I’m going to assume that the first shot came from the Sniper’s lair in the East 6th floor window of the TSBD bldg, and that Mack Wallace launched the assault at Z 155, with the Carcano Italian rifle and
20 year old ammunition that lost its poop
and sounded like a fire cracker, and hit
on the rear right side of the street from
the limo throwing up sparks (that a lot
of people witnessed directly after the
limo passed the front steps of the
depository bldg.). The shot to the left
side of the limo, I’m guessing, came
almost simultaneously and from
northwest window of the Dal Tex bldg,
becoming the second shot and still a big
miss. This shooter too used old
ammunition so these two would yield the
sound of firecrackers, and the president
would quickly look to his right as bullets bounced either side of him. These shots could be portrayed as rays coming from the gunmen and hitting where they hit, as in the next figure. This overhead view allows one to line up the bullet mark with a possible shooter location and see how close it came bearing wise, to the president’s head. Any change in the limo position, or the location of the shot, or shooter position will change the closeness of the miss. The way to verify the closeness of the shot to Kennedy’s head is to look at the scene from the side view, perpendicular to the shot and trace the ray from the known height of the window sill to the point on the
street. Don Roberdeau published various Height Above Sea Level (HASL) measurements, done professionally, and posted them on his map. He had a distance scale as well, which I multiplied up for the generic map. And he provided a scale model limousine so I may cut and paste it on the route. Above is a side view to enable seeing the altitude of the shots on their paths. There were two other shots at the same time shown next. Neither of the first two shots appear to be serious attempts to hit the president, or were two Carcanos being used with terrible sites? A German Mauser and a 30-06 were picked up in the TSBD after the assassination. Other rifles had to be used for better accuracy. Shot #3 could be the Stemmons
sign from the grassy knoll that ended up to the side of Johnson’s car (as observed) at Z155 during the fire cracker opening shots. Shot #4 lines up with the southwest window of the Dal Tex bldg, Kennedy at Z155, and the manhole cover down on the south side of Elm, and the side view says it would have been a hit except the bearing is off to the left.
So I’ll put shots 3 and 4 at Z155 because any later and it could have been Greer that was hit for shot #3 and a bigger miss for #4. I’m not trying to be real precise here, just take care of witnessed shots with some decent rationale for the attempted shots. The next batch of shots and the ones thereafter are discussed in Appendix 1 section 15 and it’s amazing how all of these shots lined up to agree with the evidence and make sense out of the murder scene for the first time for me. A summary list of the shots follows.
The timing of these shots is also identified in Appendix 1 section 15. The timing graph is shown next. The amplitude of the relative shot power is qualitatively presented by the height of the shot on the graph. The “fire cracker” series opens up the amBush at....excuse me, I jumped forward in my thinking, ambush at Z155.
Shots 6 and 8 were old ammunition in my estimation, because of their lack of ability to punch through Kennedy. These are the throat and back wounds, each of which would have been fatal if the ammunition had been stronger (see Appendix 1, section 15 for proof). 10 and 11 are the Connally shots, and 12 and 14 are the smoky knoll shot and dented windshield frame consecutively. Shot 13 is the fatal shot delivered by the driver when everyone else failed. The bunching of the shots made it sound like some firecrackers followed by three shots, the timing between the last two being a bit shorter than between the first two (of the last three flurries). To do this, radio contact with a master timer calling cadence..... ready...aim...fire, would be required. So with each shooter there was a spotter/timer holding the radio phone (and telescope?). The “umbrella man” near the Stemmons sign on the sidewalk was accompanied by a cohort who had their radio phone which was photographed. The cohort could have been the master timer, as everything got screwed up after Z225 and timing was delayed because Umbrella Man and Cohort were shocked that the president was still alive. I’m guessing that this necessitated plan B, where an extra volley would be added with the driver’s requirement to finish the job as need be. I’m guessing that the Connally assassination (by the mafia) was planned after the Kennedy hit at Z 225, as two extra shooters took their one shot each and both got hits on Connally and never fired at the president. This would have been a warning to Texas to stop messing with the mafia in their state, as Connally had been doing. And Connally knew of the assassination that day as he turned to look at Umbrella man and not the president (who he did see casually despite his testimony). So Connally and/or his wife knew to duck when the driver slammed on the brakes, only Connally had just been hit, so his wife pulled him out of the way of a driver shot quick after Z293. That’s why Mrs. Connally refused an autopsy on her husband after he died years later, as bullet fragments within him would immediately blow the single “pristine” bullet theory to greater shreads. The length of time for the sequence is 22 seconds from Z155 to Z313, with over 230 frames of film removed in this sequence to speed it up. This can be calculated by determining the speed of the limo over the path and finding the average speed in ft/ sec and dividing it into the distance traveled, 150ft. The average speed was 4.5mph with a high of 7.5mph and a low of 0-2mph.
