Where Are You From The Beloved Of The Heart?? by The Protected By Allah - HTML preview

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happening, but the pain of my leg and the rest of my wounds exhausted me after I stayed up the night before, so my eyes overcame me despite everything that was going on in my mind, then

I fell into a deep sleep.. When my feeling came back to me, I felt the sun's rays warm my face, so I opened my eyes to recall my memory of yesterday..

I got up and looked out the window, it was

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morning, then I looked next to me; there was some soup and two fruits.

I was absolutely hungry, so I ate the soup despite it tested not very good, but I ate the fruits with appetite, although, I wasn't satiated, so I stared at the door, and at these moments you came in from it, but your clothes were very dirty, and you had seemed browner, but you still maintained your smile, so you greeted me and said:

- Brother..we must thank Allah for escaping that fire..but know that we are in a situation that requires patience...

- Patience?!..why patience??..in all cases, I will not be patient..but what about you?..why are your clothes like this?

- Because I spent the rest of yesterday working in the field of the man who saved us by Allah's willing.

- You work??.. Is this their duty of hospitality?!

- Hospitality?!.. who told you that we are guests?!.. he brought us as a booty!

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- booty???

I put my hands on my head in shock, then I turned and screamed:

- I do forced labor??... Impossible!..

- Not everything -that the person wish it- will happend to him....

- .... But the winds flew as my ship desire..

Praise be to Allah, I am injured.. I am not benefiting for any work!

I paused for a while, then added:

- But, you.. how do you accept this insult with such simplicity??

- What to do?

- Run away, for example.

- And leave my injured brother alone?!

- Who said that your injured brother will stay here?!...

Here that black man entered the hut and made gestures ordering you to go to work, and as soon as you came out, he grabbed a heap of straw and threw it at me, wanting me to make baskets and bowls of straw for him..

But he was astonished when I made him

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understand that I am good at nothing of that work, but no problem; he quickly brought someone to teach me, and his stick forced me against my will to start work.

It is strange that the straw hat that I was wearing all the time was what caught his attention, so he asked me to make some for him, then he started selling them, then day by day, many of the people of the tribe started wearing like my hat!

My recovery days were long while I was making this straw in a monotonous and boring way.. I hated myself when I thought about tourism and lamented my dreary summer vacation, but started planning and dreaming of escape and freedom..

The day came when my foot was healed, so that black drove me to work in the field with you.

It was my misfortune that the first time I failed to escape and was exposed, so I was tied up and lost even my narrow freedom.

I will not forget the first days of my misery..

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Those moments are horrible, I grieve for my pride and have to work.. which work?!.. harvest and tillage.. oh!.. how much those nights were black, those which ,in their daylights, my dear honor had been injuring..

On the other hand, my white body, which was raised on luxury and pampering, refused, like me, to bear the beating of the sickle, or raising the pickaxe, or digging holes..

But you can imagine the pain in the back, the spasm of the muscles, and the soreness of the soft, tender fingertips..

But do not ask me about my handsomeness in that scorching sun.. As for the strange thing I remember about you in this, you were working the harvest with your right hand in the midst of all that scorching sun, but although, you never sweated or got hot, I thought at first that this was a normal thing or that you might get used to it and soon I will..

But after I started working, I discovered that this is impossible in the unforgiving sun of Africa, although I was wearing my straw hat

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while You don't!!..

After days of ignoring the matter, my patience ran out and my anger filled me, so I allowed myself to give up some of my pride and ask you about the secret of this strange matter..

So I confronted you in the field, which angered you and asked you:

- Can I know why you took that ointment without me? .. I thought you were generous and concerned about your brother, so why did you become scarce when difficulties came?!

You looked at me questioningly, but then smiled when you understood what I meant, you put the basket out of your hand and said:

- Yes, and dignity.. I will give it to you!.. You should have asked me about it from the beginning..

I was a little ashamed of myself, but I pretended that I wasn't, I looked eagerly at your hands to see where you were going to take him out, but instead you shook your hands and then gently held my hand and said:

- In the beginning the sun burned me and got

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me what Allah wanted, especially since we are the people of the city.

The sun hardly knows us and we don't know it, but Allah guided me to resort to him when I was praying my Dawn-Prayer, so I started to pray in it when I raised my hand to Allah gets the difficulty of this sun away from me..

As Allah has always been an old benefactor, He did not disappoint my hope and responded to me with his grace and good generosity!.. I will not tell you a specific formula. The important thing is that you pray with hope and from your heart in any dialect and in any language.. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing, and with his servants, he is very merciful!

It seems that I could not conceal my astonishment at your ointment, because you answered me:

- Do not be surprised.. It is true that it is not a touchable ointment as you thought, but you will see that the sun will become colder than the shade!

My face changed in denial at the moment that

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the black shouted at us from afar to work.. so we separated unwillingly..

All night long I began to compel my arrogant self to try this ointment -if I should call it that-because of what I suffer from the sun and what it might be of its benefit.

Finally, at the dawn of that night, I forced myself and tried as hard as I could to pray, hoping...as the arrogance of the youth allowed me to, of course!

This was not easy for a person who does not maintain his prayer at all..if I did not say that he hardly prayed..so, in this unacceptable state of vanity and uncertainty, of course, this ointment would not have helped me..but I could not deny the fact that this ointment is useful because you You used it every day in front of my eyes!

The long monotonous days passed, strutting over my torment and pain. As for you, your greatest concern was to pray, and since you could have done so, may the world be in peace!

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Despite our disapproval, we spent more than three months with them, in which we learned something





ridiculous traditions, and their pagan religious customs that have nothing of reason. But the only thing I concluded is that they were generally simple kind people, even though some of them weren't..

On one monotonous day, while I was yawning and impatiently waiting for the sun to leave so that it was time to sleep, I heard a muffled laughter coming through the bushes.

I looked closely to see what was going on, I saw a small black thing that was moving, it took a while until I realized that he was a child from the tribe, about eight or nine, and noticed from the earrings and colors -that he was wearing- that he was the son of the leader.

Soon a smile rose on my face and I began to signal you from afar to come, and as soon as you came, I told you, excited and overjoyed:

- Come and enjoy your revenge!!

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- Revenge?!

- Yes.. let's make our hearts anger go by seeing the little son of the leader while he is getting killed!

- What?!..but he's a child..

Another laugh rose in the place, so you threw yourself between the bushes in that air of sunset, you threw yourself without care for any danger, and stood with your pick in front of that hyena, who was shocked to see you after he had secured his prey!






retreated a little bit and howled lightly, and then ran away without any attack or greed..!

That child shouted, lashing out at the hyena, as if he was who had defeated it, then he told you something we did not understand, then he went to his father to tell him the news..

As for me, I was filled with rage, I hit your back saying:

- I'm calling you to join me, although, you missed the chance, you idiot!

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- Brother.. you must realize that morals and principles are above everything, no matter what the cost.. just as he is just a child who has no guilt! anyway..

And here the black came and took us to sleep..

and a little time had passed before they came and took you, so I spent the night alone..

When I woke up in the morning, I found you sitting next to me worried as if the disasters of the world had fallen on your head, so immediately I asked you:

- Where were you yesterday?

- What do I tell you?!.. that boy.. told them about me and about the hyena.. and since he is the son of the leader, he decided to prove to them his sincerity and so they decided to take me to the lions' den to test that..

- How did you understand all this?

