Unique or Eunuch? by David H McKey - HTML preview

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                                              CHAPTER 28        


Wheezing softly, the Reverend Hobbs, leaning heavily on his walking stick rounded the slight bend and saw that a well-dressed lady was indeed waiting for him alongside the white-painted boulder. There was a fresh wind blowing and she clutched at her straw hat to prevent it from being blown away. As he finally came abreast of Marie, the wind abruptly died down and he spoke a bit louder than he had intended –

‘….Marie, my dear, dear, girl….you look absolutely marvellous…and prosperous, I might add!….it appears that my little act of Christian charity did you a powerful lot of good… eh?….you don’t have to say a word of thanks my dear, it was my duty and my pleasure to help…..now tell me all your exciting news!!…’

Marie stared at him in amazement…the damned old hypocrite, trust him to turn everything to his own advantage!. The sheer effrontery of it all brought about recall,… remembering the humiliations that she had suffered at the hands of this lecherous old devil – Satan in a frock-coat and round collar smiling lewdly at her! – her resolve strengthened, and she stepped towards him and gave him a hug…’dear, dear Reverend – I’ve dreamt about this moment for so long …it’s wonderful to finally see you  again!...come let’s walk on a bit…there’s a spot ahead on the edge of the path that has a beautiful view of the sea down below….come, take my arm!..’ They walked arm in arm to the spot where an outcrop of rock jutted out from the path forming a natural viewing platform on the cliff-top. Some 70ft below, the Royal Harbour, so named after GeorgeIV, who frequently came here, dominated the town’s five-mile coastline. Still holding onto his arm, Marie turned and stood so that in turning, his back was angled towards the sea-view close to the edge of the platform. Releasing his arm, she said – ‘Dear Reverend, for year’s I have dreamed of seeing you again and at last my dreams have come true…do you remember the last time that I was with you in your study, and what I did for you…and how much you enjoyed it!?…..well I’d like to replay that little scene again, right here and now, with a slight variation which will bring even more pleasure! She knelt in front of him and began to unbutton his flies. He started shaking with excitement, dropping his walking stick, sighing with enjoyment as her hand found his genitals. The sigh turned to a shriek of pain as her hand gripped his testicles and squeezed. He bent down towards her as the pain racked his body, and with that, she shoved him with her shoulder and with a final squeeze pulled her hand from his trousers, as his feet slipped backwards and off the edge of the platform, his body following… but with a desperate strength, his hands attached themselves to a jutting-upwards piece of the rocky platform and he clung there tenaciously. ‘..help me!...Help me!’ he  cried in terror.

Marie looked down at him as he clung desperately to the rocky outcrop looking like a huge malevolent spider. ‘…help me…please!..’ he blubbered piteously, his terrified eyes brimming with tears. She climbed to her feet, picking-up his walking stick as she did so, and then, looking
down at him she smiled and said – ‘…do you remember what you said to me in your study after you bade me get to my knees and give thanks to the Lord!?……well I do - and it went something like this: …..hmmm, and while you’re down there, you could show me a little gratitude as well…!..and so you shall – fall!…..FALL!’ and with that she brought the end of the walking stick heavily down upon his head with all her might! As the sound of the blow echoed, the Reverend Phineas Hobbs fell silently from the cliff and went to meet his Maker, whom he had professed to serve so faithfully!…

 Marie spent a leisurely, relaxed afternoon exploring the picturesque and popular seaside resort of Ramsgate before catching the train back to London.                                                                                                     Having completed her “business” appointments successfully, Marie decided that she would spend her last evening in London in cultural pursuit. She had read many rave notices about “Turandot” - Giacomo Puccini’s Opera which had been completed posthumously and had had its first airing at La Scala in Milan, a few years previously.

Evidently, the opening night in London had been a sell-out, so inviting her London representative to accompany her, she had booked a box at the Covent Garden Theatre.