The Kennedy assassination was carried out for the benefit of the Military Industrial Complex and the installation of malleable presidents to do the bidding of big business no matter what party was in charge. Nixon recommended Ford for a seat on the Warren Commission and Ford made sure he controlled what witnesses would be interviewed and kept up coordination with J. Edgar Hoover. Ford changed the back wound to a back of the neck wound with the stroke of his pen on the final report to cinch in the magic bullet theory required for an Oswald determination. Hoover forced the Oswald scapegoat decision on day one and incessantly pushed it through the WC while concealing evidence to WC, the media, and the public. The public never heard that Oswald got two negative results on the paraffin test to determine if he had shot a rifle or a pistol that day. Warren acquiesced to Johnson to “save us” from nuclear war and excluded autopsy photos from the report while concluding most of the good witnesses to be mistaken. Johnson absconded with the body, altered key evidence (the limo), got Bobby out of the way with his “Cuban connection story”, chose the Warren Commission, with advice from Nixon, swayed the chairman of the WC to determine an Oswald finding while asking him to seek the truth in the same breath, told the Dallas Police to cease and desist on any further investigation, and took us into Vietnam within 2 weeks. Years later his hit man, Mack Wallace’s finger print was confirmed as being the latent pinky print on a box in the depository on the 22nd of November, 1963. When asked to confirm this, the FBI took two years and then replied in the negative (strange behavior for a capital murder case of a president, yet possibly signaling the turmoil within the FBI to tell the truth and stop covering up for Hoover). After 47 years the people still believe that there was a conspiracy and I know for sure, now, that there was a big one. And now you do, just tracing the hard facts.
The connection of some of the players in the corporatocracy and the Kennedy assassination are shown on the next page. The corporatocracy was very strong in 1963 as Kennedy could not control the misbehavior of his CIA agents in Vietnam who marched to the tune of a different drummer. The Bush family had already installed their pro-Nazi malleable politician, Nixon, and set up a dirty plan to invade Cuba that was doomed to failure under any sane president. JFK was that same sane president of peace, prosperity, and the advancement of science, who was made to take the blame for a Bush family plot at Bay of Pigs.
Kennedy was holding firm on behalf of the American people to keep us out of war and to seek peaceful co-existence with the Soviet Union. It’s a shame that corporate giants of the day would rather make a lot more money and let 10s of thousands of our people suffer and die for them in their wars to accomplish this gain. But their decision to kill Kennedy meant more than that. They were installing malleable (presidential sounding) crooks and murderers who were under the direct control of the Bush family, and would follow in this sequence with only 2 interruptions: Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, for two generations, with presidencies for two family members. Reagan was used as a pawn of the right wing and his ignorance in economic theories had him start the trickle down economy which has never worked for the US. He started the accumulation of big debt for America that our star performer in this Kennedy drama, GHW Bush, doubled in half the time. Clinton got us turned around to start paying off the debt and W took that economy, turned it around again, and put us 5 trillion more into debt in his 8 years and set up the pace for Obama. Now, Obama has been stripped of the power of the presidency and somehow leveraged to continue in the ruination of America, or he was a deceitful candidate who lied to our people and got elected for it. I suspect the former. We have no leader of the people. We are prisoners of the Bush Nazi mentality.
One can see that in the Kennedy era, CIA had been compartmented enough to create evil cells collecting US government pay, while fearlessly obeying their evil “other agenda leaders”. GHW Bush was running one of these cells for the Bay of Pigs, the same group that showed up in Dealey Plaza on 22 November, 1963. Nixon knew Ruby, Warren, Ford, E. Howard Hunt, and Frank Sturgis well and each would play a part in the assassination or cover up. Since Nixon is a Bush protege, the Bushes knew these people as well. Ruby spent mafia money on the Dallas Police to befriend them and he was very successful. He provided women, free dinners and drinks, often. He personally knew about 600 officers. He could have known of some to recruit. He was witnessed delivering a man with a rifle to west side of the Elm Street overpass who climbed up the bank to the parking lot above the knoll in Dealey Plaza at about 10:30 in the morning on the 22nd. The FBI got in line behind their Director by the evening of the 22nd, with rogue FBI agents already out their confiscating evidence to destroy if it tended to spoil the Oswald shooter theory.
