Henry The Magpie is a children's picture book that will help expand their understanding about Australian magpies.
Descubra o caminho para a liberdade financeira com a nossa enciclopédia digital "Enciclopédia da Renda Passiva". Ideal para iniciantes, este guia oferece 100 maneiras diversificadas de gerar renda sem o compromisso constante de um trabalho ativo. Aqui você encontrará desde investimentos em...
Returning home from his honeymoon, Matt is shattered to discover his wife’s infidelities. Upon a mysterious twist of fate does he unknowingly enter a macabre series of events in the heart of the Bermuda Triangle. Each time his returning flight, Jefferson Airplane Flight #420 crashes into the...
In the aftermath of tragedy, a relentless pursuit of justice unfolds in "Echoes of Retribution," a gripping tale of vengeance and redemption. Follow Jess, a woman haunted by the shadows of her past, as she embarks on a journey to confront the criminal gang responsible for her family's demise. With...
"The Greenhouse," published in 2016, is the debut book co-written by Steven Bowman and Katie Christy. It tells the story of a forty-four-year-old man named Mr. Pryce who lives with glaucoma in London, England. Set in 1950, the story follows his life as he takes care of his home and backyard...
"Universal Principles" is a thought-provoking guide by Ogu Babafemi Okechukwu that delves into timeless truths transcending cultural boundaries. Through relatable examples and engaging storytelling, the book explores principles like equality, justice, compassion, and resilience, offering profound...
Dr. W.A. Dillard is a well-known writer, pastor, and Past President of the American Baptist Association. This book is just one book of devotions that Dr. Dillard has written. It is the desire of the publisher that these devotions will be a great blessing to the readers
The scriptural doctrine of Salvation is the most important doctrine in our Holy Bible; get that one wrong and none of the rest matter.The purpose of this book is to equip the reader for those questions the unsaved have concerning salvation: who needs it, why they need it, what it is, and even what...