Who's Your Daddy 2015 by Phil Mitchell - HTML preview

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Chapter 6.

That was almost 11 months ago... BR went along with Phil's plan, and was more than happy with his decision.

Now there are bigger issues at hand. Charles & Anne are still living with their parents in their council flat in West Norwood.

In the bathroom. Anne is having doggy style sex with Eddy, her step father, and she's loving every minute of it. Charles tries to open the bathroom door, but it's locked. He hears the noise of 2 people having sex. He goes to Anne's room. It's empty.

The front door bell rings. Charles opens it. It's Phil. Charles is mildly surprise., "You been to Rashers already?"

Phil, "Yeah, everything's sorted."

Charles looks as though he has something else on his mind. He ushers Phil inside.

Phil enters and as Charles closes the front door behind them, Phil asks him What was wrong?

As they walk past the bathroom on their way to the kitchen. Charles motions towards the bathroom door, he is not happy with the situation and he's showing it, "She's in there, she's banging the old man."

Phil, "What now?"


"Ah fuck."

"She's a fucking nympho."

"Tell me something we didn't already know. Tell you what. I've been thinking about something for a while... I've been thinking about, us all getting a house together."

The kettle boils, so Charles starts to make a pot of tea, " That's a great idea. It's the best thing I've heard all morning... You got somewhere in mind?"

"As it happens, do you know if you go up the top of leigham court road, turn left, and on the right there's those 2 big houses?

"Yeah, those big Tudor ones."

"Yeah that's em. There's a "For Sale" sign on one of em."

"What you mean. Buy one? I thought you meant rent one."

"We've got the money to buy outright. Why waste it on rent?"

"Makes sense. We gotta talk her into it... What if she don't want to go?

"She'll go or I'll go up and see Nana and tell her what's happening. She'll sort her out."

(Nana is the pet name they had given to the Queen Mother.) Charles hands Phil a cup of tea, "Bit drastic."

Phil takes the tea, "Ta, What else can we do?"

Charles, "Nothing I suppose. How much is the house?"

Phil, "Don't know yet, don't really matter does it. I'm gonna call the Estate Agents later and find out. I'll let you know as soon as I can.

They both Look round and see Anne standing in the doorway. She's dressed in a short dressing gown, and glowing with after sex sweat.

Anne, "Who ya gonna call?"

Phil, "Hello babes. We were just talking about buying a house."

Anne, "What house?"

Charles, offers Anne a cup of tea.

Anne, "Oh yes please darling. I'm parched."

Phil, " We're talking about buying a house by Streatham common, at the top of leigham Court Road, towards Crown Point."

Eddy in his mid forties, slightly over weight. Thinks his hard. Now appears at the kitchen door. "Hello Phil you're up early."

Phil, motions with his eyes towards the bathroom, "Yeah, so where you."

"What, I just been to the toilet."

"Yeah right."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You gotta be joking."

"No, What you on about?"

"What d'you think?"

Eddy takes a menacing step towards Phil. "You need to mind your own business."

Phil puts down his cup of tea in preparation for a fight. "It is my business.

You threatening me?"

"You worked that out quick."

Anne pushes Eddy back out of the kitchen. "Oye, don't you ever, ever threaten Phil or I'll bust your fucking head open. Now fuck off.

Eddy calls back to Phil, "You need to watch your mouth."

All the time this has been going on, Anne has been pushing Eddy out of the kitchen. "What did I just tell you?"

Phil, "You want to try shagging someone your own age for a change."

Eddy turns menacingly back towards Philip, "You little prick....."

Anne slaps Eddy round the head, pushes him in the direction of his bedroom, "Shut the fuck up, and get back in your room." She returns to the kitchen.

Charles, hands Anne a cup of tea. She takes it. Blows on it, takes a sip. "It's a bit hot, thank you darling." Then to Phil , "He's such a prick, but I'm stuck here. What can I do?"

Charles, "For starters you gotta stop shagging him. What if Kay finds out?"

"Yeah I know, but he's got such a lovely big dick."

Charles holds his hand up deflecting the image. "Wow, Far too many pic-tures.

Phil grimacing, " Gross."

Charles, "It's no joke babe, you really have gotta stop shagging him.

Think about Kay, it's not fare on her.

"OK I'll sort it. So what about this house thing. Am I in on it?

Phil, "You bet your sweet little back side you're in on it. We wouldn't do it without you."

Throws her arms around both Phil, & Charles shoulders. "I love you guys.

Did you go and see Rasher this morning?"

"Yeah, he's got us right out of jail. All we gotta remember is we only got 100 tickets from Rasher."

"How much we gotta pay him?"

"£500. If we tell him we sold em all for £20. Then whatever happens we all gotta stick to those figures. RIGHT?"

"£500 of our hard earned. We just gotta give it away."

"We still done the prick for over One & Half. Plus we're gonna get our money back for them tickets Rasher's got. That's gotta be a result." Gives Anne a hug, kisses her on the cheek, and pats her on the backside. Good humored. "Now don't forget.. Keep them Alan Whickers (knickers) on."

Anne gives a cheeky grin. "Like always."

Phil, "Yeah right. See ya later. That or I'll see ya both down the Loc bout half eight."

Leaves the kitchen, goes towards the front door.

Charles, “Right then. You don't want me to come with then?”

"Nah it's ok." Thinks for a second. "No OK, yeah, that's a good idea.. Get yourself ready, we can go down the estate agents together." Comes back into the kitchen.

"OK give me 5 minutes." Leaves the kitchen and rushes to his bedroom.

Anne, "What about me?"

Phil makes a washing motion around his crutch area. "You need to take a bath, get rid of all that nasty stuff you got roaming around down there."

Anne, "Then can I come?"

"You're gonna take too long. We'll come back for you in about an hour.

Now go and get that nasty stuff washed off.