Johnson told his mistress, Madeleine Brown, on the evening of the 21st, at Clint Murchison’s house, that “those SOBs (Kennedys) wouldn’t embarrass him any longer after tomorrow, and that’s a promise”. There was a party there and J. Edgar Hoover was the guest of honor. Other guests in attendance included Richard Nixon, GHW Bush, and several other Dallas dignitaries. Brown’s recollection was denied by Murchison family members, but an old lady servant to the family remembered the event and backed up Ms. Brown, as did a chauffeur, who was there at the time and drove Hoover to the airport that night after the party. I have a tendency to trust the little people who have nothing to gain by their testimony and I am more in suspicion of a family that celebrated JFK’s assassination for a week after the event. I became inspired to do the following painting on the Kennedy ordeal
It shows the interplay of the top people involved, who fit into history in important positions. We could exHume Kennedy’s body and get a true (non-Humes) professional opinion on the neck and back wounds, but, personally I believe there is enough information to reasonably decide a case for murder and conspiracy against Nixon, Johnson, Hoover, and especially the Bush family in their efforts to destroy America in favor of a private corporatocracy and to run the world for their pleasure, while millions die on the poor end from their trickle down demonics.
I witnessed 911 on the television and immediately thought this is a modern day Pearl Harbor. We’ll be going to war over this. I was right. Only it wasn’t exactly like Japanese Aircraft Carrier Task Groups painted with national colors all over, clearly representing the culprit nation. And when it was shown that 18 out of the 20 some odd perpetrators were Saudis, why weren’t we bombing Saudi Arabia? Oh,....... they’re Osama Bin Laden’s boys, turncoat Saudis. A rag tag army with box cutters takes down the twin towers in New York. I thought, how foolish not to have locks on the cabin doors in big commercial aircraft. So Bin Laden was in Afghanistan hiding and Taliban weren’t going to look for him, capture him, and turn him over for prosecution. So, we invade a nation over this because some dissidents lucked out with the box cutters and took over some of our own airplanes to use as bombs? Isn’t that like killing a gnat with a sledge hammer after running through a hornets nest to get there? What about collateral kill when we invade? Haven’t we killed 10 times more of their civilians (than what died in the towers) trying to find the bad guys. What gives us the right to trample on innocent people in any number in a foreign country while we pursue bad guys. Such behavior is horrific. We’re not supposed to cause more horror to innocent bystanders than the perpetrators did to us, while trying to apprehend the perpetrators. Doesn’t that make us bigger perpetrators than the original group? How would this fulfill any sense of justice? So what are we doing there?
And haven’t we stopped chasing the original bad guys and now chase religious fanatics in a foreign land where they once ruled until we got there? Isn’t it true that they’ll rule again when we leave? What are we doing there? We get all amped up and charged into a nation with an army. Who are we to be so rude? Why do we use such bad common sense and totally disrespect the rest of humanity? That doesn’t seem like my country, certainly not the way I’d like my country to be. You know we lose 3,000 Americans to smoking every three days. Why aren’t we invading tobacco farms and cigarette factories? Why didn’t we cut our losses and not go off “half cocked”, as my Dad used to say, into some overdone horror story?
When I started receiving my social security and studying the Kennedy Assassination I stumbled into a documentary and it taught me a few things I didn’t notice about 911. The pentagon damage should have been greater. Film of the fire, before the walls caved in (to show 50’ damage), showed, at most, a 10-15ft hole in the side of the pentagon that penetrated into 3 of the 5 rings of offices.
After the collapse of the outer facade the ground view from front shows damage to Pentagon as shown above. The referenced section of fascade damage used to get our bearing on the three photos helps us understand what happened. The next 2 show the view, from the exit (below left) and at the entrance (below right).
