returned to their seats, too tired to continue.

Marie watched the girls cavorting and enjoying themselves, thinking of the times in the past when she and Rory were just as inexhaustible. She turned to him, about to make a remark, when she noticed that he was fast asleep…. snoring softly – poor dear… time to go home! 

They arrived home, exhausted but happy – and soon silence reigned supreme…

The next morning the family were sitting down to a slightly later than normal breakfast – all, except for Rory. Marie frowning, told Amelia to run upstairs and call her Father. Amelia obediently complied.

Amelia knocked softly on the bedroom door, getting no reply she knocked much louder. Still getting no response, she called out –‘Daddy!..’ and hesitantly pushed the door open. She could see her Father in the bed, but he made no reply. She rushed up to the bed and touched his shoulder, only then becoming aware of his half-open eyes staring glazedly. She placed her hand onto his forehead which was cold to the touch. ‘….ooh Daddy!…..’ she wailed softly, tears gushing down her cheeks…..

The funeral was a large affair as was befitting for a man of Rory’s stature. Marie handled the whole affair stoically – refusing the help offered by Ronald and various friends. Eventually the day ended and Marie and the girls went home to a forlorn, grief-stricken house – Marie taking to her bed, where she remained refusing to see anyone for two days. On the third day, she arose early and went in to the offices of “The Collett Corporation”, where she immediately took possession of Rory’s office. She had rarely visited the offices while Rory was still alive, so the move-in was quite a surprise to the staff. She immediately sent for
Ronald and advised him that she would be taking over Rory’s duties  and that she expected the same co-operation and loyalty that he had shown to Rory. ‘….of course, of course!….naturally!….’ exclaimed Ronald vociferously, but to her keen eye, he appeared a bit taken aback as though things were not quite up to his expectations. Never mind, she thought, I’ve handled plenty of men like him in the past and he would be no exception!.                                                                            

Her next move was to call in the Chief Accountant, who was told to bring with him the latest trial balance, ledger, journal etc. She spent the next three days closeted with the accountant in her office and became fully “au fait” with the financial state of affairs of the company. She came to the conclusion, that the company was extremely healthy financially for which… partly… Ronald was responsible. She noticed however that his shareholding had increased substantially – not enough for him to crack the whip, but enough for his voice to be heard.

Rory had implemented a policy regarding shares : depending on the years of service and loyalty, some of the older staff-members were given shares in the company – some had even asked to be allowed to purchase more, and having an easy-going and generous nature, Rory had concurred. Ronald had at various times approached Staff-Members holding shares and talked them into selling the shares to himself at enticingly-inflated figures – not all had been willing to sell, but he had still acquired enough shares to make himself heard at any policy-making meetings. This information had not been pleasing to Marie, and she resolved to discuss this aggressively with Ronald – this Company was hers and no man was going to take it away from her and her children!……but for the moment, this could wait, she had something else to attend to….then Ronald’s turn would come!









                                              CHAPTER 27             


Her secretary had booked her a luxurious suite aboard one of the Union Castle Liner regulars to Southampton. She settled into her quarters with satisfaction. She would be returning to England in style and luxury – what a contrast the journey and surroundings were, compared to when she had travelled uncomfortably and in squalor, to South Africa  as a piece of human baggage – she reflected bitterly…….there were old
scores to be settled, - and they would be…..men would be dealt with accordingly!

She disembarked at Southampton and boarded the train for London….her mind awash with memories of her past and of the injustices that she had suffered – well,…..”pay-back time” was fast approaching, and she intended to savour every delectable second of it! She spent her first day, in her suite at the “Savoy Hotel” relaxing, and formulating her plan of action. The next morning, the Private Investigator that she had been in correspondence with, met her downstairs in the lounge of the hotel. He handed her notes that he had compiled regarding the information she had requested, answered all her queries in detail, was paid his fee and left. He wondered curiously, though, how a lady of her obvious social standing, would have so much knowledge of the seedy East End – still he had been very well-paid and that was all he cared about.

Marie walked along the dingy street that she had known so well as a young girl of fourteen – nothing had changed….. the reek of poverty if anything had increased, the doorways were even shabbier than she recalled….and the bitter memories flooded her mind, causing her to walk a bit faster. Finally as she turned the corner, there it was…. the “King and Cabbage Inn” – it was as though she had been there yesterday. She had chosen the timing of her visit perfectly…..as she entered and looked around her, the sole early morning visitor brushed past her and left. The Landlord was standing behind the counter reading a newspaper – he finally looked up as she approached him. She recognised him immediately – Alfie Stokes, the son of the owner - the late George Stokes…..no longer could he be referred to as “young Alfie”…more like “old Alf” today! He stared at her - obviously, from her appearance and dress, not someone that he would expect to find in his place of business.

