Who's Your Daddy 2015 by Phil Mitchell - HTML preview

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Chapter 5.

It is now early evening in Phil's house. Philip, Charles, & Anne all fall back on to a sofa. Feed up and tired from counting all that money, they are surrounded by 5 foot high piles of banknotes.

Anne is exhausted and she has had enough, "Do we have to keep doing this?"

Phil looks around the room at the mountain of money. "I'd say we've got enough. What do you think Chas?"

"Yeah, I've had it with this counting shit. Mind you, if we ever need any more we can always pop down Paddington and get some more. What d'ya think?"

Phil has already formulated a plan for this eventuality, "OK right. First thing we gotta do is take the van round to Bennie's and get it crushed, and burn the uniforms, we also need to have a meet with BR, he's been brilliant, he's just let us get on with it without bothering us for money or anything."

Charles says he'll give BR, a call and see if he can make it down the Loc tomorrow night.

Phil tells Charles he's going to take £500 down there for him, and to ask him if he wants in on the plan or if he just wants cash.

Anne chirps in, "The plan. What's the plan? You haven't even told us what the plan it is yet. How can BR agree to the plan when he doesn't even know what it is?"

"Don't worry I'll have it all sorted out by tomorrow. You're all gonna love it. We might even get BR to come to Ladies Day with us."

A couple of days later. Crammed into a hot railway carriage on route to Ladies Day at Royal Ascot, all four plus five other male friends have downed two cases of beer. They arrive and make their way to the main entrance of Ascot Racecourse. Anne has her ticket, but the others didn't bother with buying theirs in advance, they're old mate Rasher always sells them theirs at the gate. Once inside he takes the tickets back, and and goes outside and sells them again. They could of course have arrived by luxury limo, and had their tickets bought in advance, but it was a tradition to go up by train and drink a case or two of beer before they arrive.

Mind you with all the money they now have, they have a limo booked for their return trip home.

After the guys place their bets on the first few races, "With varying measures of success" and after spending a vast amount of money on champagne and oysters, they have attracted the attention of many a well dressed female. Some are Air Hostesses, others are Shop Girls, Secretaries, and of course a spattering of Titled Ladies, but all of them look amazing in their tightly fitting dresses, and their fabulous hats. Most are very horny and out for a good time. Only too happy to oblige. The guys are in their element.

Meanwhile Anne has attracted the attention of a well dressed 35 year old in top hat and tails. He is trying to take her away from the group to his luxury box in the grandstand.

It's almost time for the Royal Parade. Phil ushers everyone in his party away from the drinks tents down near to the Royal enclosure. There are two rows of people lining each side of the path where the Royal procession will pass.

The body of the Royals pass by in horse driven coaches. As Prince Philip and the Queen pass by, All three give each other a knowing look. Bringing up the rear in a golf cart is The Queen Mother, dressed in a lemon yellow dress, with matching yellow hat, she is seated in the left side of the cart, the same side as Philip, Charles, and Anne are standing. The carts stops directly next to Philip. The Queen Mother looks Philip up and down, seeing he is well dressed in a dark blue suite, powder blue shirt, black shoes, and a black tie. "Philip my dear, you look very nice, most acceptable."

"Thank you Nana, you look very nice to, Yellow suits you."

Anne and Charles both give little secretive waves.

The Queen Mother gives them a little secretive wave back, "I hear that your Mother isn't in the best of health. Please give her my best wishes for a speedy recovery. We would also be pleased to see you all tomorrow afternoon. Would you be able to be there by 2 O'clock?

Philip leans forward and speaks quietly, "Yes Nana, We will be there whatever time you want us."

"You are a good boy, goodbye my darlings". The cart moves away and The Queen Mother with a slight tear in her eye continues on her way. Wiping her eyes, and with her usual loving smile, gives the crowd her usual small but meaningful Royal wave.

The day continues as most other Ladies Days have done in the past. With the traditional Sing Song, conducted from the balcony of the grandstand, but this time Anne waving down at them, everyone's Singing along, there's more champagne, more oysters, more Guinness, and steak

sandwiches, and what would Royal Ascot be without the occasional sex-ual encounter in the nearby gent's toilets.