Vanishment & Tribulation by Neal Fox - HTML preview

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At the White House the staff is scurrying as President Antivon decides to go out for dinner to his favorite restaurant.  He has not been able to do so since becoming President.  As he arrives at the restaurant and begins walking up the sidewalk he is targeted for assassination.  A knife-wielding attacker bursts out of the crowd yelling "Die, Antichrist" and manages to stab President Antivon in the chest.  The attacker is immediately killed by Secret Service agents.  President Antivon is rushed to George Washington University Hospital, and after attempts to revive him is declared dead.  The sheet is pulled up over him as the Chief Medical Officer goes to the briefing room and begins to tell the nation that President Antivon has been killed.  The Press outside is also notified, and the news spreads quickly.  As the briefing continues an Aide comes into the room where the body is laying and sees movement.  As he begins yelling, the doctors are urgently called back and President Antivon is found to be alive and is revived.  After several minutes of the world thinking President Antivon is dead, news that he is alive creates euphoric celebrations worldwide.  Rumors spread of a "resurrection" from the dead, slowly at first, then a frenzy of press activity declares it is a "miracle" and "a sign of our impending salvation."  President Antivon instantly gains a god-like stature among his loyal followers.  News announcers declare "He is the One we have been waiting for to deliver us, and to deliver the earth.  He is indeed a god among us."


Crowds in Times Square go from sobbing to cheering wildly at the news of the "resurrection" of President Antivon.  Everyone heard what they wanted to hear.  Climate change will finally be resolved by this god-like man who can even cheat death.  The world believes it has a new savior who will end climate change, implement world peace and provide prosperity under a new world order, and stop the spread of what they view as "Christian moralism."  


After a short recovery, President Antivon quickly acts to consolidate even more power.  The military will now be used to enforce the new laws requiring compliance with his climate priorities.  Christians must be controlled, stopped or eliminated entirely.  The internal police must be expanded.  Most citizens, but not all, cheer and celebrate the new stronger initiatives.


At the Capitol Building Senators talk among themselves about the drastic changes being made by President Antivon without consent of Congress:


Senator Anders:  "The changes being made are unconstitutional and frightening.  I am not on board with this shredding of our Constitution.  We lost 16 Senators to the Vanishment and they were ones who would have helped stop this madness.  But they are not here to help, and the replacement process is uncertain and has stalled.  What are we going to do?"

Senator Farrow: "Who would have thought that it was the Christians who have vanished who were holding the country together?  They were the core of the good and decent people who believed in the principles our country was founded on.  As long as they were here this sudden degradation of society could not have happened, but now that they are gone the majority of those who remain are ready to accept the radical leftist and anti-Constitutional policies of President Antivon.  He is lawless, but what can be done?  The citizens who would have stood in the way are gone."

Senator Davis:  "President Antivon's measures have declared lawful people criminals, and criminals are now celebrated as heroes.  After the former Christians vanished, the new Christians were declared to be enemies of the State.  President Antivon is trampling the rights of all good and decent citizens, especially these new Christians."

Senator Ford: "There are rumblings that the new President is the one called the Antichrist.  I now believe it myself.  Something must be done or he will lead us straight to Armageddon."  

Senator Davis: "No wonder he hates Christians so much.  Although I had never believed it before, the Bible says there would be a man like this.  He is mad, and is lawlessly implementing his madness.  We must stop him from further shredding the Constitution or he will destroy our country.  But the masses are swayed by his soaring rhetoric and lies.  We need to meet tomorrow and discuss details, but we must be very discreet."  They all agree to meet the following day at a secret location.


Later that day, the four Senators are arrested and charged with treason.


The next day President Antivon addresses the nation:

"Today I am furthering my previous Declaration of Martial Law and expanding on the National State of Emergency to focus on combating global climate change.  If we do not fight global climate change, my advisers say the earth will not survive even seven more years.  This is the real global war which is necessary.  Those who do not believe and join will be shunned.  This includes primarily the new Christians who are climate change deniers, and also do not believe in LGBTQI propositions, gender choice, or other progressive ideas.  Those who do not renounce such hate must be dealt with harshly.  I am implementing a system which will only allow those who join our fight to buy and sell in commerce.  Anyone who is not with us is against us, and especially the Christians if they refuse to renounce their backward and hate-filled beliefs."


Watching President Antivon in his conference room in Silicon Valley the CEO of a social media giant says to his staff who have gathered to see what President Antivon would say: "This is the opportunity we have been hoping for.  We will muster all of our power to support the President's initiatives.  Make sure all employees know that our priority is to save the world, and to do it we will do whatever is necessary to support President Antivon's policies.  The Martial Law and emergency order will help cut through all the red tape.  We need to get on this fast, so let's get to work and change the world."


In the streets many celebrate President Antivon's initiatives.  Each one hears what they want to hear from his speech.  Many think they will personally benefit since Christians will be forced to "convert" to the new way of the State.  A leader of the assembled crowd is heard saying: "The ones who vanished needed to go.  They stood in the way of the progressive society and the healing of the earth.  With them gone, we can now move ahead into a future filled with great promise, and without all the other things those Christians perpetrated on society."  And the prospect of taxing wealth from the new Christians who are being declared outcasts and will soon be dispatched in large numbers also helps deepen their admiration for President Antivon.  The average person sees him as the one they have been waiting for.  To them he is a savior.  He is a god.


But elsewhere there is opposition to the power seizure of President Antivon.  New believers see him for what he is.  He is the Antichrist discussed in the Bible.  He is the one who will bring only satanic influence and destruction.  Believers meeting in secret all over the country commit to opposing the Antichrist.  They know the Mark of the Beast is coming.  They know this man will lead them to Armageddon.  They know they must oppose him and trust in God to deliver them.  But they also know it will be a hard road to travel.  Secret internet groups are set up to support the pockets of believers in the US and elsewhere.  But they must be very careful.  They realize the forces of the Antichrist will seek them out to shut them down and eventually will try to destroy them.