John Postlethwaite, the London representative of “The Collett Corporation” and the widow Collett, duly arrived at the Covent Garden Theatre by hackney, and were escorted upstairs through the milling, affluent crowds to their reserved box. As they settled comfortably in their seats, a uniformed page-boy appeared with a platter of sweet-meats and a bottle of the best French champagne nestling in a silver bucket of ice – nothing was too good for the Managing Director of “The Collett Corporation”!.

Marie looked around her and thought… not too bad for a former waitress in a blowsy inn! – I wonder if Alfie and the Rev. can see me now, wherever they are!. Unthinkingly, she thrust her middlefinger upwards in the air in a jabbing motion and turned her head to encounter an extremely puzzled look on the face of Mr. Postlethwaite – she quickly changed the movement to a wave, as though she were greeting someone in the audience!.

As the opera progressed, Marie was struck by the fact that, she too felt the way that Turandot felt about avenging the rape and death of a
conquered ancestress – no-one would ever possess her or her descendants.. and the words and music of the aria that Turandot sang – “In questa reggia” – became indelibly imprinted in her mind. She would make sure that her girls would know all of what there was to be known about men!!…….After the closing curtain and as they were on their way out of the Theatre, Marie noticed a poster in the foyer announcing that the complete opera “Turandot” copied onto phonograph recordings was available for sale, so she promptly bought three sets, one for herself and one for each of the girls. She was determined that the thoughts of Turandot would be perpetuated!…..




                                              CHAPTER 29 


After a long and tiring journey, Marie arrived back in Johannesburg and immediately set up a meeting with her personal Lawyer, who was also an old friend. She explained to him the position regarding the shares owned by Ronald. After going into the share position very thoroughly, the Lawyer explained to Marie that there was actually not much she could do except make him an offer to purchase back his holdings, allowing him a profit - however there was another way of doing things – Rory had had one stipulation when shares were awarded to staff, and that was – the shares would only be valid while that person worked for the Corporation, and on leaving the Corporation, or on the death of the holder, the heirs would surrender the shares back to the Corporation and be paid out their present market value – and shares could never be sold to persons outside of the Corporation – she could however as Managing Director, fire him and he would thus be compelled to sell his shares to her. She had the lawyer draft a letter transferring Ronald’s shareholdings to her at present market value, which actually allowed him a fairly decent profit. With this Transfer Document in hand , Marie strode determinedly to Ronald’s office.

Stepping out from behind his desk, Ronald greeted Marie effusively and bade her sit in one of the easy chairs in his “client entertainment” area where coffee had been provided. He enquired solicitously about her trip over to London and assured her that the Corporation’s finances were extremely healthy. Marie looked him in the eye and said – ‘…right Ronald, however there is something else I wanted to discuss with
you….’ – she thrust the Transfer deed towards him – ‘…read this!’…   He started reading and she could see that his face was beginning to turn puce – beads of perspiration appeared on his forehead and he began trembling. ‘..what the Hell is this ?….’,he spluttered. ‘..I don’t want to sell my shares! - why should I ?!..…………………………………                                                             ‘..you shall and you will!….because if you don’t, I’m going to fire you and then the shares will come back to the Corporation anyway…and in a case of dismissal, the Corporation has the jurisdiction, as to whether you would be paid out at Market value or at the original purchase                          price….so don’t annoy me Ronald, take my offer, it’s extremely generous and you’ll still  be employed by the Corporation’.             .                                                            Ronald jumped up from the easy chair in which he had been ensconced, he was purple in the face, perspiring heavily and foam had appeared at the corner of his mouth. He teetered on his feet clutching at his chest and then with a groan of pain, slid to his knees and thence flat on his stomach. He began gasping for breath and called out to Marie in a pain-racked voice – ‘…aargh…M-m-m…Marie….for pity’s sake please help me….it’s my heart….give me two of my pills - they’re in the top left drawer of my desk….oh Lord!….please hurry!…’

