Vanishment & Tribulation by Neal Fox - HTML preview

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President Antivon is in southern Israel with his troops.  He wants to personally oversee the invasion of his next prize, which will be Africa.  He sees the Pyramids as part of the energy source for the harmonic convergence of the universe.  To him they are aligned in a precise way to collect and disseminate the energy of the universe to a god, and that would be him.  As it was for the Pharaohs, so it would be for him.  He was their heir.  He desperately wanted to "own" the Pyramids, and the rich mineral resources of Africa along with them.


The Western Alliance forces based in Jerusalem headed south into North Africa.  The African nations were no match for the combined military forces of the West, and fell easily one by one.  Egypt, Sudan, Libya and Ethiopia fell first, all within a week.  After a short rest for his troops and new supplies, Antivon was preparing to order his forces further south into central Africa.  He felt the power of the Pyramids flowing through him.  He was invincible.


But unexpected news of a massive Eastern Alliance army marching west toward the Middle East reached him.  At the same time, when the Northern Alliance saw the Eastern Alliance headed for the Middle East, they sent their forces southward to cut them off.  The Southern Alliance forces from Middle East countries had already made a surprise advance on Israel, and were now at the border of northern Israel, leaving their own countries undefended.  The armies of the world were all headed toward Israel.


Infuriated, Antivon ordered his combined Western Alliance military forces to turn around and head north at full speed to prevent the Northern, Eastern, and Southern Alliances from trapping his army in Africa.  His forces drove hard, and within two days the bulk of his forces had exited Africa into southern Israel.  The three other Alliances were all within a couple days of entering Israel from various directions, with the Southern Alliance already massed at the border waiting for the proper timing to cross over.


Jill Steiner had been reporting on the invasion of Africa, and now turned to covering the invasion of the Middle East by all four world Alliances.  The stage was set for Armageddon.  She quotes from the Old Testament:


Daniel 11:40 “[King of the West – Antichrist] will invade many countries and sweep through them like a flood. 41 He will also invade the Beautiful Land. Many countries will fall, but Edom, Moab and the leaders of Ammon [where Jews are in supernatural hiding] will be delivered from his hand. 42 He will extend his power over many countries; Egypt will not escape. 43 He will gain control of the treasures of gold and silver and all the riches of Egypt, with the Libyans and Cushites in submission. 44 But reports from the east and the north will alarm him, and he will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many. 45 He will pitch his royal tents between the seas at the beautiful holy mountain [Jerusalem]. Yet he [Antichrist] will come to his end, and no one will help him.”


Satellite video shows the armies of the world all headed toward northern Israel.  The Western Alliance is headed northward, having just departed from Egypt into southern Israel.  The Eastern Alliance is shown headed through northern Iran and about to enter Iraq, while the Northern Alliance is headed south through Turkey and will then make its way through Syria.  The Southern Alliance army is in Jordan on the border with Israel, having left their own countries unprotected as the Eastern Alliance storms through.  They should all converge within the next few days.  The destination for each one of them is northern Israel.  They could not attack southern Israel and Jerusalem directly because the Western Alliance is too strong there.


Within the next several days the armies will all meet at the Jezreel Valley in northern Israel to do battle on the wide Plain of Esdraelon, near Megiddo, just south of Nazareth.  The valley has become better known by a Hebrew and Greek word compilation combining "har" and "Megiddo," which means the "Hill of Megiddo," forming the word "Armageddon."  The stage is set for the bloodiest battle in all human history.