- I tried to connect the words I understood..

Our living with them these months taught us their language, whether we like it or not..

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- True.. as they say that the best way to learn another language is to live among its people who do not know the language of the learner..

In any case, since you are you, there is no problem. As soon as the lion sees you, he will die of fear from you!

I burst out laughing, but your gloomy looks made my laugh ridiculous. I said in amazement:

- Is this really what saddens you?!..you are the one who challenged the elephants and subdued the hyena..you are the conqueror of monsters!!

For the first time, you could not take my words with your patience, so you exploded, saying:

- You also say that?!..there is no omnipotent but Allah!!..there is no omnipotent but Allah!!

You sighed angrily and then said, trying to be calm:

- Brother!..be wary of such this words..you know that I am not, and it is not for me to do that except by Allah's permission..

All what is in the matter is that I resort to Allah

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as a weak servant with all my heart, for the sake of a noble goal..and that is not related to me only; I mean we are all servants of Allah and all animals are created by him and his forelocks are in his hand..

- Well, I understand.. I did not ask you to give me a lesson in religion.. what you said is not inconsistent with your situation now..

- Quite the contrary.. the disease of good will is self-admiration.. My goal behind this will certainly be not noble, but rather to prove myself in their eyes because of the benefits that this entails.. You can imagine with me how difficult it is to be sincere in these sensitive moments!

It was not hidden because of your writhing voice that you tried to hide your tears.. So you immediately turned and started praying as usual, I didn't stay long before that black man took me to work..

It was noon before I got news about you.. but I notice that all the members of the tribe, men and women.. old men and children, set out

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towards the east..even the black man who used me was not watching me, so I knew that everyone hurried to see your battle or your death!

Quickly I untied my rope since I was not observed, then I, too, set off towards the east, perhaps - I am your brother - so I was the most deserving of those present to know your fate!

I went in my way, following the deep traces that left by an entire tribe on the land, so I came easily to their gathering place, but I found no place for myself, nor with difficulty!

But if I was deprived of sight, I could smell the scent of lions, and their loud roaring sounded almost deafening my ears.

I tried to get as close as possible, but I heard them say that it was three lionesses with their cubs.

As soon as those lionesses sensed the danger to their cubs, they roared in anger, and here the little girls ran away with fear, and the women retreated a little.

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So I found the opportunity and squeezed myself among the men's rows to find that the den was a bit far as a safety distance, but I could easily see you standing next to the den..You were not in your best situation, because I knew you in a state of fear and surrender..

The lionesses stood for a while to examine their prey, then one of them came forward and stumbled to pounce on you.. Your reaction was the opposite of all the expectations that were woven around you and waiting from you.

You turned until you were the opposite of the lioness, so I understood that you turned towards the Kiblah as usual - and shouted as loud as you could, as if you wanted to wrap yourself up in a word:

- Allah Akbar, Allah is the greater!!!!

Then you fell down in prostration as in prayer..

A few moments passed or not before that lioness jumped on you.. The young women turned their faces while the men frowned..

As for the leader's son, he melted in shame while the young men shouted disappointment

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and ridicule... As for me, I started imagining my father's reaction when I tell him about you with such news..!

It was a really distasteful situation...especially, when the other two lionesses joined the first feast.

- But hey..!

A young man shouted from the tree:

- Look carefully!

So the eyes looked with passion and curiosity to see that miracle..yes..for the members of the tribe, it was a real miracle that could only have been made by a powerful and mighty god!

Those ferocious animals that man has only known as killing and ripping machines know neither pity for prey nor mercy. They were hugging you and licking your face like any small puppy!!!... As for the cubs, they started playing around with you as if you were one of them who came after a long journey! !!

This scene was shining in the eyes of the members of the tribe fascinated by this

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As soon as you came out from the den, thanking Allah was adorning your face, and quickly you were taken by hands, held by necks, and the souls saw you great, and soon they formed a great procession for you, then the sound of the sons of Adam resounded as they all cheered, in groups and alone what you called when Allah responded to you:

- Allah Akbar.. Allah is great!!!!

Even though if they don't understand what it means!!

The big procession passed in front of my stunned looks, my jaw hanging an inch from the horror of what I saw..

- Your brother, whom you have always despised, is on the necks?!

This is what my soul was repeating with a burning heart that covered the place around me, so I no longer realized what I was doing, I started walking and walking and doing unconsciously.. but suddenly I woke up to the

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voice of that black man who used me saying to me with all the harshness:

- Come on, enough work for today.

His words surprised me, because I wasn't working!.. I looked around and saw me in his field and felt that my hand was heavy, so I raised it to my eyes, and there was the shovel in it, also I found my breath fast as if I had just finished my work..

- So I was working?!!

This is what I was repeating surprisingly as I returned to the hut .. But was that a dream?!

I hoped that it would be so, but I suddenly realized that I was not tied up, and found on my hands dyes that had resulted from my crowding with the tribe's youth who show off their dyes.

And since you did not come to sleep, I finally realized that I returned to the field absent-minded and began to work without my awareness, but the worst of that was that I missed the opportunity to escape, as I realized in anger that your highness was the truth... It

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was the reality... The bitter reality....

This is in my view. As for honesty, I have not seen it bitter except because of the bitterness of myself, its jealousy and its harshness..

however, do not be surprised that I frank you with this and other things, admitting guilt is a virtue, I recite this story after I got looking at it for regard, nether for bemoan, nor for proud..

On the first night, I did not fully comprehend it, so I could sleep, but the next day, I tried to reject to going to work, but the stick threw me again into misery, and the only result of my rebellion was that I was deprived of breakfast.

Thus, I had no choice but to carry the vegetables and fruits to the village market as he wanted, trampling my hunger and pain with every step..

And when I finished, the sun had also reached the heart of the sky, so I could hear your voice..

Your voice while you were calling the call to prayer..

That was the first time that the African plains

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heard the call to prayer.. and the members of the tribe came to Friday prayer in droves after they had learned to pray.. actually, I was not surprised at all, because these simple people follow the religion of their leader.. It is enough that their leader becomes Muslim, and so, they all will become Muslim at once..!

On the melodies of your melodious voice, I realized that this beautiful voice drank from the cup of satiety and comfort that I was deprived of.. Only that supernatural power - as I used to call it - separated you off me, which is yours and not mine.

Here, the damned Satan played that flute, and word after word, I felt that my heart had become like an ember, I did not know if it was myself or Satan who was shouting at me:

- Since when have you been satisfied with humiliation??!.. since when have you been satisfied with humiliation??!.. since when have you been satisfied that this deception is better from you??..you are who is you..you are you!!!

People came out of the new mosque while I was finally filled with anger and jealousy.. I

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don't know if I tried to curb my rebellion or if it was only the voice of reason..

With a reckless blow I spilled all the fruits from the baskets that I had and those of others, then I trampled on them as hard and violent as I could while laughing hysterically!

What helped me was that all the men were in the mosque, so I took advantage of the opportunity and spoiled the crops, but soon the prayer ended and the black eyes caught me with malice.

They got beating and punching me, anf one of them shouted to kill this ominous white man, but an old man stopped them all and advised them to take my matter to their wise leader.

In fact, this is what happened, and they put me in the hands of their leader, he said to me, with awe dripping from his face:

- Why did you do this, white man? .. Perhaps you have an excuse for this..

