Vanishment & Tribulation by Neal Fox - HTML preview

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Scene in Israel at a Synagogue in Jerusalem:

Rabbi Cohen of northern Israel is visiting Jerusalem to address worshipers: "My friends, we Jews were wrong.  We missed our Messiah.  He has come, and we missed it.  He is Jesus, the One our Christian friends worship, and we missed His coming to us.  [Many start to leave the Synagogue, but many others stay.]  It is time to change our way of thinking and accept Jesus as our Savior.  He was the One the Torah and Prophets spoke of.  He was the One who will return for His believers in just seven short years.  Inside the Temples in Israel the apostate Jews who still refuse to believe in their Messiah have re-instituted animal sacrifices.  That is a blasphemy to the Lord!  The Lord Jesus Christ was the only sacrifice, and ended the animal sacrifices.  Our rituals and animal sacrifices are not sanctioned by God since the true sacrifice which they formerly represented has already been accomplished on the Cross.  As the Book of Hebrews says about such sacrifices after the Cross: "they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace."  It is time to shed the apostasy which modern day Judaism has become.  The time is short.  Prepare the way for the Lord!"


Later, outside the Temple in Jerusalem:

The young man Shem Kolb is with his friends, now a large crowd, who had gone out to the mountains to see the remnants of the Russian forces which had been destroyed.  They are discussing what Shem had learned from his Christian friend before his friend disappeared: "Look at all the things which have happened already.  The Christian Bible has been shown to be correct about what would happen at the Rapture and in the time following.  My Christian friend, who disappeared at the Rapture event, told me of these things.  They were all correct.  The Rabbi who has become a new believer is also correct.  We Jews were on the wrong side of history.  Now we are required to prepare the way for the Lord's return.  There will be much to overcome.  But we are the core group of new believers who will declare the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost world."


A member of the group asks him "What must we do to become the 144,000 evangelists?  We have just recently become believers ourselves.  How do we accomplish this overwhelming task?"


Shem Kolb: I have been studying this issue intensely since the Vanishment event occurred.  I have found that things will unfold in two stages over seven years.  The Bible says that during the first 3 1/2 years there will be increasing disasters and persecution of believers.  After the first 3 1/2 years the Jewish believers in Israel must be ready to flee to the mountains outside of Israel when the statue of the Antichrist is put in the temple.  Those believer Jews who flee Israel must remain in hiding to become the core group to repopulate the world during the 1000 year reign of the Lord, called the Millennium.  While those believer Jews remain in the mountains during the second 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation, those Jews who become believers after the Midpoint must remain and train to fight the Antichrist's military forces.  There are therefore two very different sets of instructions, and each group must follow the instructions meant for them.  I have been studying a book that explains it all, called "The Future Times" which lays out the timeline of what will happen.  Here is what it says about this issue:"


"When the Rapture takes all believers off the earth, no qualified evangelists remain.  Therefore God raises up a new cadre of evangelists at the beginning of the Tribulation, which are the 144,000 witnesses from Israel.  The 144,000 are Jews who believe in Christ as soon as they see the Rapture, since they will immediately grasp its significance and understand what it means.  The Rapture causes a great awakening on the earth among the Jews.  Almost immediately after the Rapture the 144,000 Jews believe in Jesus Christ and become the initial evangelists for the early part of the Tribulation.  Therefore the elect angels in charge of the weather judgments are told to hold off on disasters until evangelism gets established since God wants to offer every chance for salvation.  These new evangelists will have “the seal of the living God” which means they are given special divine protection.  The Holy Spirit will have departed from the earth, and since His sealing ministry is gone, a new form of divine sealing is given to these 144,000 evangelists.  The great weather disasters will not begin until these 144,000 are in place and sealed, and the evangelization of the world has begun."


Shem and his friends agree that they want to be part of the initial 144,000 believer Jews who will carry the Word of the Lord to Israel and the entire world.  They declare their faith in their Messiah Jesus Christ and pledge their lives to the cause of evangelizing the world.


As they set out on their mission they know that their path will be a difficult one.