bullet entrance wound to help the president breathe. This wound was messed with to make it look jagged and possibly look like an exit wound before the autopsy at Bethesda. Shot 7 lines up with the south 3rd floor window of the Dal Tex bldg. and produces the sidewalk hit in front of Zapruder’s position that day. The side view for shots 5-7 is below. The two shots that missed, barely missed. The comparison of the HASL of the bullet at the limo to the HASL of Kennedy’s head at the limo is the closeness of the shot given the bearing toward Kennedy. It’s important to note that the shots were made in flurries so that the listener might think that the whole flurry was one shot. Thus many witnesses there that day heard “3 shots,” while it was really three flurries. The sequence of shots within the flurry is not really important. Thus, shot 1 could have been the third shot in the opening flurry. It really doesn’t matter. The shots were made. They were witnessed, and added up to a bunch (way more than 3). For long range shots like the accidental curb at 600ft, shown as number 5 below, the fall on the bullet due to gravity over the path may be significant. For high speed shots (2800ft/sec muzzle velocity) like that in a 30-06, the average velocity over 600 ft might be 2700ft/sec due to wind resistance. So the time for the bullet to hit would be 600/2700 or .22 seconds. Gravity would accelerate this bullet at the rate of 32 ft/secsec. That means that after .22 sec the bullet would be falling an additional .22 X 32 = 7.1ft/sec in the downward direction due to gravity. Average vertical velocity over the path is about 3.5ft/sec since it started at zero. In .22 seconds the fall is .22 X 3.5 = .77 ft or 8 inches over the complete path.
Since Kennedy is at about the half way mark the gravitational velocity at his spot is .11 X 32 or 3.6ft/sec with an average downward speed to him of half that, or 1.8ft/sec. The displacement at Kennedy’s position would then be .11 X 1.8 = .2 ft or 2.4 inches. My side view calculations assume a straight line for each bullet, but obviously the bullet had to be a bit higher to land where it did for the longer shots.
So the Tague shot (above as shot #5) would have missed Kennedy by 5-6 inches rather than the straight line calculation of 3 inches to have hit where it did at the curb in front of Tague. It’s also important to note that the manhole cover shot being from old ammunition would have fallen significantly more over the path. If the shot had 1/3 the energy, it had 58% the speed as energy is proportional to the velocity squared, so the speed would have been .58X2800 = 1620ft/sec with a travel time of 476/1620= .29sec, and a 16 inch error over the whole path, with a 3.4inch error at Kennedy’s location at Z155. So the actual HASL of shot 4 at Z155 was probably closer to 431.3’ which would hit the top of Kennedy’s head except he was off in bearing by quite a bit.
Shot 8 is in Kennedy’s back, but it could have been shot 5 as it came in the same burst, when the president was at Z225. This had a high entrance angle but not much penetration so the 20 yr old ammo was used from on top of the County
possible County Courts shot, but I’ve heard that one of the autopsy examiners estimate the down angle of the shot at about 50 degrees, even though it was never dissected.
respect to the perpendicular to Kennedy’s back for the Courts bldg, and 45 degrees, for the Records bldg; so I’ll guess the Records bldg as shown. The Warren Commission placed this shot on the neck (last minute change to the report by Gerald Ford) even though it was at the 3rd thoracic vertebrae with an off angle of 45 degrees. The off angle is larger than the elevation angle because the bearing of the shot is 39 degrees in the horizontal plane plus 24 degrees in the vertical plane. The combination angle with respect to Kennedy’s back is 45 degrees off normal. This assumes the president is sitting up straight, which he appears to have been doing in the Zapruder film at Z225. The Warren Commission had the back wound migrate to the back of the neck and then they had him leaning forward like he did later, after the throat shot, to concoct a closer angle for their single bullet theory. It didn’t happen. Appendix 1 section 1 disputes single bullet and the anatomy drawings that follow show the difference between the neck and the back shots to provide additional substantiation that the magic bullet did not occur.