- Huh?!..maybe because I got tired of the white color and decided to become colorful!..with blue, green and violet!!

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I burst out laughing with sarcasm, and by that I meant the colors of bruises that I got from the beatings..

Certainly no one was satisfied with my method in talking with the leader, but he stopped them in order to.. in order to consult you about my matter while you was sitting to his right and wore a white dress after you washed from the dirty of farming, and returned clean..

You and I exchanged looks.. It was clear that no one guessed that we are brothers. You look like your mother and I look like my mother.

Indeed, our resemblance to our father rarely meets.

And so the leader asked you:

- What does our religion say about such an aggressor, Sheikh?

I don't think that any of those present missed the quick trial you conducted in yourself, but none of them guessed the reason.. So you finally said:

- The aggressor should be a guarantor of

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everything he damaged.

You seemed to slack off and then said in a low voice, as if you were stealing words before your self knows:

- And also to be punished so that no one allows himself to commit such a riot.

The leader agreed with your opinion, and since I had no money here, they sentenced me to work a year for everyone I had hurt, from that hateful black to five other people.

Then they brought me an hangman that flogged me with thirty lashes. It was as pain as leaving parents, and it burned for eternity!

What a night that night was, as if there was no night after that.. A dark night of dark and buried hatred, while I was between them, frying in my laying because of the fire of whips.

Finally, dawn crept after a long torment, and that hater came to drive me to work, and how great was his astonishment when I expressed great reluctance, despite all the harm I had faced.

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Today, the son of the Russian is not the same as him yesterday.. A fire bath is not like a water bath.. the anger of a tiger is not like the anger of a fox.. There is nothing like anything now.. The whole world is worth zero in my eyes.. The zero hour has come!!

Although the stick forced me to bend, I made my medicine from my decease. With a movement I tightened my back, and with a headbutt I struck his jaw that threw him back, and before he regained his balance I was with a punch like a knife, I stabbed his stomach!

He tried very hard to defend himself from this unexpected





succeeded if I had not pulled his knife and.....

Peace be upon the world.. I got rid of my oppressors.. This is what is important.. I became free.. This is the most important.. I went out the door rejoicing at my victory smelling the scent of freedom that which was added to rain smell!

Yes.. the rain, because it was raining heavily,

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my feet were sinking in the mud, so in general there was no one outside his hut, it was not just rain, but it was a unique seasonal storm, perhaps more like this one in me..!

The lightning started striking and burning, and the sound of thunder shook the horizon, but this did not pose a danger to me, as I had just emerged from a thousand dangers, so I sat off with uncared steps, nether fear, nor scared...

I reached the borders of the village and almost passed them down if I hadn't tipped over an animal's corpse, I stood up trying to remove the mud from me when I saw something moving from close by, so I got closer and saw the ghost of a person praying... in the middle of the rain?! Yes, in the rain!

Of course, I didn't put in much effort before I knew it was you, but why in the midst of the storm?.. So I stood at your head while you were finishing your prayer, so you greeted and stood up to see me.. You, too, did not did an effort to know that I am your brother whom you condemned to pain and caused him all sorrow..

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I looked at you with unfriendly looks, of course, while your eyes tried to excuse me before you took off your robe and covered my skinny body with it and gave me a loaf of soft bread, saying sweetly:

- I , also, could not sleep tonight and would rather sleep in the cold outside than be comfortable while you are tormenting.

I only answered you with incendiary looks that ignited an arrow that passed from your eyes to your heart, to split it and make it suffer bad torment..

You looked away from my eyes and sighed saying:

- The man must speak the truth, even against himself or his family..

I would have liked not to tell you this.. the right was yours since you were wronged, but now it is against you when you harmed others and became unjust..

- No problem, my brother.. If you bear this answer, I will not ask you for anything else!

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These words of mine had made you optimistic, so you raised your surprised eyes to see my answer, which is that I raised my knife to fall on you, but your answer is actually the one that shocked me.

As you did with those elephants, or with that hyena, or even with lionesses; You did not move a finger and your eyelashes did not tremble.. In short, you did nothing to the point that I wondered if you had a sudden stroke because of seeing the knife that completely paralysed you or made you unable to express!!

And since my conscience does not condone me for a crime like this, your method of confusing me succeeded, and in one moment you had pounced on me and threw me to the ground while you were holding my arms on the ground and saying:

- Didn't you notice when you raised your hand with the knife to the thunderbolt that unloads its charge at the top of what is capable of that..

How easy it was for Allah to roast your wrongness with it so that you never raise your head..!

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You raised your voice a little and said:

- Brother, if you cannot be patient, do not let the dread throw you into the abyss!

I told you:

- Save your advice for yourself, who spent his day in the shade and the drink!... Oh... I forgot to

congratulate you on your wedding to that gorilla, the leader's daughter..!!

I said it and malicious laughter appeared on my face, so you stood up and said:

- Person is his heart, not his mold.. At least this woman prays happily and regularly, she is not like you...

You were silent as if you regretted confronting me with my truth in this way, so I laughed and said sarcastically:

- How amazing you are!..how did you know that I haven't prayed any prayer since you left me!

I said it and burst out laughing in front of your confusion as malice permeated my soul, then I

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grabbed my feelings and said seriously:

- Tell me.. Do you think it is fair that Allah gives you that supernatural ability to raise you with it and does not give me even though we are brothers?!

You immediately exploded:

- How many times have I told you that it is not a superpower?!!.. Allah will not deprive you of this and more if you are sincere and you are as he loves and is pleased with.. you or any of his creatures!

I did not give you an answer more than that I turned to you and went to my destination with a high head and a raised nose, filled with arrogance as much as I could, in order to kill my conscience, which was storing me crying:

- How did you dare to say these words, you ungrateful?.. you forgot the past seventeen years when you have been rolling in bliss?!..

you forgot how much you bragged to your brother about what Allah gave you though you had no hand in getting it?!..because he was better than you for only two days, you have got

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saying that this is not fair?!

But I walked in that vast, sprawling wilderness that rain was pouring on it from all sides.. I muttered with pride:

- All beings are hidden from this rain except me!!.. Neither rain nor anything else will stop me after today.. I will let the universe know who I am!

Afar, a group of elephants appeared to me, they were among a number of trees as a shelter, or I should call them bushes for their size!, they were waiting for the rain to stop.

Indeed, I reached them and got into their area, so the herd looked at me and started moving their huge ears and making a loud hum, it seemed to me that they did not like me, but I am on my decision!

So I approached them, two or three steps..

This is what I remember.. Immediately their leader stood up for me, I tried hard not to be afraid, but my legs betrayed me - thanks Allah they did! - they ran relentlessly while the huge elephant was chasing me.. I don't think the

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chase lasted for more than half a minute But as a result, I slipped in the mud and rolled down a slope that was there, and on a thorn bush I landed and...aaaah....

I gathered my strength with difficulty to get up from the thorns, but a prick from here and another from there were tearing this soul between my side..

Finally I was able to get up and looked for the elephant, and when I could not find it, I knew that it had finished its duty!

Then while I was trying to remove the mud and thorns from me, I noticed that I had a foul smell in my nostrils with all the meanings of this word..After strenuous efforts to remove the mud from my hands, I brushed the mud off my eyelids and searched for the source of the smell.

Face to face with a huge wild boar rubbing its canine and snarling at me.. I didn't need anyone to explain to me that I fell into its hole, because I had sped off and trampled on thorns with my bare feet to escape from its face..

