"The Greenhouse," published in 2016, is the debut book co-written by Steven Bowman and Katie Christy. It tells the story of a forty-four-year-old man named Mr...
In "The Greenhouse II," readers are once again transported back in time with the captivating character of Miss Laura Taylor. Set in the summer of 1952, this s...
In "The Greenhouse," we are transported to the summer of 1950 in London, where Mr. Pryce, a man in his forties, is battling glaucoma. As he struggles to adapt...
The Greenhouse (The Greenhouse Duology Series, Book #1)
Reads: 53
Pages: 60
Published: Aug 2021
“The Greenhouse” is the debut co-written young adult fiction novelette that was self-published by Steven Bowman and inspired by his cousin, Katie Christy, as ...