Unique or Eunuch? by David H McKey - HTML preview

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Marianne was pleased to receive a beautiful new gold charm bracelet from James:

‘Thanks Darling, but what is the occasion?…’

‘The occasion my love…is survival! – we have two electronic gadgets for this purpose – my new wristwatch….nice looking isn’t it?…..’ - here he flashed the wristwatch at her…..’..and a charm bracelet for you! The charms are all standard charms, except for the Bell and the Motor Car. Pull on the Bell shaped charm and the bracelet sets off an electronic alarm at “The Circle”. Twist the Motor Car charm and it starts transmitting your location continuously – to a beacon at “The Circle” and to a mini-beacon situated within my new wristwatch!. The two Battery shape charms are just that - batteries with enough power to keep the transmissions going for ten days! We must be sure that we aren’t as vulnerable as we were before! - so please wear your bracelet all the time – at least until this operation  is finished – and beware of any Oriental gentlemen…… Hu Lyang is not the sort to give up trying – and he’s totally ruthless!’


Whilst this conversation between James and Marianne was going on, a vehicle cruised slowly past their home – the driver was a very attractive lady of Eurasian descent………

She gazed over at the Kane’s home as she drove past – the security seemed impenetrable – however knowing how resourceful Hu Lyang was, she guessed that the breaching would just be a matter of time. He had asked her to drive by and give him her assessment and any suggestion she deemed valid. He seemed to be obsessed with wanting to silence the Kanes – they had made an enemy of a very vengeful and determined man, one who would not stop until he had destroyed them both!

A very strange man was Hu Lyang, both vicious and gentle, also a wonderful and generous lover. She had first met him at a Chinese “expats” club in Cape Town when she had originally arrived in South Africa, and was feeling lonely and homesick. He had been very kind and helpful and divorced… and the friendship had blossomed into a love affair to which they were both truly committed. As his Company and “TuranColl” were situated both in Johannesburg and Cape Town, they could meet very frequently and she had been instrumental in the supplying of information which had led to the “liquidation” of Rory Hamilton. Her position at “TuranColl” provided Hu Lyang with inside information about his adversaries. She felt no guilt about this, as she was totally in love with and devoted to Hu Lyang and would serve him faithfully – she knew that he was not Chinese, but North Korean and was fully “au fait” with his political and business agenda. More pressure had been placed upon him by “Bureau 39” to increase drug sales as their War machine expenses were increasing daily – the recent news article in the widely-read newspaper “Munhwa Ilbo” reported that Seoul had begun mass-production of the “Hyunmu-3” long-range cruise missile early in 2009, which could reach not only North Korea but also parts of China and Japan - had further increased the frenzy! She shared his ideals and thoughts – his enemies were her enemies!…………




                                              CHAPTER 46



Hu Lyang had much on his mind. The Authorities had been cracking down on all the known and suspected ports of entry used by drug smugglers – there was definitely a concerted effort being made to destroy the drug smuggling syndicates. Mexico and the US had arrested over 300 Drug Cartel members. Opposition to the sale of drugs had become so tough that “Chapo” Guzman was coming to South Africa to assess the situation and offer advice and help if needs be – the revenue from South Africa was one of the biggest in the world and would be protected………and “Chapo” hinted, ….’any inefficient links would be severed and replaced!’.  Hu Lyang had no illusions about “Chapo” and no doubt about the fact that he had received a warning to “put his house in order”.

“Bureau 39” had also become worried about their share and he knew that they too wouldn’t hesitate to replace him should he show any indication of slipping up. He had also been landed with the additional responsibility of setting-up the new drug laboratories and equipment smuggled into South Africa which would help increase sales throughout the Continent of Africa.  The biggest danger to him and his organisation at the present moment was the “Circle” and the Kane husband and wife team…they would have to be eliminated as soon as possible…the sooner the better!!

Marianne was looking forward to the “Le Bal du Dimanche” which she was attending on the Sunday afternoon at the “Alliance Francaise” centre in Parkview. It promised to be an enjoyable carefree afternoon, a pleasant diversion - away from the hassles and tension that she and James had experienced lately…




Marianne was tired but happily so – she had spent the afternoon till late, even attempting a game of “Petanque”!, in the company of people she liked, particularly Pauline Boitard, who as always, organised a very successful function and was a very good PRO.