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I ran a good distance before I got out of his area and then.. Then I collapsed on the ground, and there was not a hair on my body that did not hurt me..

Despite the nose of this arrogant person - who is me - the tears fled and the heartburn began to burn the heart and the entrails with the fires of humiliation.

- What took me out of my silk bed among my family and threw me on thorns and mud in the middle of the desolate wilderness of Africa?!..

what changed the study pen to the sickle of farming?!

But a moaning voice answered me:

- Wouldn't you like to have some fun and have a special summer vacation?

So I wept and cried and wished that I had not been born and did not see this day..but what would benefit me?..the cold and hunger ate my guts, while the thorns and tiredness ate my muscles.. the reality is real..and there is no

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getaway for me..

The ungrateful person inside me slept, frankly I wish that he died.. and then myself remembered after a long time, so my self began practicing its original hobby of blame, admonition and bitter torment, it started screaming at me:

- This is what you did when you denied and said that Allah was not just with you despite all that he gave you..

- But I did it for you.. you wanted to be big, you were not satisfied with humiliation!

- Never!.. you didn't advise me.. you knew the consequences, then although, you did it..

- But I am not the blamed.. You also heard my brother's warning with your own ears.

- Don't blame me..you heard it too..and instead of advising me and protecting me from things that are fatal, you took it recklessly and neglected my dignity..

Its screams rose, its moaning deafened my

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ears, so the land narrowed me down though its width, and I did not find a refuge from Allah except to Him.

Against my will, I screamed and cried out among the tears and gasps.

- Oh Allah..forgive me..please...

My voice echoed in the place while I called out to the Lord of the heavens..May he answer..All my misery and my torment will vanish with a word from Him, or rather with a letter..and what the letter is easy for humans, so how about the Lord of humans?!

All of this words - which if I had heard them in the past, I would have underestimated it - was emanating from inside me and my heart witnessed it and stamped with its ten fingers for its truth!

Yes..this is me and you in adversity..This is the human!

I will not mention everything to you..but it suffices for you to know that Allah has mercy on me..beginning with the stopping of the rain, then the darkness dissipated with the

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brightness of the sun of Africa that raised over the country and people to take the water vapor to rise and the mud to dry up little by little..

For my side, I felt such a beautiful warmth that I fell asleep despite my pain, or perhaps fainted from its severity!

When I opened my eyes, I opened them to the singing of birds, so I got up to find the mud had dried up on me, so I began to peel and remove it..

The best thing that Allah bestowed upon me was that most of the thorns got stuck in the mud and plucked with it, so I got rid of them easily and got up overwhelmed with pleasure!

Because of my extra pleasure, I wanted to pray as you do, so I did my ablution and started to pray!

Of course, that prayer was not just a prayer.. In fact, I have to admit that it was not the same prayer that I used to pray with bored or absent-minded.. I wished at that time that I was not wounded in order to pray and pray!

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But I was very hungry, so I lay down and waited for what Allah would do with me.. During that, I noticed that I was next to a tree, I traced its leg by my eyes, and saw a bush on which black balls were hung next to the tree.

I returned my gaze to the sky and the clouds before I quickly rose to the bush, after I had realized too late that it was the cranberry..!

Cranberries we buy from the market with two coins, but at that time it was worth the money of the world!

I started eating with the fullness of my appetite, I don't think I left any of it on the bush... While my heart was filled with praise to Allah, I understood for the first time the meaning of hunger and satiety, and the meaning of thanking and gratitude!

Unlike before, I lay on the grass; The stomach was filled with calm heart, and soon that wounded man fell into a deep sleep..

When I woke up at dawn -the next day-, I woke up energetic and immediately did my ablution

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and prayed Dawn-Prayer..

Then as soon as I finished I went in the land of Allah, that savannah was no longer a savannah, but in my eyes it became the "Kingdom of Allah", and everything that moved or made a voice became "by the power of Allah", and my movements became "with Allah's permission"!

If I had kept myself in that clarity enough to see things that way always, I would have been able to do what you could do, Allah willing, but a sudden sound took me and got me out of my thoughts and bring me back to my original, a loud voice that is like a cock crow, so I trembled against my will and then rose quickly towards that sound..

It wasn't far away.. I approached little by little, then I opened the tall grasses, I was happy when I saw a group of turkeys circling around the place.. In fact, they were nothing but grilled chickens walking on the ground in my eyes!

Immediately, I set a trap for one of them and caught it easily, thanks Allah.. I swept a place of grass and lit a fire, by that the roasting party began, and the fabulous smell tickled me, so I

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smiled at it with a hungry smile, which is not any smile!!

Do not ask me about the taste of that meat, for even if it was not recommended for spices or salt, it tasted unforgettable..believe it or not..food is only for the hungry!

Among the whispers of flesh, I suddenly heard:

- Feed me.. Allah feed you!

I turned and saw in front of me a thin old man with a shaggy silver beard, barefoot and bad-dressed, his job was: Feeding me..Allah feed you!.. What a job!

And what a calamity; my soul got in conflict with me, my stomach got screaming at me, my conscience is talking me off and my soul reminds me of my previous repentance..

This frenzy lasted for seconds before my goodness overpowered my evil and then I gave him a piece of my delicious roast.

He smiled at me widely and sat next to me devouring it with greed and appetite while telling me - like any old man - the story of his life.

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Although I did not understand everything he was saying, I understood when we reached the conclusion that after the death of his children in the civil war, he sold his house and practiced beggary and began to roam between the two cities every month in search of benefaction and benefactors....

Of course, this caught my attention, and I no longer heard anything else, I don't know if he was silent or not when I asked him:

- So can you took me to the nearest town from here?

- Of course, but since yesterday I started my journey to the farthest city, and I cannot return to it again.

- Don't go back, just show me the bus road.

- You mean the flat carriageway.. well.. it's not far from here anyway..

And out of my joy at the news, I gave him what was left of the roast on the account that I would arrive today to the city and he never mind!

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As soon as we finished eating, we started walking, and then I began to ask myself who the old man among us was?!.. he was several meters ahead of me and had to wait for me at last..!

Indeed, it was not midday before we reached that road, so I thanked him and went in the direction he had set for me, but after I walked for a while, I realized that the nearby city is far away for my speed!

So I prayed and rested a little when I heard the roar of what isn't from the sounds of nature, so I listened carefully and realized that it was the sound of an old bus from the buses of this country.. I looked at that direction eagerly, then after a while, I saw a blue bus like the one we came with, so I stood at the side waiting for it to stop, but...

That bastard driver went without looking at me.. So I ran after him. Contrary to my race with that old man, I managed to overtake the speed of that old bus with a little effort, so I stood in front of him and forced him to stand, so that driver got his head out from his

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window and started yelling at me threateningly, but immediately I recognized him.. He is the same bastard driver who we came with then left us and went without the slightest of the responsibility!

I became furious with anger, and I approached him excitedly, I got screaming at him, too, and reminding him of his bad deed with us, and asking him for that money we had paid for him, since I have no money at that time!

Our voices became louder and our quarrel crossed the border, so that driver came down from his throne to knock me down, but no way, the sickle and the ax polished my muscles!

We wrestled hard, the punches was falling from and on me until he finally fainted, so I breathed a victorious sigh though my body was complaining to me of its pain!