Marie snatched the pill-box from the drawer, also dipping a pen in ink and picking up the Transfer deed she then bent down to the groaning figure of Ronald on the carpet. ‘…Lord.. Marie, I’m dying!.. please give me my pills!!…” – ‘…I will Ronald, just as soon as you sign this Transfer…quickly!…- or no pills! – do it now!…’

 Groaning loudly and with a shaking hand, Ronald scrawled his signature on the document. With a sigh of satisfaction, Marie rose to her feet clutching the document. –‘..urrgh!.. Marie my pills! For mercy’s sake, please! Please!….’ Ronald was now convulsing and writhing with pain. Marie glanced at Ronald indifferently - her mind had already dismissed him – ‘….don’t whine so Ronald!… you’re not going to need these pills anymore!…so do be quiet, I’m trying to think who I’m going to replace you with!…’  Ronald’s eyes turned up in his head, he gave a rattling grunt, kicked convulsively…. and….expired!.

Marie dropped the pill-box on the carpet alongside his outstretched hand and left his office, deep in thought………


                                              CHAPTER 30

Things had certainly changed at “The Collett Corporation” since the demise of Ronald Patterson. The most notable change though was in the complement of staff – there were more females in Senior positions than men – all bright, no-nonsense go-getters – and the results were there, the figures were up in most divisions by almost fifty per cent. Marie had brought both of her girls into the family business and they were getting a thorough hands-on business training, mostly by their mother who would tolerate no slack!.

Of the two girls, Margaret, the elder, showed more interest in the business and would often stay after hours when something intrigued or puzzled her. Her mother encouraged her and would devote a lot of time to her, explaining and answering her queries, usually in Marie’s office - and most of the time, with the Puccini “Turandot” music playing softly in the background!

Thus it was that Margaret became the understudy for the role of Managing Director much to the satisfaction of both Marie and Amelia – Amelia especially was pleased, as she was a soft, easy-going soul who avoided any form of conflict or confrontation…..so she was happy to play the role of second fiddle to her sister, who thrived on challenge.                                                                                                The years passed and the time came when Marie could no longer manage “The Collett Corporation” and Margaret took over the reigns….and an extremely smooth transition that was. Much to Marie’s pleasure, Margaret had not married,- what with her abrupt manner and curtness, any would-be suitors were soon sent packing – so she now ruled supreme.                     

Amelia retained a half-share in the Corporation and she and her sister had a good relationship, so when she decided to marry Christopher Hamilton (a distant cousin of her late father Rory) and live a home life, Margaret had no objections. When Amelia announced that she was pregnant and later produced a beautiful daughter, both Margaret and Marie were overjoyed – Marie especially so, as she could see a prospective Managing Director to take over the reigns from Margaret when the time came….ensuring that  the Corporation would still be female-run!!

 Some years after the birth of her daughter, now named Elizabeth, and registered and christened, Elizabeth Collett as per the Matriarchal custom initiated and insisted upon by Marie, Amelia again gave birth – an extremely difficult and painful birth this time, as she was actually past her child-bearing time - to a robust, healthy boy whom Amelia immediately adored - he had the looks of her dearly-loved father Rory, for whom he was promptly named.

Although Marie was touched by the fact, that he had the features of the only man in her life that she had respected and loved - she was secretly not pleased – it would grow-up to be a man!…and no man would ever take over the running of “The Collett Corporation”  again! Marie felt betrayed and insulted, by Amelia’s husband, Christopher Hamilton, for daring to bring a son into her family circle!,… and made up her mind to punish him for what he had done to her – and for the pain that Amelia had suffered giving birth - accordingly she added a codicil to  her will. One which stated that, neither Christopher nor his son, would be allowed to own shares in “The Collett Corporation” and that they would not be welcome to accompany his wife to Corporation Board meetings. She also paid a discreet visit to the Insect Division of the Zoological Gardens - she was a Patron and gave them a very generous cheque once a year…….