She opened her car door, noticing a slight smell of petrol as she did so – she sniffed again and thought that it did not seem too strong a smell, shrugged and drove away from the “Alliance Francaise” property. She was driving around Zoo Lake when her car began to sputter and smoke, backfiring loudly. She pulled to the side of the road as the engine cut out with an explosive sigh. She was about to phone James on her cell-phone when a yellow AA Emergency vehicle came down the road and pulled to a halt in front of her car. The patrol officer walked up to her vehicle as she opened her window:

‘…Good evening Ma’am can I be of assistance to you…I noticed your vehicle jerking to a halt?…’                                                        

‘…Evening Officer, how fortunate and what a stroke of luck your being in the neighbourhood…I think that my car is leaking petrol – I hope that you can get me mobile as soon as possible as I am expected elsewhere in half an hour’s time…I am an AA member…’

‘…Great Ma’am, would you mind bringing your card to my vehicle so I can log the particulars first?…’

Marianne followed him over to the yellow mini-van where he opened up the boot and brought out a book. She stepped forward proffering her AA membership card to him. He put the book down and reached forward to take the card…then swiftly caught her arm around the wrist, the other hand, which had been hidden behind his back, whipped out a piece of  Ether-saturated cloth, covering her mouth and nose, effectively silencing her involuntary scream. She fought for air and sucked-in the Ether fumes…within the next hour, she was on her way to Cape Town!...                                                                  

James was worried out of his mind. When Marianne had not arrived home by 9pm, and not answered her cell-phone, he had driven to the “Alliance Francaise” locale and discovered her abandoned car near Zoo Lake. He had spotted her AA card lying a short distance in front of her vehicle in the road – plus a squashed-flat miniature bell from her charm bracelet.

 Phoning the AA , he was told that none of their vehicles had been in that vicinity that evening, and no calls had been received from his wife. The side of the road was covered with a certain amount of soil and this contained tyre imprints, which corresponded size and width wise to tracks that would fit a mini-van. So, if it was not an AA vehicle, who the Heck could it be? - even as he thought this, he knew the answer….Hu Lyang. His heart gave a painful lurch…what the Devil should he do?. He contacted the Flying Squad who immediately sent a Squad car to the scene. The officers agreed with James’ deductions and had immediately sent out an “All cars alert” for any yellow mini-vans to be stopped and searched – unfortunately this had received no results. One of the officers had examined Marianne’s car and had got the engine going, the malfunction being caused by a partly pulled-loose fuel-pipe. The police had very kindly followed James home, one of the officers driving Marianne’s car.



The extremely bright light brought Marianne around…she tried to turn away from the source but realised that she was constrained. Cautiously she opened her eyes and was able to lift her head only slightly and found that she was lying on her back in a spread-eagled position, her limbs secured by plastic ties to the hard surface of whatever it was that she was lying on. A flush of shame suffused her face as she realised that she was completely naked, her legs spread to reveal her most intimate area!. She was completely surrounded by lights and she could dimly make out the shape of a camera, on a tripod in the area immediately below her legs. There was someone there, hunched up behind the camera – she heard the sound of a shutter clicking, which was simultaneously accompanied by a flash of light.

‘….Ah ha!…..excellent…. a beautiful shot!….one that will be appreciated by many avid connoisseurs of the female form….and I must remark, that your James has been a most fortunate man to be able to enjoy your undeniably luscious attributes!….’ said Hu Lyang as he stepped out from behind the camera, positioned at the foot of the photographer’s raised-platform “infinity-cyclorama” on which she was pinioned. ‘…yes… you my dear, are going to make me quite a nice sum at the auction in Dubai…..something to recompense me for all the trouble you and that interfering husband of yours, have caused me….he’ll never ever see you again……except in the photos that I will send to him, and also of course, in the video which I shall soon create……this will really be my ultimate pleasure!…..and with my undoubted “talent”…yours as well!……Forgive me, I shall have to leave you for a short while and then we can prepare you for your “starring” role!…….’ so saying Hu Lyang walked away, out of her line of vision.