Before he was shot in the neck, Kennedy was sitting up straight in the Zapruder film so the above shows the angle from the book depository, which will not allow the first hurdle to be jumped on the magic bullet: the supposed transition of the back bullet to the front of the neck (which ignores the trajectory and doctors’ testimony at Parkland; and ignores the testimony at Bethesda, 1-2inch penetration, big down angle, and no penetration of the chest cavity). A second obvious problem is that at a 20 degree down angle and a slight bearing toward the left side of the limo, any thru shot will go down to the left, take out the top of JFK’s heart, come out his chest, and not enter Connally’s right armpit from the right above, a requirement for Connally’s chest wound. If the sniper hadn’t been using 20 year old ammunition this shot would have killed the president, if taken from the TSBD or the Records bldg. Bye bye again single bullet theory. The Warren Commission was an agent of bad science, and lied on top of that (Gerald Ford moves wound to neck in final report).
Shot 9 would probably be the hole in the limo windshield. There’s lots of excellent testimony here for the hole, including 2 motorcycle policemen from the limo escort.
The Warren Commission (WC) said that it didn’t exist (because the white house garage was able to put in a replacement cracked windshield in the next day or two). They denied good witness testimony again. These same motorcycle policemen said that the shots came from the front as one can tell by the rough edges on the exit side of the hole (inside the limo). They both saw it closely. Another witness with ballistics experience confirmed this. They had to substitute the windshield or admit to a larger conspiracy. J. Edgar Hoover, the creator of the Oswald single shooter theory within the first 2 hours after the assassination, and Chief Investigator into the assassination would have been privy to all physical evidence. It was all sent to Washington D.C. as ordered by Johnson who declared on the night of the assassination that the FBI would handle the case. Director Hoover ignored the best evidence and it became a closed case on Oswald that first night. Now the patsy would have to be killed to keep him from telling a very exiting story of intelligence intrigue involving the FBI and the CIA, because Oswald was connected to both of these organizations.
The windshield shot came from the front and hit to the right of the rear view mirror as viewed from the front. The bullet hole was photographed during the parade. The only front shooters hypothesized outside of the limo are in the parking lot above the grassy knoll. The far right side shooter there would have the kind of
angle on the limo (shown on the figure at left) and would be missing JFK by far too much to consider him a shooter for the windshield hole. There’s probably another shooter to the right of the knoll teams. I don’t think an overpass shooter existed. I believe that one of the railroad men would have spoken up or somebody would have noticed down below, as they were mostly all looking toward that direction by Z255. No, I don’t know if this has been submitted as a possibility, but it occurred to me that the traffic was stopped on Commerce and there could have been a
shooter in one of the vehicles. There could have been a cluster of vehicles in on the deal that had radio contact with the officers stopping traffic to coordinate stopping it when they got in place. So, not that it matters a whole lot how that shot got there, I’m thinking that there was another shooter on Commerce or thereabouts. It could have been from within the tall truck rear section, third vehicle out of the underpass in the right lane. Or maybe the shooter’s up the hill where visibility would allow. The point is the shot was made, windshield witnessed by many, and covered up by WC. There’s another set of pictorials on the next page showing the side view, the overhead drawing, and the photo at Z Z255 showing the bullet hole. So let’s fill up this page with fun.
Pay or Pray?
I believe that the lower photo was shot at Z255, but that the windshield shot could have occurred earlier. WC did not recognize any such shot (ignored good testimony and photos). I’ll assume that this shot came at Z231, after the last clear photo that Life Magazine printed of the front of the limo from the original clearer Zapruder film. Maybe the windshield shot showed up on the original Zapruder.
The 10th shot got Connally in the back from the County Courts bldg. near Z290, when he was facing Zapruder. His mouth opens wide in the Zapruder film showing pain at that moment and he testified that that’s when it happened. Every dignitary in the limo said that JFK had been shot in the neck before Connally was hit.