The building looks like it suffered fire damage along the path of the missile. The scorched areas one and two rings back in the front view show this damage. Also there is fire damage to the exterior of the building in front beyond the width of the collapsed section. I imagine that this would have been caused by the wings shearing off and bashing into both sides. There is the facade damage to the right. But there’s no airplane debris, of wings or engines or a nice big tail section (that didn’t leave a mark on the exterior where it penetrated (nor left a mark (wings or tail) before being sheared off)). There was debris of what looked like missile parts, shown below left. Also, lower right shows an area immediately to the left of the
collapsed portion that has no fire scorching or burning, with combustible wood and paper products in view. The trajectory of an airplane carrying fuel in both the wings and the fuselage would not leave some section of the pentagon in between
the two burnt areas near the point of impact un-burnt. Would it? Gas would have drenched a bit deeper into the building (like it did at the towers) and there would have been a much wider and taller fire ball and no such un-burnt area. (see the fire plume comparison tower to pentagon on next page) Some of the fire caused was a diversion from a basic missile attack and set away from the building out front. These two items standing
away from the building seen above were smudge pots burning in advance to set up a smoke screen through which outside viewers would not be able to see the damage. The above picture shows the first second of the missile hit and the previously ignited distractions on either side. And it looks like a missile strike in the center with incidental fires on the periphery, not related.
People staged this attack. An airplane buzzed the pentagon at just the right time from a path just north of the CITGO station across the street and there were lots of witnesses. Unfortunately
the airplane’s flight path doesn’t agree with the angle of attack of the missile on the Pentagon, (a diversion with technical errors). The government even knocked down light poles on the approach and had a witness claim that he was hit by one, only his
car had no scratches on the hood and he couldn’t explain
how he removed it from being stuck 4-5feet into his car to unstuck and on the road, without scratching his hood. He was 65 years old and the pole weighed 250lbs. Now this was a story on the internet and I do believe in disinformation being an intelligence ploy that makes me smile. I’m not going to check out the story, but if it is true it is a bad joke, and a very good piece of conspiratorial evidence. And there was no aircraft debris anywhere to be seen. I heard that jet fuel, 8600 gallons estimated still in the airplane, would have caused a fire many times larger (as shown in the comparison fire plume picture) that would continue to burn for days at 3000 degrees F type temperatures. Yet there was wooden furniture hanging out of the building at the periphery of the 50 ft section that was not burnt after the fire was put out. That’s impossible for such a hit with that amount of fuel. The wingspan is like 150’ and there’s fuel in the wings. So a 150’ wide cinder of a zone should have resulted (as it did in the towers). The documentary said that it looked way more like a small missile hit, a bomb, and not a giant heavy fuel laden commercial jet traveling at high speed. The above pictures make a conspiracy clear.
The 911 documentary (In Plane Site) also showed fire fighters witnessing to the demolition of bldg #7 in New York. In fact, the towers, themselves came down like a demolition and explosions were heard. They gave the report of people on the street who witnessed a non-commercial airplane collision as the second tower hit. The film showed a large bulge under the fuselage, uncharacteristic of the airliner, and the coloration was way off.
20 rag tag box cutting terrorists stole the planes, but two of those planes had to have been flown somewhere else (ditched in the ocean?); one missile hit the pentagon, and a strange looking craft with military coloration hit the second tower. All of the buildings that came down fell like a neat and clean demolition. Rag tag terrorists do not have cruise missiles, to the best of my knowledge. Neither
the foreign group to be partially successful, and the rogues did their thing to help make it look entirely like a foreign assault. That’s what I see in this mess. I’ve read that there are 50 witnesses to the pentagon aircraft hit. I would expect all of those to be “bad science” and/or witnesses to the fly over coinciding with the missile hit. After 911W creates a new department of the government, Homeland Security, and takes us to war twice, and for bad reasons. This started and has continued to cause, enormous debt accumulation by the US; debt that continues to weaken our government, the last bastion of democracy. When I bought the “911 In Plane Site” documentary DVD, it seemed a bit different than the one I first rented to view. I believe that there is a very active disinformation service in place out there that is staffed by rogue intelligence operators in the US in support of the Corporatocracy, and is continuing operation on the Kennedy cover-up and witness discouragement programs. We’re being had by the corporatocracy, and the Bush family is right in the middle of it. The Homeland Security Department gives them incredible private
Wanting to understand the non-corporate view, I tuned in Democracy Now on TV and enjoyed the smaller stories told by people on the scene. Then I picked up Amy Goodman’s Breaking the Sound Barrier which contained several short stories on each of 11 subjects. The forward warned of big businesses’ desire to control the internet and of our need for “net neutrality” for all users. I’ll list some one liners of mine summarizing what I thought was important in her book.