She did not have long to wait, Hu Lyang returned accompanied by another Oriental, whom he introduced as…’ “my assistant and newly promoted cameraman”…a great lover of meat, he always carries a packet of biltong (pemmican) with him wherever he goes and his pocket-knife is always busy!’ – this was accompanied by laughter from both of them…..’….he will be able to concentrate on all the good photographic angles, while I will most competently concentrate on getting the dangle angle right!…heh!…heh!’…but first the “make-up” department must do their bit!’…..’

He produced a bottle of baby-oil lotion and with a snigger poured some on her pubes, which he began to massage and knead rhythmically. Marianne shuddered with revulsion and spat into Hu Lyang’s face. He smiled… lifted his hand, rubbed the spittle off his face, then licked his finger which he slowly brought downwards and inserted into her vagina. ’…I see you like to play, do you? – well, so do I!….’ – with that he caught her clitoris between thumb and fore-finger, squeezing viciously. Marianne blacked out for a couple of seconds from the extreme pain, and then, unable to help herself she started sobbing with despair and humiliation.

Beaming with enjoyment, his face so suffused and swollen with lust that his eyes became mere slits, he bent down to one side and picked up a small toolbox which he opened and brought out from within, a soldering iron, holding it aloft for her to see.  ‘…you see my dear, I am a very fair-minded person….so, I am going to give you a choice…..either I put myself into you, or I insert the soldering iron – only then, switching it on of course!….takes a few seconds to warm up…..but by then you’re really going to be in the mood….real hot actually!…heh! ….heh!. You know that the angle of the dangle, depends upon the heat of the meat…hey?. Funny, I reckon I know which “instrument” you’re gonna choose!… Hey?!………..if not…… perhaps Wong’s pocket-knife can carve himself into your memories – eh?.

How Marianne managed to survive the next two hours she would never know. She actually lost consciousness for a while, as Hu Lyang ravaged her in the most savage and brutal acts of bestiality and depravity that his sick mind could conceive – and all being recorded by his cameraman on video. After Hu Lyang had sated his lust, he took control of the video camera and ordered his biltong-chewing “cameraman” to enjoy himself as well, while he directed the action – the excesses he conceived were demonic and indicated a totally deranged mind………. Unable to take the pain and degradation any longer, Marianne finally and mercifully, blacked out……


As the mists in front of her eyes began clearing, Marianne realised that she was no longer lying on the cyclorama. She was now fully clothed but restrained once more in a sitting position in a wheel-chair, which appeared to be situated in a small, single-patient private ward. She glanced down at her clothing – not standard hospital issue, but a man’s pyjama suit!.  She turned to her right as the door opened and a nurse came into the private ward bearing a tray of food and medication, which she clipped into place above Marianne’s lap.     

‘Here we are Dearie…some nice food and medicine to help you get over your breakdown….don’t you worry now ….we’ll soon get you as right as rain and well enough to be able to undertake your aeroplane trip back to your parents in Dubai. I’m going to free up your right hand so that you can feed yourself - so please don’t struggle as you did when we washed and dressed you – you can only do yourself harm… be a good girl please!’. 

Marianne tried to answer her but found that her throat was inflamed and very painful…..then she half-remembered the “cameraman’s” final “trick”……and her eyes filled and she sobbed bitterly…..

The nurse finally left her, after transferring her to the bed with the help of a burly orderly, constraining only her legs this time. From her three-pillow heightened position, she looked down at the forgotten clip-board on the small cupboard alongside the bed. The nurse had added various notations, - the heading proclaimed: “Psychiatric Patient”!………



The Patient was beginning to come around – the eyelids flickered and a frown appeared. Attempting to move was a painful experience. The consciousness darted to and fro like a trapped animal, the thoughts swirling incomprehensively around and around…where am I? ...what am I doing here?……who has brought me here?……am I drugged?...why can’t I move my limbs?….who…why…..why……my head is bursting!……ooh!…the merciful darkness!….The Patient embraced the protective darkness…slipping quietly away into its comforting and mind-numbing arms, just as an olive-skinned, tough-looking man entered the room…