Connally knew when he was struck as his doctor confirmed, so the WC said everybody must be mistaken. Every good witness is mistaken, while the WC wasn’t there. The problem is that the WC did not do an investigation. They did a rubber stamp of Hoover’s Oswald case and ignored or refuted everything that disagreed with this verdict. Now Johnson had told Judge Warren that Cuba was involved, and if the truth came out it might start
a nuclear war when we’re forced to attack Cuba for the slaying, and the Russians defend them and up the ante. So, under the threat of nuclear war, Warren stood down on the truth and went for the peaceful lying option, or so he must have thought, for the better of the nation? The Warren Report was a sham. It was garbage. There was a lot of missing evidence and a number of erroneous judgments and conclusions like their total disrespect of 15 doctors at Parkland, their passive response to getting an autopsy report that failed to dissect the path of the wounds, their failure to include the autopsy photos which prove the alteration of the president’s body, a horrific part of a huge conspiracy, and it goes on and on. The WC was a sham.
The next shot, #11, is Connally’s wrist/thigh. The bullet entered the top of his wrist and came through the bottom to pierce his leg where it remained (according
to the doctor on a break) after the first part of the surgery that was needed more urgently to treat the chest wound. It was never mentioned after that. It got lost, or the story changed. A few Parkland doctors changed their stories under threat, one presumes, to better support the government’s case. Because of how he was facing, the wrist shot likely came from the TSBD west window. The overview of the shot is shown next. It’s a 200 ft horizontal range with a fall of 71.3’. This produces a
down angle of about 20
degrees. Right after Connally was hit a second time, the limo came to halt as the driver slammed down the brakes. Then the grassy knoll shot came across (shot 12) and barely missed the president’s head (off to the
left) and hit the curb on the other side. From the overview map one can see that the bullet was 2-3 inches over the presidents head and perhaps a bit to the left. This is the smoky shot that people witnessed coming from the grassy knoll. The curb hit
on the other side results with the shooter along the fence as shown for the smoke position shown and is a very close call. Immediately following this, is the fatal shot at Z313, shot#13where, again, ballistics would make it the driver as the culprit for the fatal head shot. His name was William Greer. He was an uneducated Irish protestant, several years older than the president, who cared for the first lady and felt sorry for her because of Jack’s philandering. I believe that he stopped the limo cold, turned around briskly and shot the President and then high tailed it out of there, while everyone was looking up to the knoll for the smoky shot they heard and saw. Trailing shots probably occurred, at least one being the frame of the windshield #14, which could have come from any one of the
positions behind the president at this time. I’m thinking more along the lines of the Dal Tex bldg, as a miss from their would be closer to Kennedy than from higher elevations. Another important point of contest between the facts and the government’s story is the time spent in this shooting.
The running of the Zapruder film shows about 7 seconds from Z225 to Z313. The distance on Roberdeau’s map for this is close to 75’. This says that the limo was going about 11ft/sec average, or 7.5mph. But Section 1 of this appendix showed that the limo would have to have been going at 2mph near Z225, and witnesses said it came to an abrupt halt at Z313. It is clear that to make it run smoothly at 7.5mph frames have to be removed from the film to speed it up where it was slow. A plot of velocity vs. Z number is offered below.
For a 22 second transit at 18 frames/sec, Zapruder’s camera should have exposed 18 X 22 = 396 frames. But only 313-155 = 158 are shown. So 396-158 = 238
frames were removed to speed up the scene. If we had, in fact, seen a laborious 22
seconds of JFK being stalked by his Secret Service et al in this little zone, over the weekend after he was killed, there would have been riots and Washington would have felt the heat. That’s why they lied and said it was a matter of national security to keep the film secret. It had to be secret to protect the conspirators, of which there were many. The timing of the shots would be as shown below.