Those curious eyes -that were staring anxiously from the windows of the bus at that blond-haired, black-bodied homeless man with a strange story- caught my eyes, their fate was in his hands... I finally answered them by deed,

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not by saying.

I dragged the driver and threw him on the seat next to the driver's seat and drove the worn-out bus with difficulty, I was used to drive my mother's modern car, which I was stealing from her from time to time until I drove it well!

It was not easy, but fortunately for me, the passengers were old men, women and children, and none of them opposed me, so I got trying and trying until I succeed, then we sat off finally by the blessing of Allah!

It took almost two hours or less before the city appeared to us, so the passengers yelled happily, not only because they arrived, but also because they escaped their obsessions around me..!

Indeed, I stopped the bus at the first queue and we all got off, leaving the driver in his compulsive nap, and as soon as I walked a few steps, I felt someone follow me, so I turned and saw a gray-white man of the cheerful type looking at me with curious and questioning looks, so I exchanged looks for a moment

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before asking me:

- Aren't you the son of...?

He hesitated because of my atrocious sight, while I remembered that I saw his face among the passengers on the bus and found myself suddenly shouting with glee:

- You're dad's friend!

- So my thoughts were true!.. Awesome!.. your father will be happy now and finally leave his sorrows!..

He took my hand and pulled me through the streets of that city, telling me about my father's misery for the past period, and that he had not returned to Africa until a few days ago, after he lost hope of finding us.

Soon we entered the building and went upstairs, the man knocked on the door of our father's apartment with obvious eagerness, so we heard the used answer:

- Come in. The door is open..

We entered to find an old man sitting at his desk not taking his eyes off the paper in his

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hand.. No.. he is not an old man.. he is my father!!!!

I stood dumbfounded... Where are your youth, Dad?!.. Where are the beautiful brown hair?!..

Where did those folds on your face come from?!

This is about me.. As for my father's friend, he stood in front of my father's office and laughed when he said to him:

- Guess who came to visit you today!

My father answered, with boredom and gloom:

- Who?

But when his friend answered him with a muffled laugh, curiosity took him, he raised his eyes a little without raising his head.. and as soon as he saw me, with an involuntary movement, he turned back and dived into his chair while his eyes narrowed!

A few seconds passed in which we exchanged looks without one of us uttering a word, then he tried to stand and get out from behind his desk..

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He came close to me and put his hands on my shoulder, his eyes became the street of thousands of words that were passing through them like lightning..

Finally, it rained; his tears fell like pearls on his cheeks as he said in a trembling voice:

- What is wrong with you, my son? .. What is the matter with you, my love?

He held back his voice and let out a gasp before saying with sorrow dripping from his words:

- I see you... I see you skinny as if you have eaten so little... I see you dirty as if you haven't showered since I left you.. I see you gloomy as if you were oppressed and spit on you.. I see you wounded as if you came out of punishment... I see you colored as if you got out from a fight..I see you rough as if you haven't dressed in months..I see you as rough as if you spent the days in hard work..

Then he gasped in agony and added:

- Even your bald chin got covered in a beard..

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Here he could no longer stop his tears from flowing like a torrential stream to destroy what was left of the youth of his face...

As for what I regret most, because I was so ashamed of my abusive looks -that though I was the one who boasted about the universe with my appearance and elegance- , I answered all these intense emotions and caring looks by telling him coldly:

- How amazing you are, Dad!!.. you knew my whole story without saying a word!.. Now let me take a shower, eat and rest.. I can't afford myself 1anymore..

I left him and he left me, but his looks still hugging me, but I went to my work.. First I took a shower and I think that my bath took hours..

Then when I went out, I found that my father had prepared new clothes for me, and when I did not find him at home, I began to try on clothes and look in the mirror and ask it whether my face is still handsome or not..!

But before it gave me a satisfactory answer,

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my father had returned with the ghost of a smile on his face and in his hand various types of delicious food.

I devoured them with every appetite I found while he was watching me with pleasure and pouring on me the various kinds of feelings he found!

As soon as I finished my meal, I prayed Evening-Prayer and searched for a place to sleep. My father said to me:

- Go into my room and sleep on my bed, son.

- But what about you, my father? .. Where will you sleep?

- Don't worry.. you have the right to be pampered now.. as for me, I can sleep here or here.. anywhere..

So we exchanged a smile, then I got into the room and sank into bed.. for the first time for months, my humanity returned to me and I felt comfort and happiness, and so I closed my eyes in a deep sleep from which I only woke up to the singing of birds..

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I got up energized to pray Dawn-Prayer, I was overwhelmed with contentment, and as soon as I came out of the bedroom door, I was astonished, not any astonishment, as the world turned around when I saw my father sitting up straight on the sofa, still in his work clothes, his sad eyes were absently looking at the window.

I immediately realized that he only gave me his bed because of his happy with my return, but his longing to know my story would not have allowed him to sleep..

The poor father spent the night waiting with longing and burning behind the door for that sun that disappeared in the twilight to wake up...

I did not ask him why you did this, my father..

He would not have known the answer to this question, nor I, nor anyone who might hear this story.. Oh Allah, unless one of us answered with the word 'Father'.. And what a word that appears to us that it contains some letters while it includes an entire universe ..!

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As soon as he saw me, his face was released and hope rose.. I was very ashamed of my rude manner in meeting all this love with such selfishness and estrangement, so I could not conceal that feeling, I bent down on my father, hugging him, kissing his forehead and saying:

- Forgive me, Father... How much this ordeal taught me things that I was about them in negligence and misguidance..

My father answered me in a hoarse voice:

- So...are you not going to tell your father what happened?

- On my head, dad.

Immediately I told my father our story with all affection, and I tried as much as possible to hide its bad from him, so as not to add to his misery.

- So I left him while he was about to marry the leader's daughter and became the crown prince!!

- So... their leader's daughter... is she not a black woman from the daughters of the tribe?

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- Yes..if you see her, Dad..she is very ugly!!..they think that beauty is by putting wooden pieces in their lips! ..as for me, I used to turn a blind eye to the girls of the tribe because I used to feel nauseous every time I saw one of them..!

I laughed sarcastically as my father answered me in all seriousness:

- So, what did he like about her, then?! .. How did that woman control his mind?!

- Who said that she controlled his mind?!..

nothing can control the mind of 'Mo'men'

except prayer!

- So, what is the relationship of prayer with that woman?! .. I see that the two words are contradictory at all..!

- The story and what it contains is that Mo'men brings their hearts so that they convert to Islam, and that is why he had to reside among them and marry them.

- Ha, now I believe that you are talking about Mo'men my son!

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- You are right, father.. this is what suits him..

and it is not surprising; I mean :You are the one who called him Mo'men (believer)..

- Rather, it is his mother who called him


My father breathed, as if he remembered the distant past, and began to tell me:

"When I inhaled the scent of manhood and my father rejoiced in me, I was the only son of my father, so he hastened to propose to a good woman of the daughters of the sheikhs for me, but this did not suit my mood, of course, because I had met your beautiful blonde mother at the University of Russia, and because we were together and she promised me to follow my religion in order to my family accept her..

Meanwhile, my father decided to make me marry that woman, and because my father was severe, I could never object to his decision, so I actually married Mo'men's mother, but months passed then my father passed away and I inherited his legacy and strengthened my thorn..