James’ mind was in a quandary, and he was totally exhausted. He had spent the whole night at the Police Station in the hopes that the squad cars would be able to trace the Yellow AA van (the colour and signage had been established by an eye-witness - one of the staff of the “Alliance Francaise”, who was homeward bound, had seen the van leaving the break-down area and surmised that the driver of the incapacitated vehicle was being given a lift home.)  James had laid a charge of “kidnapping by persons unknown” and supplied the police with a photo and personal details of Marianne, in the late afternoon. The Police advised him to go on home and get some sleep, saying that in most kidnapping cases, the perpetrators would contact the next-of-kin with the Ransom demands, so it was pointless him waiting around at the Police station – they would contact him should anything transpire.

 Against the background of a beautiful Gauteng sunset, James wearily climbed into his vehicle and set-off homewards, his agonised thoughts torturing him with “what ifs”. So encumbered was his mind that at first he was not aware of a vehicle driving close behind him. Suddenly his car was given a bump from behind, absolutely shattering his reverie. A glance in his rear-view mirror revealed a black 4x4 with darkened windows moving closer to bump him once more. He stamped on the accelerator only just getting ahead of the Bull bars in time. He swung left and then quickly to the right, but knew that the other vehicle had a lot more power than his ageing transport and realised that his only chance to avoid being knocked off the road was to be nimble. He suddenly stood on the brake and the 4x4 behind instinctively braked and swung to the right down a side street, as James carried on straight down the road and turned into the first street on his left, saw an open alleyway which he entered, switching off the car lights and parked behind an outbuilding, his heart pounding fit to burst.!

Gradually his frenzied breathing slowed down and his heart resumed a calmer, slower rhythm. He waited and when he was sure that his pursuer was no longer around, he started up his engine and continued his journey home. James heaved a sigh of relief as he switched off the engine of his car within the safe haven of his garage….that first Bell’s was going to taste like rapture!

Entering the lounge, he was surprised to find a note lying on the silver card salver on the table beneath the large mirror:

Mr Kane: A packet, was delivered to your door this morning, at 9.30 by the Acme Speedy Delivery Service. We deemed it appropriate, circumstances being as they are, to open same – we did so to find only this Memory Stick – there was no accompanying letter or note. Acme has no idea who the sender is.  “ The Circle Security Patrol.”

With trembling hands, James rushed the Memory Stick to his computer and inserted it. The first thing that came onto the screen was an extreme close-up of Marianne’s face contorted with pain!. The camera pulled back to reveal a man lying atop her, and thrusting violently into her – her sobs were magnified hugely…then the voice:  ‘…James….do you see what pain you have caused your wife!….this is the result of your interference and the meddling in of my affairs. Stop immediately and she might live….I’ll contact you again….in the meantime enjoy the video and pictures…I can assure you my cameraman and I both enjoyed our roles…..I think that she actually enjoyed her role very much…two proper men…...so many proper orgasms!…she begged for more! ..such horny talent deserves stardom…..which could still happen!…..remember it all depends on you!…..play the game my way……or I ship her out of the country……or, easier still…..I eliminate her permanently!…. ’ The voice clicked off. James sat staring into space, trembling violently – the tears coursing down his cheeks. Gradually he calmed down, the upset being replaced by a seething hatred….he was not going to wait for contact from Hu Lyang, he was going to find him and destroy him in the most painful way that he could devise!…..he, his cameraman and whoever else was part of their set-up!…but first of all he had to find Marianne.

