Zahraliza by Abdelouahid stitou - HTML preview

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Depositing money in his back account was an exhausting and tiring process. He had to borrow money from all people he knew. Some of them refused politely and other impolitely. After all, those who lent him money were the same people to whom he used to resort whenever he encountered financial difficulties which happened very often. His friends and some people who trusted him knew well that he surely would return the money. It was a matter of time… matter of circumstances … These people were able to uncover all wrappings around him and see through his body his genuine character that sparkled there.

The strange thing was that most of those whom he stood by them in the past snubbed him. The truth was that it was not strange because he expected such a thing. Who said that loyalty is a characteristic humans enjoy? He feared nothing in the midst of events excepts for one thing; he feared that they would be able to transform him from a human to a brute.

If his situation persisted, turning into a brute would be inevitable as was the case of many others. When he calmed down, he used to retract. If the circumstances of life succeed in turning him into a brute, all his principles would be nothing more than bubbles in the air he used to hide. He thought that principles should be firm that never budge an inch.

He could finally collect an acceptable balance.

He did not imagine obtaining the visa would be that easy, but it was easy indeed. Sometimes difficulties lie in the action itself, whereas the results, on the contrary, are easy to the degree that surprises us who are trembling fearing failure.

The consulate called him asking him to come at 1 pm. He found some people who were waiting the verdict announcing them innocent or guilty. Somebody was calling the names…

You…you’ll leave the prison…

You… you’ll remain our guest for a while…

This was how he perceived the situation. Sometimes the reactions of the applicants seemed to him as if the matter was yet graver. Some of them would collapse entirely and that terrifying-terrified looks in their eyes suggested that ‘committing suicide is a matter of time!’

Collective knowledge reaction took over him; he was terrified, too, that his application might be rejected. His left palm started trembling as it used to do whenever he was tense.

It was his turn. The employee gave him his passport stamped with the approval seal, and she smiled gently. He smiled back attempting to feign the characteristics of confidence on his face that, he feared, would betray his terror.

Everything ended suddenly as it started. The tempest of events, emotions, and feeling ended once he put his passport, that was stamped with the approval, in the pocket of his coat.

He called Huda who travelled to Belgium before him in order to tell her the good news. He imagined her laughing in her special way in which she would swing her head backwards. He imagined her congratulating him and telling him she would be waiting.

I’ve never doubted that… don’t be late… book a ticket on the first flight to Zaventem or Charleroi airports. Wherever you land, I’ll be there to pick you up to your accommodation that the society will assign you.

When he told the old woman Rahma of his travel, she insisted she would pack his stuff in the big bag that Huda gave him. The truth was that he was in a bad need for someone to pack his stuff as he was a total loser at that. The best scenario would be rolling everything he had in his wardrobe as if attempting to fold them.

May Allah bless you with strength, Aziza Rahma.
Amen. I know you well. You’re one of this generation who’d put all your clothes in the bag all together so that you’ll find them there as if one piece of dough.
You read minds, Aziza!
Yea…this is what’re successful at… saying empty words.
Ok… I’ll go out to do some things. Lock the door and keep the key with you till I come back.
May Allah guide and protect you, my son.

He kissed her head and went out struggling not to make her see him crying. He definitely loved the woman. It seemed as if she had taken a share from his father, mother, grandfather and grandmother, so the sense of deprivation evaporated whenever he spoke with her.

He visited some of his relatives whom he did not see for a long time. He visited his uncle and three aunts. The visits actually made them happy. He confessed to himself that he was too neglectful for not paying them visits often. They all had children waiting the surprises of “uncle Khaled”, but “uncle Khaled” was unfortunately broke. He hated seeing their disappointed looks when they would find out that their uncle Khaled came without having any candies or toys.

This time he allocated a portion from his travel budget to this purpose. His aunt said to him,

Why are you travelling, my son? You’re a journalist and all people here respect you…what are you going to do it that foreign country?

Khaled wondered what his aunt would say if she knew the truth! She would definitely lament his situation.

I’ll be back within a couple of weeks unless an emergency happens.
Never get married a girl from there. Women there have more right than men do here. You’ll lose all your honor!

Khaled laughed without responding at all. Her generation was too dangerous. They all could read his mind. Although they talked about various issues in a simple way that seemed naïve, they just could nail it! May God bless them!

When he said goodbye to the old woman Aziza, he could not resist and burst in silent tears. She was also crying and said to her in a suffocated voice,

Beware of spending the night awake and women, my son.
Well. There won’t be a meaning for my travel then.

She hit him gently on the shoulder while she was laughing and crying simultaneously.

You’re wicked… may Allah protect you from any harm.

His friends Mahdi and Munir accompanied him to Ibn Battouta Airport. He placed his bag to be checked by the security x-ray baggage scanners at the entrance of the airport while Munir was joking with him,

Don’t lie to me. How many kilograms of cannabis do you have in the bag?
Actually I thought that cannabis won’t earn me much, so I decided to try smuggling heroin this time…

After his bag was scanned and when he was about to carry it, a security officer called,

Hey… you there…yes I’m talking to you… bring me your bag, please.

Khaled carries his bag and puts it before the security officer who orders him to open it. Khaled enquires in a voice he endeavors hard to hide the tone of tension.

What’s the problem?