Vanishment & Tribulation by Neal Fox - HTML preview

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On a ship in the Mediterranean Sea passing the island of Sicily, a container ship Captain is below deck giving final instructions to his crew as they head toward Rome to unload their cargo.  They have just returned from a month-long voyage picking up luxury goods for the elite in Rome.  It is a lucrative business, and the clientele in Rome pays very well for his wares.  When it comes to commerce, Rome is about the only remaining destination for any luxury goods.  The rest of the world is barely surviving, trying to just get a little food and some water.  But Rome has continued its excesses on the backs of the rest of the world, getting rich on the taxes taken in through the Mark of the Beast program.  The container ship has just rounded the western tip of Sicily is now headed northward.  Next stop, Rome.


Just then an enormous sound and wind blast comes across the bow of the ship, and it rocks vigorously.  The windows on the bridge are blown out, and the cargo shifts, leaving the boat listing to the port-side.  The Captain and crew come up out of the hold to the bridge to see a mushroom cloud ahead of them, obviously above Rome.  There was nothing else it could be.  The crew collectively gaze in horror to see the sight, and think of the destruction.  The Captain also knows it means ruin for his business.  He invested everything in this cargo.  He is bankrupt.  At least his ship's bow was headed into the explosion, otherwise it would have capsized.  The crew is mostly alive, although the bridge is badly damaged and the crew in it at the time is gone -- blown overboard.  The ship is disabled and listing.  He thinks to himself that given the normal ship traffic, the death toll on the Mediterranean alone must be over 10,000.  But Rome had several million living there.  He decides to stop thinking and see what he can do for his ship and crew.


Ship radio traffic erupts, with emergency distress calls going out everywhere.  Ships sank all over the Mediterranean, and many people are in the water.  Communications are sketchy, as the EMP radiation has disrupted air-wave communications all over the area.  Some web-based communications are operating.  But generally there is chaos.


When Jill Steiner awakes the next morning, she learns the news of the destruction of Rome by a nuclear explosion.  She hurries into the news studio to prepare for her morning news show.  She thinks to herself: "It is all just as the Bible said it would be."


In the studio she describes the destruction of Rome and its aftermath.  Producer Jack Ford puts up the video.


Jill:  "Babylon, which is Rome, was destroyed today by a nuclear attack.  It was targeted by the Western Alliance forces out of Germany.  President Antivon gave the orders himself.  He is currently on his way to the Middle East to review the military forces there."


Jill reads from her book:


Revelation 18:1 “After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his splendor. 2 With a mighty voice he shouted: “‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!’... 8 Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning and famine.  She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Lord God who judges her...‘Woe! Woe to you, great city, dressed in fine linen, purple and scarlet, and glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls!  17 In one hour such great wealth has been brought to ruin!’ ”


"The Bible predicted it would be destroyed "in one hour", showing a nuclear conflagration.   The nuclear destruction and burning will be seen by those in ships from far off at sea.  Those who relied on Babylon for religion and trade will be horrified, and they will mourn for their own loss of economic benefit."


The international trade and excesses of luxury and wealth will vanish in a flash.  The false economy created by this false religion will crash.  Total economic depression sets in.  At this point all semblance of normalcy in the Antichrist’s kingdom vanishes, and all he has left is to wage war on a grand scale.


The people will focus on what they have lost in trade, not on what this means spiritually.  Those who benefited from the mark of the Beast will now be bankrupted by it.  But they will still refuse to turn to God.


Jill:  "The mushroom cloud and smoke were visible from ships all over the north Atlantic Ocean.  While the focus for all who saw the destruction was their economic ruin, which was tied to Babylon and its religious system through the Mark of the Beast.  They mourn their loss of wealth, but fail to understand why this happened.  This is God's judgment for killing believers who refused to accept the satanic false religion and refused to take the mark of the Beast."


Jill continues: "Rome falls silent.  No music, no tradesmen working, no grain being milled, no public utilities, no marriage or social life, no commerce or trade, no worshiping Satan, no more killing of God's believers.  The deceit of Satan's religious system is ended.  Only silence remains in Babylon.  Let us note Revelation 19:3 “And again they shouted: “Hallelujah!  The smoke from her goes up for ever and ever.”  This suggests that the mushroom cloud over Babylon will be immortalized as a monument to the victory of God over false religion."


With the destruction of Babylon and Satan's religious system by the 7th Bowl Judgment, Jesus Christ is now ready to return to earth at His Second Advent, deliver His people who are under siege, destroy the unbeliever armies massed in Israel including at Armageddon, finish the actions needed to start the Millennium, and then assume His rightful place as ruler of the earth during His 1000 year reign.


Within the next week a series of intense earthquakes occurred.  The world seemed to be at its end.  Unbelievers wished for death but could not find it.  The world still refused to look to God as their answer.