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So I left Mo'men's mother on a night when there was no moonlight, as they say, without saying anything to her, leaving her money or asking about the fetus that was swimming in her womb.

Then immediately I traveled to Russia, brought your mother and married her in our country..

But our happiness was not complete, because we spent years dreaming of children, and when we waited for a long time, disputes arose, then your grandfather, your mother's father, passed away, and so your mother inherited that money from him, so her ferocity increased, and little by little, our lives became unbearable, so we decided to divorce, not knowing that Allah had gave life for you in those days.

I divorced her and went out angry.. Where to now?.. I got married twice but that didn't help me.. At that moment I remembered Mo'men's mother that she was pregnant when I left her, so I asked myself about her condition and am I the father of a son or a daughter?

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So I took out the key of the house from my old things and went on the same old road.

The neighborhood had changed somewhat in those five years, but the door of the house had not.

I put the key in the lock and it surprised me that the door had responded to the key.. I entered quietly and closed the door behind me..

The house was as I know it, and soon I realized that it was inhabited because it was clean..

A few moments later, the bedroom door opened and a five-year-old boy came out to me.. He ran to me with a smile on his cheeks, grabbed my hand and kissed it while saying:

- Peace be upon you, my father.. I am Mo'men..

My mother and I have prepared the house and we have been waiting for you!

- You are waiting for me?!

I was impressed by how he recognized me and that he was waiting for me while he had not seen me before!... But instead of asking him

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questions, I went to the bedroom overlooking and found Mo'men's mother, who was...."

- Let me say it.. she was praying!

-"Of course!.. you guessed!.. and I watched her until she finished her prayer..

She took the cover off her head and greeted me with a smile, she welcomed me and did not even ask me where I was as if I had left her for a noble work!.. What a strange woman!

This is what I said to myself as I asked her:

- Can I know how you knew that I would come today, as I myself did not know?

She laughed and said:

- But Allah knew!.. Allah showed me that in my dream..Thanks Allah that by His grace, the good events complete!

And while I was astonished by this unusual thing, she said:

- Here, the food is ready!

She put food for us, which I was surprised she

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called food, and when I looked at how skinny she was, I realized how difficult the circumstances she was in while I was in the prime of luxury.

However, she never approached me with a word of reproach or blame, so I realized that my father had married me to one of the most beautiful women in the world.. Her beauty was in her heart that shines for us!

Thus, we lived together with marital and family happiness.. It did not occur to me that anything from my past with your mother might return -some day- after I learned that she had returned to Russia, until one of my friends -

who was a colleague of mine at the University of Russia - surprised me that he saw her with a young man who looked like me..

So I sent to investigate the matter, and soon I knew that she had a son attributed to me. The news shocked me, and while I was managing the procedures for my travel to Russia, the news came to me that your mother had died of cancer and had become underground!

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So I hastened to you, my heart was writhing in pain, as I did not know of your existence before, and I let you arise in this upbringing that was far from religion or morals... and that you did not understand what the word prayer means until months ago"

- Take it easy, father.. It is not to this degree..

The important thing is that I understood it..

before yesterday!..

But my father did not pay attention to what I said, but added firmly:

- I will not allow Mo'men to repeat such a mistake with his children from this black woman.. I cannot imagine my grandchildren putting bones on their heads and waists, or performing





movements, or drinking cow's blood.. Oh, does that tribe drink blood?

- Yes.. and it tastes very disgusting..!

- Idiot! .. How did you taste it?!!

- Although Mo'men categorically rejected this and insisted that it is forbidden, I wanted to go through this experience and said to myself

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that I would get used to it like I used to drink bitter coffee, but the result was never satisfactory!

My father shouted angrily, and said:

- My grandchildren will not be smarter than their naive uncle.. I will never allow them to come to life from this way.. I don't know how Mo'men came out with this decision?!.. how can a woman who has never heard the term of majesty in her life be better than his fiancee whom her forehead is injured because of prostrating too much?!

My father immediately went towards the door, anger dripping from his face, he turned and saw me sitting coldly, so he shouted at me:

- What are you doing?! .. Stand up, come on!

- Stand up?!.. and what is my relationship to this issue?!

- What is your relationship?!!.. Who else will guide me on the way?!

- What?! .. You want me to return to the wilderness of Africa?! .. Impossible!!

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My father left the doorknob and looked at me after he let out a sigh of anger:

- You bathed, ate, rested and slept.. Now you are my right!.. Get up and come on!

I could not escape from his piercing eyes, so I began to reason and justify

:- Do you not appreciate the critical degree that I have reached?! .. Did you not see how swollen my feet and discolored my organs?! ..

Let me rest for at least a week..

- A week?!.. we will go today and you will rest after this trip as you want..

- But I'm wounded and all my bones hurt, I hardly got here!

- We'll go in the car, you'll sit comfortably, and you won't walk or make any effort.

- But it's still morning, Dad..and I didn't even break my fast..

- Take some food with you and eat on the way.

- What about the Dawn-Prayer? We haven't prayed yet, it's almost over miss!

Here, my father held his breath in exasperation,

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and said while gritting his teeth:

- Do you have any other arguments yet?!

He went to the bathroom to do ablution, and so I did then we prayed, but nothing helped me after.. So I went with him against my nose after taking a lot of food and drink with me..

At about noon, my father met his white and black companions who were accustomed to the climate and exceptional conditions of Africa, and the safari car set off, with Allah's blessing.

Don't ask how many annoyed words I sprinkled on everyone during that trip, and how many scornful looks I cast at the savannah with malice and rage!

But we did not escape from the coming of the night before we arrived, so the driver tried to increase the speed in order to hurry up to arrive, but instead the tire of the car exploded, and this almost cost us our lives, had the Merciful not looked at us..!

Everyone made an effort to improve the

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condition of the car and put the replacement tire, but what a disappointment when we found out after we drove a little bit that the fuel tank was punctured, and repairing the car without daylight was impossible..

The driver stopped the engine of the car, the sounds of dogs barking was filling the place, especially since it seemed to be approaching us, we all felt fear, while the blacks prepared their guns in preparation for every danger, but this was of little use in the midst of all this darkness, as the full moon was absent tonight and the flashlights were broken at the accident..

We all got our ears ready, waiting for the moment of truth that prevailed the attitude..

The African driver said with fear:

- I think it's a herd of wild, savage dogs that are still hungry because the rain caught them..

And another answered in a broken voice:

- So their numbers are large and our few guns will not affect them.. No matter how much we can kill, there will be others.. I don't think we have any hope of surviving..

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Everyone was enraged by this news, some of them was overwhelmed with tears, and some of them mourned their families or their jobs.

My father went to pray the last Evening-Prayer and ask Allah to save us from this inevitable death.. while I kept watching everyone indifferently, thinking that it would only be what Allah had written.. it was not too much time after I had gone through a more difficult situation than this, but Allah brought me out of it safe..!

It was clear that the dogs following us were close, they were getting closer and closer, little by little, and against my will, fear stirred in my heart, my breath began to break from its intensity.

Then, I found myself and everyone found me stood on the car as high as I could, put my finger in my mouth and became whistling and whistling until my whistles filled the savannah, the driver was trying to stop me and another shouted at me:

- Do you want to tell them exactly where we are?!

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My father felt very ashamed of my behavior and began to pull me and say to me:

- Shut up..don't you know that whistling attracts demons..isn't dogs enough for us to bring us demons too?!