Amelia decided that the new baby be named after her father Rory, but unlike Elizabeth he would bear only his father’s surname - Hamilton. Marie had insisted that any female children take the Collett surname which could be “double-barrelled” with their husband’s surname upon marriage – both Amelia and Christopher had agreed to pander to the old lady’s whim.

 Amelia herself had changed since the birth of her son, from being a non-aggressive easy-going person, she became confrontational and strongly anti-male, the exception being her son whom she fawned upon.                                                                 

From day one there was an antipathy between Marie and little Rory (in spite of his strong resemblance to his late Grandfather) and even as the boy grew older, he and his Grandmother could not see eye-to-eye, this situation seemed to worsen after the death of his father Christopher, who had died after being bitten by a Black Widow Spider in his bedroom! – a strange death indeed!.

Marie on the other hand, doted on Elizabeth and saw as much as she could of her – telling her stories of the past history of her matriarchal family which Elizabeth found fascinating. Elizabeth’s favourite story though, was the story of “Turandot”, which grandma always related to her with the music of the opera playing in the background. She particularly loved the Chinese Folk-Song “Jasmine Flower” which was used throughout the opera to foreshadow appearances by Turandot. 
Elizabeth grew up with the principles implanted in her by her grandmother, firmly rooted.

Eventually, when the time came, Marie, at age 103, lived just long enough to witness the handing over of the Managing Directorship of “The Collett Corporation”, from Margaret to Elizabeth – and Marie was content – Elizabeth was like another edition of herself – strong-willed and tough! – and.. most importantly  – she held men in utter contempt!…    

Elizabeth ruled “The Collett Corporation” with a rod of iron, and the already prosperous Corporation became even more prosperous.. and Elizabeth’s reputation as a businesswoman became legend. Many articles were written about her in newspapers and magazines, not only in South Africa but also abroad – particularly in America, where Big Business was paramount.

One such article came to the attention of an American entrepreneur, Chester Arbuthnot – and when the article mentioned the fact that the lady was extremely “well-heeled”, his eyes took on an almost reverential glint. A man of decision, he promptly made plans to visit Johannesburg and to meet the lady in person. He organised a number of Letters of Recommendation from amongst his cronies and set out for South Africa.

Chester booked in at the Carlton Hotel in Johannesburg, and settled-in in one of their most luxurious suites. Not one to waste time, he immediately telephoned, the Collett and Company offices and arranged for an appointment to see the Chairperson and Managing Director Elizabeth Collett.

                                                                                                       Elizabeth, the cynical Iron Lady, was for once, quite impressed by the presentation that Chester made to her. She could foresee that many of the American products offered would find favour on the local markets and Chester was already making many valid and practical suggestions as to what her approach should be regarding Marketing – it was agreed that they had a deal!.

Elizabeth also had to admit that Chester was an attractive man – something she would not have dared to think about had her “Grandma”  been alive. Chester upon the successful conclusion of their meeting, invited Elizabeth to join him for dinner at his hotel that evening – without hesitation Elizabeth accepted.                                                                                                      

Elizabeth stared at herself in the mirror – her make-up and hair looked perfect and combined with the new dress and accessories, she actually
looked quite stunning. Tonight would be the first time that she was to have dinner - and be alone - with a man, since she was a teenager – her Grandmother had always kept any would-be-suitors at bay in the past!.                                                                            Chester swept open the door to his suite with a flourish, then stepped aside to let Elizabeth enter.

 As could be expected of the Carlton, the dinner setting and napery was exquisite. The Maitre d’ pushed the chair comfortably beneath Elizabeth and then proceeded to pour the French Champagne….                                                                          

 In the early hours of the morning, Elizabeth awoke, with just a slight suggestion of a headache – but oh so contented!. Last night had been the first time in her life that she had indulged in sex, and it was heavenly! She glanced with tenderness and love at the recumbent figure alongside her in the bed – he was indeed a handsome fellow, one “well-versed” in the Art of Love…and… very well-endowed!!……..she vowed that she would have him eternally!.- to Heck with what “Grandma” would have said!…SEX was absolutely amazing!!…and she wanted more!...

