Vanishment & Tribulation by Neal Fox - HTML preview

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In Israel, recently elected Prime Minister Hamon Garlock has been following news of the rise of President Antivon very closely.  He views him as a fellow traveler on the road to a radical progressive future.  Garlock is an atheist who rose to power in a bitter political struggle, and would not have won except that his opponent -- who was expected to win easily -- died in a freak accident just before the election.  Garlock is another of Satan's men who had recently and unexpectedly come to the forefront as a world leader under highly unusual circumstances.  The Bible calls him the "Beast out of the Land" (Israel), and also the "False Prophet," because he will support the Antichrist and promote his idolatry to the Jews.  Garlock decides to make a treaty with the Antichrist very early during the Tribulation which will allow the army of the Antichrist to station military forces inside Israel in return for certain advantages for Israel, and at the expense of the Arab nations.  Prime Minister Garlock flies to the US to meet with President Antivon and finalize the proposed treaty.  The two leaders meet at Camp David to discuss the remaining details.  After two days of discussions, they reach an agreement.


Prime Minister Garlock:  "This Treaty between the US and Israel is a necessity because of the recent attempted invasion by Russia.  US troops will be stationed in Israel to prevent any future attacks.  It is also important to us that the Treaty allows Israel to fully occupy the Temple Mount where the new Temple has been built, because the religious Jews demand it, and they also want to resume animal sacrifices.  I need to gain their support since they were strongly opposed to my election as Prime Minister.  So with these provisions already in the Treaty as we have agreed, I am very satisfied and ready to sign."


President Antivon:  "Then we are in agreement.  The Arab nations will not like it, but I will deal with them.  Let us make a public announcement today that we have a Treaty."


Prime Minister Garlock:  "I agree.  And although the Treaty does not include the "religious" support you want from me, you can be assured that I am strongly committed to supporting your priorities as we have discussed privately.  But the rest of my Cabinet does not need to know about that."


News of the Treaty between the Western Alliance and Israel spreads quickly, and most in Israel are generally positive since they view it as protection of Israel by the world's most powerful Alliance.  But not all agree.  One reporter seeks out Rabbi Cohen from northern Israel who recently converted to Christianity and is an outspoken critic of Prime Minister Garlock.

Reporter: "Rabbi Cohen, what is your take on the Treaty?"


Rabbi Cohen: "This is the Treaty between the Antichrist and the False Prophet discussed in the Bible.  Revelation 13:11 says “Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon.”  The Beast out of the Land, not "earth," means the False Prophet is from Israel, often referred to in the Bible as “the Land."  “Beast” means they are both demon possessed and serve the “dragon” Satan.  This man is known to us as the False Prophet since his primary role is as the religious supporter of the Antichrist, promoting him as a deity.  So the False Prophet, even though he is an atheist, has a "religious" side to him, promoting a false satanic religion through mysticism and idolatry.  He is doing Satan's work, just like the Antichrist, which is why this verse says he “spoke like a dragon.”  Horns in the Bible refer to power, and the False Prophet's “two horns” show he wields his own power as ruler of Israel and is also a powerful religious leader supporting the Antichrist.  The False Prophet will also be the one who puts the idol statue of the Antichrist into the Temple in Jerusalem at the midpoint of the Tribulation.  The Jewish leader is called the False Prophet since he will support the Antichrist in promoting his satanic false religion.  The Antichrist will use a treaty to make the False Prophet his puppet to aid in spreading his evil religious system throughout Israel.  The Antichrist will show his antisemitism later, but for now it suits his needs to work with this False Prophet and with Israel, especially to absorb the apostate remnants of religious Judaism into his own satanic religious system.  While this is happening, many Jews are turning to Jesus Christ recognizing Him as their Messiah Savior.


Reporter:  "So you think Prime Minister Garlock is the False Prophet who supports the Antichrist who you say is President Antivon?  Are you serious?"


Rabbi Cohen: "Yes, very serious.  The False Prophet is referred to in several ways throughout the Bible: 1) False Prophet (Matthew 24:24; Revelation 19:20); 2) Beast out of the land (Revelation 13:11-18); and 3) Dan the Serpent (Genesis 49:16-18)."


"And Revelation 13:12 says “It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. 13 And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people. 14 Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived.”


"So this verse says there will be some sort of "false resurrection" of the Antichrist, although we do not yet know what that means.  I would expect that we will soon find out.  


"The False Prophet's alliance with the Antichrist is two-fold, both as puppet ruler in Israel and as a religious leader, and he will exercise full authority on behalf of the Antichrist.  The False Prophet will perform pseudo miracles under the power of demons, including as it says here “causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth”.  The two Beasts work together to do Satan's work in establishing and promoting the worldwide false religious system where the Antichrist is the deity and the False Prophet is his number one prophet and keeper of the false religion.  Again we see how Satan tries to mimic God's truth by substituting falsehood to deceive the masses.  The near-death and false resurrection of the Antichrist will be used by the False Prophet as a marketing tool to promote him to the masses as a deity, which is why the Abomination of Desolation idol – a statue of the Antichrist -- is set up in the temple in Jerusalem at the direction of the False Prophet.  This idol statue of the Antichrist was described by Daniel:

Daniel 9:27 -- “He [Antichrist] will confirm a covenant with many [Israel] for one ‘seven’ [Tribulation 7 years]. In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end [Second Advent] that is decreed is poured out on him.”


Rabbi Cohen concludes: "Therefore the False Prophet is a tool of the Antichrist to promote him as a god to the unbelievers of Israel.  Many will be deceived because of the pseudo-miracles the Antichrist appears to perform, along with the message of healing the earth and eliminating the undesirables.  And the False Prophet will be the one who sells these lies to the people of Israel."


The Reporter goes away shaking his head.