- But, my father.. an exception has happened to this.. This time I am summoning with my whistle







angels..believe me!

My whistle filled the sky.. Soon, an orange light appeared to us from afar, and we were eagerly awaiting it and distracted from the black fate that awaits us.

Do you think that the light of the torch precedes or does the dogs precede? .. What a question and what an answer..!

We all knew this answer when we heard the first shot of a gun fired by one of us screaming:

- They came, they came...

Everyone focused their guns, trying to hit those lightning targets in the dark, we saw that one of them stood up and howled loudly into the

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sky.. It was clear that he was calling the rest.

Among the sounds of howling, we heard the voice of a woman shouting:

- Mu'men... Mu'men.. They are here.. Come on..!

Perhaps no one but me fully understood her words, I realized that my whistles had done his job of bringing you in!

Soon you appeared in the tall savannah grass, with the torch in your hand, and you gave it to the man you found in front of you, and ran towards those dogs, shouting, repeating the words of the call to prayer in your soft, melodious voice:

- Allah is great.. Allah is great.. there is no god but Allah..!

How quickly the dogs succumbed, and no one dared to attack you except for one who was overwhelmed by hunger, so his companions disciplined it!

So you led the dogs' march away while we all breathed a sigh of relief and discovered that we were shivering and our teeth were

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Everyone started exchanging puzzled looks, and my father said half-in disbelief:

- Is this really my son? Is this really Mo'men?

I answered him, laughing:

- Did you think I was joking with you, Dad?!

But no way!.. Soon another group of savage dogs caught us.. We all unconsciously shouted:

- O Allah!!

So this woman -whom her simple, modest African dress covered her body and face- got shouting and calling you, but when she was sure that you would not hear her, she sharpened her courage and attacked the dogs, opening her hands, shouting:

- In the name of Allah.. Allah is great.. Allah is great!

We all held our breaths and closed our eyes so that we would not see the dogs biting her, but the surprise was that the dogs did not come close to her! .. Rather, they retreated and tactically withdrew until they disappeared..!

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The blacks among us cheered while we were astonished... I said to my father, laughing:

- Have you seen what the woman who did not hear the word of majesty in her life except for a few days, my father?!

So my father wiped his forehead and said:

- I realized now that the matter is how pure the soul is, not how much the body does.. Ah..

What a shameful situation.. I came to ruin her life whereas she saved mine..

A few moments passed before you returned from afar, so that woman ran to you and started to give you good news, laughing:

- Allah loves me!.. He protected me!

- Of course, Allah loves pure women, my dear.

Immediately that woman grabbed you, saying:

- Let's thank our Lord for what He has honored us.. Let's pray!

Indeed, you began to pray while we all congratulated each other on safety. As for my father, he watched you lovingly until you

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finished praying, and your wife set out for her village, while you ran to our father and hugged him with longing, kissing him and kissing his hands, you said to him:

- My father, I came to Africa in order to apologize to you for what I have done against you, so please forgive me.

- Forget about this, my son.. I forgot about it..

and I came here out of my longing for you.

But I continued, with my feet out of the car:

- ... and because he didn't like whom you married!

You lowered your eyes a little and then said:

- Dad.. all this happened in order to you attend my wedding, but things happened this way and I was very sorry to be at my wedding without your honor..

- I understand that..but you went too far in choosing your bride!

- My father..white hearts may find their place in both white and black bodies..maybe a day will come when Allah will make this woman a beautiful mermaid in paradise, may we all wish

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to be in her place..!

You exchanged expressive looks at the moments when it seemed to us that the torches were coming to us, so I sank into the car, hiding from them, and soon the members of the tribe circled around us and took you joyously in a festive procession to the village, and so silence prevailed around me except from the sounds of nature.

I got out of the car fidgeting.. What made me go back to this desolate wilderness?!.. Lord..

I stared at the starry sky, and when I was bored, I prayed Evening-Prayer and tried to sleep in the car..

But I felt movement above, I opened my eyes to see the ghost of a human being above me. I got up to find you standing next to the car. We exchanged looks before you greeted me and said to me:

- I was worried that I didn't find you among them.

- Do you want me to offer myself to them on a plate of gold to kill me?!

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- They kill you?!..Why?!

I was surprised by your question when you answered me with a laugh:

- Your opponent is alive by the grace of Allah!

- What?! .. alive?!

I hit my head in shock, and my alleged heroism went in vain, so you answered me smiling:

- When you managed to escape, I realized that something had definitely happened to him.. So I went to his hut and was shocked when I saw your heinous act. I did not imagine that you would allow yourself to do something like this..

So I rushed to the village doctor to treat him, and then Allah saved him thanks to him..

However, how much I was happy when this afternoon he came to me to teach him the prayer, it affected him that I rescued him after all that had happened to me during those months..

I answered you coldly and sarcastically:

- Oh, amazing...

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Then I said angrily:

- Forgive him?!!.. I will never forgive him.. not only for the horrible long months I spent in torment.. but for these terrible bruises on my skin.. he almost broke the bones of my body as if there was no life in it..

In fact, I think that some of the bones in my hand feel if they are broken..Do you want me to forgive him and be happy for him after all this?!.. he go to hell!

At the echo of my words, you sighed of bewilderment and sorrow, and then tried to close the matter, so you reached out to your waist and took a bag from him, saying:

- Here's some food, brother.

- Food.. huh.. I have food.. and much better than your food..

I took a banana out of my bag to tease you with it, but you disappointed me when you did not get angry as usual, but you told me:

- Health and wellness.. will you not come with me?..Our father and the rest intend to stay here for several days..

- Several days!!

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I slapped my face again when you said to me:

- For we will apologize to the leader, and if he forgives you, it means that everyone has forgiven you.. Let's go!

- And if he does not forgive me?

- He will forgive you for me, Allah willing.

- If they hit me again, I will never forgive you this time, especially since my wounded back still burns me until now!

I got up from the car and said:

- You have no favors on me.. If I had not come to show my father your place, I would now be in my bed sleeping with my eyelids full!

- Who said that I want you to be grateful to me?! .. Of course I cannot let my brother sleep in the wild like this.. especially since he is wounded..

And so we went to the leader's hut and my unique white - though it was spoiled - he was like a candle in the dark drawing everyone's eyes at me..

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We entered to find that leader with his colorful feathered crown sitting in his seat of prestige, and soon you saluted him respectfully and said to him:

- Sir, this is my brother who ran away. He came to you today apologizing. I hope you will accept his apology.

The leader's face became angry as if he had to do something he hated. Then he said:

- Only for you, I will forgive him.. because you establish the right for and against you, but this will not be repeated if he does it again..

- May Allah reward you, sir.. Allah rewards the doers of good!

I came out of the hut and went where I saw one of our companions inside, so I went in behind him and found my father sitting with a scarf of African beads on him. He was surprised to see me and said to me:

- Where have you been all that time?..you missed the beautiful celebration they held for us..

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- If they wanted to celebrate with me, they would have celebrated with me months ago when I first came.

My father's friend replied, laughing:

- You now deserve attention, as you have become the brother of the leader's son-in-law, you weren't like that before!

I threw him a look that I think now is a look of jealousy, and said to him arrogantly:

- I would rather be a janitor in the city streets than be this leader's son-in-law in this place that is without civilization and full of filth.. At least there in the city I can see good faces and smell good food..