If the first burst is thought of as firecrackers then it would appear that the remaining shots could be interpreted as 3 shots. As a qualitative gesture I show what I suspect are old ammo shots as ones of lower amplitude (shorter on the graph). Each number corresponds to the shot number already discussed. So shot 6
in the throat didn’t break the president’s neck and come out the back of the neck because it didn’t have the thrust. Same with the back shot that only went in 1-2
inches. Either one of these shots may have been fatal if better ammunition had been used. But the assassination team was trying to emulate the MannlicherCarcano to pin the murder to Oswald, and the ammunition for this weapon had gone out of production 20 years previous. I suspect the smokiness of shot 12 and the lack of thrust of shot 14 for the same reasons and show them as old ammo with a lower amplitude.
This presentation, based upon good witnesses and physical evidence, could be the best evidence for the actual shooting of John F. Kennedy on 22 November, 1963, based upon what we know today. If the facts had not been concealed from the beginning, Oswald’s presence in the lunch room on the 2nd floor at 90 seconds after the first shot, no print on the weapon, and negative tests on Oswald for having fired a rifle and/or a pistol would have exonerated Oswald, and the huge amount of witness and bullet hit testimony and physical evidence would have taken the investigation into the realm of major conspiracy with multiple shooters right away. But Johnson’s and Hoover’s intervention immediately to abscond with the body, pick up all the film, remove all the bullets, wipe down the limo, and never seal the murder scene so evidence could be destroyed, and alteration of the body, goes beyond bad judgment, and suggests their active participation in the planning and covering up the murder of Kennedy for their own benefit and for the corporate leaders’ benefits above them. We’re talking about the take over of the Federal government, with several puppet presidents to follow, and the massive extraction of capital out of America taken as a result of the huge war expenditures made for un-needed conflicts started by those puppets under false pretense. As I’ve mentioned before, and as I believe the vast majority will agree, we don’t borrow money and burn the lives of our troops (children) to do favors for any nation, but our own. And bankruptcy, death, and domination by a military industrial complex are activities NOT FOR THE PEOPLE. So America is not only misrepresented by these hoodlums; they have hurt us deeply and need to be relieved of authority and control. I believe recompense by these traitors should follow restoration of the democracy. Or maybe they’d like to join the “Hawkfish Harem Hallucinations”
The market flow diagram was introduced in Chapter 4 in the text. I carefully constructed it to show the actual flow of actual dollars in our economy. I also put together what is in the box titled Business Engine, by researching on the internet. Here’s what I developed.
I would think that overall performance over the useful life of the item divided by the cost over the same time of that item would be a good measure of value per dollar. To crank in environmental impact, I believe that we could calculate the total pollution over the lifetime of the item and then divide it by the years of useful service over which that total pollution was created, to get a pollution/year number. We could, then, divide the answer on value/dollar by a pollution rate to get value per (dollar per amount of pollution/yr), and we’d have a number that increased linearly with value, inversely with dollars and inversely with normalized level of pollution. The item with the highest value per dollar per unit of pollution would be the best. Now if that item didn’t last as long as we expected this “best” indicator would decrease in two senses. First the value in years of service went down linearly lowering the “Best” number by this ratio of actual time to expected time. If it was supposed to last for 10 years but it really only lasted 2 years, then the expected Best number would go down to 2/10ths of what it was. Also while the pollution rate may be steady in operation the pollution quality number would have had to include the pollution caused in the manufacturing of the item, and the pollution caused by mining/ processing of the resources of the item before the item was manufactured. These mining, processing, manufacturing pollutions could be added up per item to yield a Pi, a constant number or total pollution per item in fabrication. Then the item would create a Pu(no pun intended) as pollution created in use of the item per year. If the item was supposed to last 10 years then (Pi + 10 Pu)/10 would be the expected pollution per item used in the “Best” calculation. But if it only lasted 2 years, then the actual pollution performance was (Pi+ 2 Pu)/2. So it’s supposed to be Pi/10 + Pu, but it’s Pi/2 + Puwhich is larger than what it’s suppose to be with a 10 year life. So when you divide the new “best” number by a bigger pollution value you get even less quality of performance. So as I said the pollution quality factor in the “best” calculation is not linear with time of service, and depends on the actual lifetime service. Planners should have these numbers to decide what to push in manufacturing.
