Vanishment & Tribulation by Neal Fox - HTML preview

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Back in LA, news anchor Jill Steiner cannot sleep and is up early reading from the book "The Future Times:"

"The third horseman now appears, which is economic disaster.


Revelation 6:5 “When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. 6 “Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!” ”


Economic depression and resultant famine is the Black Horse.  As a result of the first two horses, the world spirals quickly into worldwide depression.  Scarcity and famine will grip the entire world for the remainder of the Tribulation.  The scales show how precious food becomes during this intense global economic depression.  The Antichrist will parcel out food, goods, and services to his followers and withhold them from those who refuse to submit to him by taking his Mark of the Beast.  


The Lord is heard saying here that a day's wages will only buy a quart of wheat grains, or three quarts of barley grains, barely enough for a family to survive on lower quality food, and with nothing left over for anything else.  And the olive oil and wine (luxury foods during a depression) will be highly sought after by those fortunate few who can afford them.  Life is reduced to a subsistence level with people living hand to mouth worldwide."


Having lost track of time, Jill stops reading and hurries off to work.  In the studio she starts her morning news report:

"Good morning LA.  Or is it?  Food shortages have become widespread and food riots are occurring everywhere.  We take you now to downtown LA where this video shows armed bands of looters in various parts of the city."  As the video plays, Jill talks with her producer.  She tells him this is due to the onerous restrictions put in place by President Antivon.  The producer tells Jill to be very careful about what she says, because there are eyes everywhere watching for anyone questioning President Antivon's policies.  Jill agrees that these are dangerous times to have an opinion.  But in the final moments of her morning news show Jill looks at the clock and sees she needs to fill 15 seconds before the next show starts.  Jill looks at the camera and says "Am I the only one who looks at all of these disasters and sees the predictions from the Book of Revelation?  Do you see it?  I think we should all take a look at what the Bible has predicted about the Future Times.  That is the way I see it."  As the show ends her producer warns: "Jill, be very careful.  The authorities can shut us down any time they chose to do so."


Later that day, President Antivon institutes new measures, taking even more power to himself.  Congress has now become just a shadow government organization, and with Martial Law and a State of Emergency in effect the Supreme Court is hamstrung.  Anyone questioning the actions of President Antivon winds up fired, imprisoned or found dead.  


At home that evening Jill Steiner, with the words of her producer still ringing in her ears, continues to read from the book "The Future Times."

"Now the Lord opens the 4th Seal, the Pale Horse of Death, announced by the fourth Seraph.


Revelation 6:7 “When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” 8 I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.”


Death is the fourth horsemen, naturally resulting from the first three.  Survival during the Tribulation is difficult, with the previous three horsemen causing death on a massive scale.  A large part of the earth's population will die during these seven years from war, famine, wild animals, and increased illnesses, and many others will die from specific judgments during the Bowl and Trumpet judgments.  The Pale Horse alone will take 25% of the earth's population, over 1.5 billion people.  Then other judgments in the later Seals will kill even more people so that from the start of the Tribulation until the end it appears that more than 90% of the earth's population will die."


As Jill puts down her book she contemplates the words "more than 90% of the earth's population will die."  After a rough mental calculation Jill says out loud "that is many billions of people!"  Of the people she sees on a daily basis only 1 in 10 will live out another seven years?  She shudders as she looks at the book lying on her table, the words echoing in her head.  Somehow she knows it is true.


Trying to think of other things, Jill makes a mental note not to incite the authorities to investigate her co-workers.  She does not want to put them at risk.  The authorities have threatened to destroy the lives of any who oppose them.  It is not just her life, it is the lives of all who depend on her doing what the authorities require.  The news has become just a propaganda machine for the authorities.  But what is right?  Jill goes to sleep wondering how she can continue to ignore speaking openly about what she has come to believe as the truth.  But she is conflicted by the need to support her friends and co-workers.  She finds no easy answers, only more questions.


Jill decides to go out and meet with several of her friends.  They have been asking, but she has repeatedly declined.  It had been several months since they last went out together, so they agree to meet at a bistro near Jill's apartment.  Once there, they catch up on what they have been doing, their careers, and so on.  Then the talk turns to politics.  It could not be avoided in the current climate.


Jill's friend Tara asks:  "So Jill, where do you stand on the new President?  Do you think he is really a god or something?"


Jill:  "Oh, I don't think much about it.  But it seems a bit of a stretch to me."


Tara:  "But he was resurrected, right?  I mean, he died and then he came back to life.  That is something god-like, right?"


Jill:  "Technically not resurrected.  That is what people believe happens at -- well -- the Rapture which supposedly just happened.  Or maybe it was just a Vanishment.  I don't know.  But being dead and then revived is something else.  Maybe resuscitation would be a better word."


Tara:  "The rest of us were talking before you arrived.  We all believe he is some kind of a god or something.  It is so cool, and he will have power from the Harmonics of the Universe to heal the planet.  It is all so exiting!  We can live out our lives now on a healed earth, instead of dying from the rising oceans and heat and stuff.  I mean, only a "denier" would oppose our President."


Jill:  "Whatever you want to believe.  I simply have my doubts."


Tara:  "But we believe it.  So we don't know why you wouldn't believe it, too.  It is obvious to the rest of us.  Why can't you see what we see?  We thought you were our friend."


Jill:  "OK, so you believe it.  Fine.  Let's just skip it."


Tara:  "That is not the point.  This is one of the most important issues of our time.  We now have a man with god-like powers who can solve the problems of the earth and also make our lives better all-around -- we don't see how you could miss it.  I mean, that is really weird of you.  This is a salvation we can actually put into practical use.  Don't you believe in it?"


Jill:  "Salvation of the world by him?  I doubt that.  We hardly know anything about our new President, yet you already believe he has supernatural powers to solve the problems of the world?  Count me out of this little fantasy.  I have a headache.  I'll be leaving now.  Bye."


Jill's friends shake their heads and whisper to each other as Jill quickly departs.  


Back at her apartment Jill thinks about how she has always been very compatible with these friends.  She has known them for years.  Now she is seen as "weird" by them.  It was a change for Jill because she was always seen as being among the "in crowd."  She was always smart and pretty and cool.  She thought about the new pressures which had developed, and what that would mean to people.  Jill is beginning to understand how people are being driven apart by the new politics.  She wondered if she really was weird, as Tara had said.  "Too much thinking" she thought.  "I really do have a headache now.  I need some sleep."


As she awakens the next morning Jill turns on the market news.  The anchors are grim as they discuss the worldwide famine which has already killed millions of people.  The video footage from Africa, India and South America is depressing.  The food chain has been completely disrupted and the most vulnerable are dying in droves.  Those who do not die from starvation are killed by the gangs of thugs who steal their remaining food.  There has been almost no rain anywhere on earth for months.  The heat is oppressive and bakes the already scorched earth.  The seed planted last Spring failed to sprout in many areas or the world.  It will be a long, hot summer.  Jill changes the channel.  Re-runs of "I Love Lucy" give a short respite from the endless bad news.  It is the episode where Lucy works in a chocolate factory and the conveyor belt goes haywire.  Oh, for the days when we could enjoy such frivolous things.  But the reality is far too depressing and grim.  She heads off to work dreading the breaking news she will need to deliver.  And with good reason.