I didn't care if anyone liked my words or not. I went to sleep right away.. The next morning I had my breakfast with everyone as if I had done nothing, none of them could add a letter to the words of the leader..!

Thus, the day went well, and the next day was Friday, and of course you held the Friday prayer for all the males in the village to attend.

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Indeed, we lined up shoulder to shoulder with the villagers in a look of non-racism, and it surprised me that one of them intended to stand next to me.. when I stared at him, I recognized him, so I resented, refusing to stand next to that hater who was employing me!

His left hand was bandaged because of my stab, which missed his heart.

I tried to get away from him, but he grabbed my hand.

- I have hurt you and you have hurt me and spoiled my crop, which I forced you to work on, and now we must forgive.. Your brother told us that Allah loves to see us tolerant and loving, therefore we must do so!

The words stammered in my mouth.. Oh, the simplicity of these people!.. He heard those words once but they became a law for him that makes everything easy for him..

How often do we, the people of religion, hear these words and sermons, but who among us applies them?!

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But when I was unable to speak, I used the language of the eyes, so I glared at him filled with hatred and contempt, but with the beginning of the sermon - which by the way you were delivering it - we were unable to complete our interesting dialogue, so we sat down to listen to the sermon which we - the citizens- didn't understand!

Then when we got out of the new mosque, he approached me again, opened my hand and put something in it, I looked and saw that it was a shiny red gemstone..!

As I was astonished to see it, he said apologetically:

- This is for you, if you forgive me.

After this precious apology, I did not find any getaway from agreeing to this and forgiving him, so we shook hands and for each other we forgave.. in the ward, the jeweler told me that this stone is the precious red sapphire, and due to its large size, he bought it from me at a high price, which made me richer and richer!

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I spent days in that village, this time was different, since I did not have to work all day for forced labor.. they gave us good food after they started slaughtering sheep legally, and they did not return to drink their blood..

Thus, I spent days of my recuperation with them with nutritious food and fresh air.

Finally, the tank of the car was repaired, so the driver filled it with the fuel he had. So, you and the tribesmen stood to take leave us, you got taking leave our father saying -by our language of course - :

- I am sorry to leave you, father, though you are

- honestly - the dearest person to me in this world.. I also hope that you will inform my previous fiancee's family about my very apologetic and that I gave her what I gave her of money.. and if you met my sheikh in the mosque, told him my farewell on my behalf..

You sighed patiently and embraced our father lovingly and kissed his hands and his head.

Soon all the members of the tribe who were present kissed the heads and hands of their

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It was not difficult to know the reason for your sacrifice and the sacrifice of our father in order to stay with them and teach them the principles of their religion, especially, you have become their ideal role model and their undisobeyable sheikh..!

And so we got into the car and left with what the leader gave us of presents, we took our last glances at you and the village, and then pierced air flew our hairs on our way to our right place.. to the city!

After a while, my father took out a bag of water, drank and handed it to me, but I refused, saying:

- Thank you, dad..but I'm used to the sun, I still don't feel thirsty so quickly..

- Strange! .. Although I thought you were used to Russia's cold weather..

- I was..but the sun of Africa melted my ice..

My father said to me jokingly:

- This is what makes me happy that the ice has melted from your heart, so its hardness got soft and you got praying actually!!

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Then my father added with a smile that beautified his face:

- On this occasion, and since I have now -

metaphorically - consider you my lone son, I am thinking of being happy with your wedding instead of your brother!

My father looked at me to see the impact of his words on my heart, and saw a wide smile that invaded my face, so he said with a condition:

- Fiance only until you mature a little..

- As long as this is the case, I will stay in the sun of Africa a little more until I mature quickly..!!!

Everyone laughed at my answer after I had been broadcasting to them over the past few days my intense hatred for Africa and impatiently waiting to get out of it..!

After that, we returned to our country and my father proposed to me his young cousin, and I was pleased with her and she won my admiration!

I completed my studies and graduated from

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the College of Arabic Literature, because I was also impressed by the Arabic language after I learned it completely and memorized the holy Qur'an, by the grace of Allah..

It is true that I do not need to work at all due to my inherited wealth, but I work as a teacher in a charitable Islamic school for foreigners, I changed my Russian name to the Arabic name


Now, after almost seven years of our coming back from Africa, I became the father of a girl and a boy whom dad demanded to call

"Mo'men" to bring back your memory but he did not know that you would return to us after all these years..""

Mo'men smiled at his brother, saying:

- Well.. 'Praise be to Allah' adorned all of that.. I thank you for reminding me, dear brother.. But unfortunately I did not remember anything of what you said.. Can I know why did -when I came back here- I lose my memory like this?

- Well.. that happened a week ago when my father was in Africa for his work as usual and

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it occurred to him to visit you for his annual visit..

When he arrived, he was surprised that the members of the tribe did not receive him with the usual celebration, so he felt that something was wrong, and soon the leader told him with sadness that a terrible disease had attacked the village and that they had lost many victims, including his daughter, who was your wife and your son.

And that you yourself have been bedridden for days and have had a fever, so they are all in a state of mourning for you; the separation of their preacher and teacher has been was tormenting them, but they had no trick in that, so they began waiting for fate with all patience..

Our father told them that he might find a cure for you in his city, so he should take you to the doctors quickly before it was too late, so the leader of the tribe rushed to prepare a procession to bid you farewell and carry you on your shoulders to the city, and they sent

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you away, weeping..

After that, my father took over the difficult matters of your treatment until Allah has mercy on you and healed you by His grace, then our father took you to our country while the danger has been removed from you, Allah willing, and here you are, to our happiness, opened your eyes today for the first time, and now I know that you are amnesiac after all that fever.. But who knows?!.. Allah will make an easy after the difficulty .. This may all be good for you, especially since your fiancee whom you left here is still waiting for you, ignorant of the reality of your absence and did not replace you with anyone!

Muslim sighed and said:

- I personally will take care of your wedding and marriage expenses, after I knew that you -

since you interceded for me with the leader, and then I left you and got out of the hut, you took instead of me all the compensation -that I had to compensate the people of the lands for whom I had spoiled their crops-, and spent the years paying my debts on my behalf, though you have no fault in that..

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This is the least that I thank you for, my dear brother, for your kindness and your great favor, which I will never forget for you as long as I live, because now I know perfectly well that my heart would not have been purified by Allah had it not been that you lifted the rights of people upon me!

At that moment, the sound of the pure afternoon call to prayer rang out to fill the air of the place.

Mo'men immediately rose up and got up from his bed.. Or he tried, because he fell immediately!

His brother said to him while helping him to return to his bed:

- Be a little patient, my brother.. It has been more than ten days since you did not move a finger, so how can you stand up so easily?!

So Mo'men sat down, thinking, wandering, then said sadly:

- There is neither might nor power except by Allah.. It seems that I will have to pray sitting here today..

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Muslim laughed loudly and said:

- I see you still remember the licenses of praying!

He sighed and said:

- You, my brother, with or without memory, are still you!!!

Muslim grabbed his brother's arm and said:

- Brother..we are still in the race..and the race is not over yet!

Mo'men smiled enthusiastically and said:

- But the condition of this race is that you do not say I have arrived until you actually reached..!

...Completed by the grace of Almighty Allah...

If you like the novel, rate it and read other novels by the author:

- The Book of The Millionaire

- The living Dead

- Happiness is in The Opposite of The Sun.

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