An intelligent choice goes with the “best” calculation.
In accomplishing a mission many times the overall performance /dollar will involve a product of numbers. These numbers could represent pieces of hardware in a link, where the overall performance might be the product of the performance factors for each item in the link. Here’s where cost difference with percent increases or decreases in performance of each component is important. Let me show you what I mean. Below I show a simple block diagram for a radar set. The operator works with the processor controller to make the whole system work. A signal is originated in the processor and the power amplifier makes it huge. Then it is sent out the antenna like a giant electromagnetic PING, and if something out there reflects some of the energy then this weak little signal comes back that is received by the same antenna and channeled back to the processor to work on and figure things out. If the processor lines up the send signal with the receive signal, it’ll see the time delay between when the PING went out and when the echo returned. It traveled at the speed of light so it figures out how many miles away the reflecting source is, by multiplying half the time difference times the speed of light, (as it did a round trip and we only want to know one way range). The antenna has a shaped pattern offering more gain along its pointing axis. Knowing its beamwidth, the radar has a sense of direction in the main beam of the antenna toward the target.
So then the radar operator has a sense of range and bearing to this refection in the sky. If the reflecting object is small, chances are the return signal will be small. There is some noise threshold at the input to the first amplifier after the antenna that determines how small of a signal may be seen. It has to be above the noise level. Now for a given range the signal strength on the return could be increased by a bigger antenna, a lower noise amplifier, a bigger transmitter, and to some degree with better processing. My sense about radars tells me that the processor will be peaked out at a much lower cost than most other items. The receiver might be next followed by the antenna and then the power amplifier. If you want a factor of two, improvement in receive signal strength. maybe you could spend another $10K and do it. At some point the cost goes way up for a slight change as technical limits are reached in the amplifier. For the antenna a change of 1.19 in radius (a 19% increase in antenna radius) yields a 1.41 times change in crossectional area which is proportional to the gain of the antenna. So transmit effective radiated power goes up by 1.41 , and the target reflects this as 1.41 times the original signal , and then the receive antenna bumps another 1.41 what comes in, so we actually get a 2 times signal level on the receive end with the 4th root of 2 increase in antenna radius. That’s pretty good. Now the volume of the antenna system probably went up by a factor of 2 as well, and pointing control got more sensitive. It depends on where we started in size as to the change in cost. But if the antenna gives you twice the signal for a 19% change in radius and the original antenna cost $10K then maybe the new one is $13K. for twice the signal. Now the power amp is expensive and could cost $200K for twice the power. The point is, as a system designer, you look for the cheapest, most reliable way to improve your system from a given one or you apportion qualities that give you the best overall bite for the buck from scratch . Sometimes you have to consider a large train of components in the optimization. So a good system engineer will understand the mission, know what’s wanted, and will design a good all around system to give the best performance within reason for the budget.
18 Example of Summary Military Force/Cost/Vulnerability
In the process of paring down the military to a much smaller size, it is important to know what we have, what it costs to buy, operate and maintain the various parts, the size of forces, the locations, the vulnerabilities and the capabilities. The figure on the next page shows the kind of data that would be used in the construction of new missions for the military. Since Billy Mitchell proved the ability to sink a battle ship from the air, the importance and capability of air power has done nothing but increase. In the new mission of protecting the US from strategic assault, I’d have us continue the best eyes and ears and the best pre-emptive and/or survivable force needed to defeat a nuclear attack or an invasion. With big punch I’m not worried about a land invasion as long as we maintain air superiority and can continue to interdict aircraft and ships loaded with enemy ground forces. For nuclear defense I’d try to track and target any mobile/fixed launch vehicles/platforms from outside the US. I’d count and locate all US strategic nuclear weapons and monitor to ensure that they were under safe keeping. But I’d cut back force projection around the world and pull in to defend the nation, then maybe take a little vacation to San Francisco and visit “China Town” 30X40 oil