Chester seemed to sense that she was watching him and opened his eyes, smiling at her with pure lust – he licked his lips lasciviously and reached for her compliant body and the miracle started all over again!….

Two weeks after their Carlton episode, they were married. The wedding was one of the Social events of the year. Nine months to the day, Elizabeth gave birth (much to her own surprise, as she was past the child-bearing stage of her life!) to a beautiful girl-child, christened as per family Matriarchal-tradition, Marianne Collett – sans the Arbuthnot surname!.

Chester doted on his beautiful little daughter, telling her stories about his former life in America, regaling her with tales of his adventures in the wild West -  some, he had to admit, were rather far-fetched….but very entertaining nevertheless!!

The Arbuthnot family was an extremely happy family, and Marianne had a happy care-free childhood. She had had an extremely good education at the Notre Dame Convent, under the Principalship of the formidable Sister Margaret, in the small Free State town of Kroonstad and had thereafter attained a Bsc. Degree in Fine Arts at the University of the Witwatersrand. She had met and fallen in love with James Kane whilst at the Convent and this led finally to marriage…..

They were very well suited to each other and their union was a very happy and tranquil one. The only fly in the ointment had been Marianne’s grandmother, Amelia, who disliked James (perhaps because he never “kow-towed” to her?) and never let an opportunity to criticise him go by. Marianne however made her grandmother aware that their marriage was there to stay and that nothing would alter that fact!. The only concession that Marianne allowed her grandmother, was the family Matriarchal custom of combining the Collett surname with that of her husband – she thus became Marianne Collett-Kane which was not an issue with James – much to the surprise of Amelia.

Amelia finally came to the realisation that there was no way that she could influence the relationship between Marianne and James, so she shifted her energies to the career of her son Rory who lived in Cape Town.

She acknowledged the fact that within the Collett Empire there would be no chance for him as the Corporate policy was biased in favour of the advancement of Female executives – the policy laid down by the late Matriarch, Marie, which was, and would always be, strictly adhered to. Amelia however, was not averse to using the Collett name and her inheritance, to advance the interests of Rory.

 She unobtrusively established an Import and Export company in Cape Town, which she named “TuranColl Import”, having absolutely no connection whatsoever with the Collett Group or family. The hope being that at a later date Rory could be brought in to run it - but in the meantime she bought highly qualified and experienced personnel to make the Company a group that quickly became extremely successful and respected.

 A great deal of their import business  was heavy industrial machinery and was sourced from China where the price was extremely competitive and the quality kept consistently improving over the years. They also imported fancy goods, as the turnover, thanks to the rapid growth countrywide of “fleamarkets”, was continually growing – so much so that Amelia had brought in a young, top Eurasian “Whiz-kid” business-woman, poached from a hugely successful corporation in Beijing, May-Lin Shaw, as the CEO (unmarried – which appealed to Amelia’s inherited Matriarchal outlook  immensely!).


                                              CHAPTER 31


May-Lin had proved to be a wise investment – she was an extremely efficient and able CEO who had quickly re-organised the staff and brought the Company up to maximum productivity – so much so that they had to open a branch in Johannesburg. She had brought a distant-cousin with her, Jenni-Lee Young, also unmarried and with no emotional ties, who was regarded as a business organisational genius, whom she appointed as her second-in-command and liaison between Cape Town and Johannesburg. The two girls made a formidable management team second to none, and “TuranColl” prospered.

Rory, had at first been bitter about not being allowed to be a part of management at “The Collett Corporation” – however the financial allowance provided by his mother helped sweeten the pill. He had started mixing with the Brit “expats” group in CapeTown and had become qui