James scanned through “The Circle’s” files on Hu Lyang, once more. The files actually contained very little that was of any use to him…if only Rory’s video files had not been destroyed! - what he did do however, was to order a 24 hour surveillance to be kept on Hu Lyang and also on his assistant and dogsbody, the biltong-guzzling Wong shi-Teng. He would snatch Hu Lyang - if he could get him on his own….difficult though, as he appeared to be continually surrounded by armed henchmen. He noted that Hu Lyang was now suspected of also being involved in the murder of the Irish journalist, Veronica Guerin, on the Naas Road from Dublin. She had been crusading relentlessly against drugs – 196 anti-drug journalists had been murdered in the six years since her death….so the drug cartels were getting worried.  Perhaps he should also have a look at the activities of Umberto Goncalves again, as surveillance had been lifted for some time now…and his depot was the starting point for the big Drug shipments into South Africa……if only some photographic evidence could be obtained………perhaps even a sample of the drugs…..He rubbed his forehead feverishly….perhaps, perhaps…..He poured himself the long- anticipated Bell’s and switched on the CD player to listen to the smooth, dulcet-toned voice of Timothy Moloi, whose laid-back presentation always helped him to relax……..




                                              CHAPTER 47  


Marianne suddenly felt very drowsy indeed….quite a pleasant drowsiness actually. The shapes around began wavering and stretching, colours popping and bursting around her. Her ears began to tingle and a curious thumping noise began to make itself heard…somehow she came to the realisation that the “Disco-throb” that she was hearing, was actually her own heartbeat. This was so amusing that she began to giggle and finally, to laugh out loud. Her whole situation was hilarious….she felt like having a drink to celebrate this wonderful feeling……where was room-service?….She spotted the bell-push suspended from a wire alongside her bed and gave it a hearty press.

After a short while, the door opened and Hu Lyang stepped into the ward looking extremely benign and jovial:                                                  

‘…Well….Well my dear Marianne, looking very chipper indeed…..it seems that your first spell of stardom has very much agreed with you…..we will have to arrange a repeat performance for you very soon, I think. Wong has been nagging at me to arrange another episode….it would seem that he is quite taken with you. He even offered to buy you from me, saying that you were the sweetest “piece-of-ass” that he had savoured in a long time….even tastier than his beloved biltong!…..however, business… not friends and associates, comes first and I’m sure that I should realise a lot more for you at the Auction. But in the meantime I must see to your “conditioning and well-being”….so accordingly, I have brought you your “medicine”…..by the time that we have finished a course or two, you will have become a most amenable person…..and will be only too happy to cater to your fortunate buyer’s most imaginative wishes!…..’

So saying, he produced a syringe and emptied the contents thereof into her arm. She relaxed and let the wonderful feeling take control of her totally, lying back smiling and closing her eyes in ecstasy. Hu Lyang locked the door and lasciviously undressed and examined her…. intimately and crudely… and then began unbuckling his belt….                                  

The Patient was bordering on waking up…thrashing around, groaning and whimpering, mumbling.. ‘No!… No!…’ – the head turning from side to side. The “Minder”, a tough-looking unshaven, olive-skinned man glanced down sympathetically at the contorting figure. Guess I’d also be doing that if I’d been through that terrible experience….homo-sapiens is really the worst of God’s creatures!. And all of this misery, just because of the Drug trade! - and greed!…and lust!!….

Rafael Pedrogonca knew all about the cruelty of Man and what viciousness he was capable of, having come out from Cuba to fight in the savage Angolan Bush war. At the cessation of hostilities, he had chosen to stay on in Africa, moving to Maputo and had invested all his accumulated army pay in a small tract of land on which he farmed, earning a somewhat precarious living. Still, he was of the opinion that he had a better chance of making money in Maputo than in Cuba, and he loved the land, the climate and the people…and best of all, he was a free man! - his own man!.

James had for the moment, decided to postpone going to Maputo to take up surveillance on Umberto Goncalves, deciding to give him a further period of time to cool down. Instead, he decided to try to find out who the persons or person was who had tipped Goncalves off about Rory Hamilton and had thus been ultimately responsible for his premature death. According to the surveillance reports garnered by “The Circle” watchers, which were carried out, as a normal matter of form on all their operatives, there appeared to be only one person whom Rory had been seeing regularly before his death, and that was May-Lin Shaw.

The more he thought about her, the more he realised that she could easily have been the mysterious informant. Then his mind reminded him of one of the surveillance reports that he had read regarding Hu Lyang: “….the subject was accompanied by a very attractive young lady of obvious Eurasian