‘…can I help you madam?….’ he asked. ‘…yes, you can Alfie!…’ she replied looking him in the eye. ‘…do I know you?….’  ‘….’course you do Alfie…..I used to work for George, waiting on tables….you should remember me well,…Marie!…’ The memories came rushing back to her… George using her roughly in the back room, on the floor surrounded by the stacked, huge, precariously balanced barrels of ale
and wine - and almost immediately thereafter, “young Alfie”, encouraged by his father….’…go on boy, give her one, I’ve greased her up nicely for you…heh! Heh!’ bellowing with laughter as he pulled Alfie’s belt loose….’..you can ‘ave a bit any time you like from now on!…’ She remembered the pain and humiliation the pair of them had put her through, and how she had wished that the barrels would come tumbling down, freeing her forever! She had often thought of leaving, but where would she go? – both her parents were dead and she had no known relatives, so she had stayed on, enduring the treatment meted out to her…..She had sought solace at the church, and at first the Reverend had comforted and been kind to her – all a farce… he had also seen how vulnerable she was and had taken advantage of her as well – but at least he had given her the opportunity of escaping to South Africa, even if it was only his way of getting rid of her!

‘….well, I’m buggered, Marie…..what a grand lady you’ve turned into, obviously the world has treated you well….so what the hell are you doing back here?…the Rev. mentioned that you had gone to South Africa to marry a rich farmer?!…’.  ‘So I did Alfie, and very successfully too I might tell you. I now have business interests here in London to attend to, and thought that I should come and look you up – I’ve always had a soft spot for you, you know!’ She fluttered her eyes and gave him a flirtatious glance – ‘…I thought that it would be nice to “reminisce”….you know what I mean…..’ she stared lasciviously at his trouser front. Alfie grabbed her hand, and pulled her through to the “Tap Room” where the barrels were stored. He tried to pull her down to a space on the floor in-between the barrels – ‘..no!, no!…’ she protested, ‘..not on the bare floor, go and get a duvet or blanket at least…it’s not like before, I’m a grown lady now and I want to have it in comfort!…hurry up and fetch, quickly!….I can hardly wait!’ Alfie, besides himself with lust, dashed from the room heading for the bedroom upstairs.

Marie examined the space, noting, that as she remembered, the barrels were supported by mainly one wooden upright prop, how this had survived all these years she could not guess. She noticed some thick rope coiled-up on one of the shelves at the back of the room and taking this she wound and tied one end around the barrel upright support – the
other end she tucked behind the barrels leaving only the end piece just visible next to the door.

Alfie came charging into the room carrying a duvet which he had hastily snatched from his bed. He threw the duvet down on the space between the barrels and turned grasping Marie’s shoulder and started trying to kiss her neck!. ‘…steady-on old son…’ she said turning him around and started to unbutton his shirt..’….we’re going to enjoy this, there’s plenty of time, and there are a few new tricks I’m going to treat you to… first take off all your clothes….that’s right, get it all off – Damn!….you’re really getting me moist now!…’ Alfie frantically tore off the remainder of his clothing and lunged toward Marie…’…hold it my man, first things first!…..we’re doing it my way now, I’m in charge…..lie down on the duvet on your back!….yes, that’s good, now close your eyes…no peeping allowed! – when you open them, you’re going to see something that you have never seen before – I promise you!…’ So saying, she stepped to the doorway and yanked with all her might on the rope tied around the barrel support. With an almighty rumble the stack of barrels collapsed and Alfie’s terrified yelp was abruptly cut off  -  Marie had stepped out through the doorway only just in the nick of time!.

When the dust settled and the rumbling subsided, Marie looked into the room. She looked to the area where Alfie had been lying and spied his head and one arm, in a pool of blood…looking for all the world like red wine, protruding from beneath one of the barrels. His eyes were clamped shut and his mouth was open in an agonised grimace, through which his tongue protruded, half-bitten through. Almost immediately above his head was the spigot of a wine barrel. Marie leaned forward saying..- ’…hope that that was as good for you, as it was for me!…’ and with that she opened the tap and the wine cascaded downwards onto Alfie’s face and into his open mouth – ‘…Ooh well.. finally - the drinks are on me…..enjoy!’ She left the tap open and left the Inn, well content….

In the Hackney cab on the way from the station back to the Savoy Hotel, Marie was once more going through the notes written by the Private Investigator. He had really done a good job and she knew all that she needed to know, about the moves and habits of her next potential victim, the Most Honourable Reverend Phineas Hobbs (now retired and living in
a Methodist Home for Retired Clergymen in Ramsgate). She remembered the journey in the cart from Cape Town to the farm of her husband-to-be, and the oath that she had sworn then ….well, this was about to be fulfilled!.                                     

Marie phoned the Methodist Home in Ramsgate and after a short interval, the Reverend Hobbs came on the line. ‘..Hello Reverend, this is Marie, how are you keeping?….’ She could hear him swallowing on the other end, and his voice sounded a bit strained as he replied – ‘…Marie?…Marie?…..I beg your pardon my dear, should I know you?…’ ‘..of course you do Reverend,…. little Marie what used to work at the “King and Cabbage” for your dear friend George Stokes,.. the Marie what you sent to the Cape Colony to be married!…’                           ‘….ooh!…yesss!…..Marie!..’ he said faintly – ‘…er… what can I do for you my dear girl?…’ - ‘…no Rev., it’s what I can do for you…something you always used to enjoy…….tell you what, I believe your custom is to take an early morning stroll along the path atop the cliffs looking down on Ramsgate,.. tell me where exactly I should meet you…..or would you prefer me to come along to the Methodist home…eh?…’. ‘…no!…No!…dear girl, I’ll meet you on the cliff path, alongside the big boulder painted white, at the Northern starting point… let’s say at 8o’clock sharp….alright?….see you there then!..’ and the connection terminated abruptly…..