WAR : Bombs displace food clothing and shelter in priority, and imbedded journalists tell stories of what the military wants them to see. The Iraqi Health Ministry estimated 150,000 Iraqis have died since the invasion. A medical journal thought it was more like 650,000. There’s growing dissention within the ranks in Iraq. Senator Byrd argued against going into unprovoked war. (What a sage!!!!) Don’t listen to that $20K signing bonus, it’s your life they want. Discussions on the Iraq war are not allowed at Wilson High. We need a “Pentagon Papers” type release of information about the Iraq war. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) suicide is a problem for soldiers in the US armed forces. We raid the wrong house all the time, and the “first kill” by a soldier is celebrated. (So, chances are that our soldiers celebrate a heinous crime on a regular basis). The Palestine Hotel in Bagdad, housing non-imbedded news people was on a US target list according to an experienced US intelligence operative, and some news people there died as a result. Poverty leads to good recruiting. Gestapo like Consequence Management Response Force, “sea smurfs”, who would normally do well to control disaster situations, may also be used in civilian control situations, like protecting Wall Street or Main Street from angry citizens at home. This used to be illegal, but W had it put into law in 2007. We armed the Taliban when they fought Russia, now we’re fighting them. If forced to, the Taliban will disappear and hide their weapons to fight another day after we leave. So we can’t “really win”.
Oil companies fund bad science to keep their sales up, Climategate. Flooding of the Mississippi valley is part of global warming predicted. Nuclear power is not a solution to global warming, because it’s not economically feasible. (needs government aid to work). You can die from old age waiting for justice for your complaint against an oil company. For the Exxon Valdez, there were 22,000 plaintiffs finally awarded 5 billion dollars, which was cut in half by a US appeals court, and down to 500 million by the supreme court; only 6,000 of the original plaintiffs had died over the 20 year litigation.
Donald Rumsfeld owns an old plantation where slaves were sent to be “broken” (tortured) before the Civil War. He and 11 cohorts are named in a criminal complaint filed in Germany by the Center for Constitutional Rights based in New York. The complaint alleges that Rumsfeld et al are principally responsible for a US Military program of detention and torture. Under the Bush administration, torture is denied, (which means they say they’re not torturing anybody). The American Psychological Association formed a 9 member panel on Psychological Ethics and National Security PENS and decided to continue to participate in military interrogations. The panel was packed with pro military votes. It was a setup. A Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape SERE Psychologist trained the military psychologists to participate in interrogations. SERE measures include sensory and sleep deprivation, isolation, sexual humiliation, maintaining uncomfortable positions, light, heat, cold, noise subjugation and water boarding. After signing bills, W has used “signing statements” which authorize him to bypass the law, on 1100 bills, a record for any president. He used the signing statement on an anti-torture piece of legislation. W’s attitude is Hitler all the way here; capture, indefinite hold, and torture or the fear of it is like a U.S. Gestapo whom all feared in Germany, under Hitler.
Psychologists are split on whether to participate in torture for national security. In 2004, Assistant Attorney General Daniel Levin volunteered himself for a water boarding experience and concluded that it was torture. So he was fired. A man tortured at a CIA black site has survived and sued the contractor that flew him to the torture site. Rocket terrorists in Afghanistan fingered an innocent taxi driver who was tortured and killed “by mistake”. So a documentary movie was made and it won an Oscar. The Discovery Channel bought the TV rights but won’t be airing it real soon. Obama, it turns out, is a wuss, (Dean observation) and will not prosecute alleged torture by the CIA (who replied with great fanfare).
HEALTH CARE : Pfizer and a distribution company were fined 2.3 Billion for bad practices with Bextra and Celebrex. So they lost 3 weeks income, the cost of doing business. Health care for kids is a no brainer. Toxins R US is the cosmetics industry, which seems to be under-regulated. Germany, England, Canada, and France all have health care for all their citizens, while the US has 50 million uninsured (and spends twice as much). Michael Moore thinks of the health insurance companies in America as the Halliburtons of the health industry. (I say let’s compete with them using a government single payer plan, and see who buys what). A summit on health care allows 2 (of 120) to attend who support a single payer plan. Single payer advocates are shuffled out the door elsewhere, one charged with disrupting Congress. Obama takes it off the table to make a deal. Single payer is what most industrialized countries in the world use for their health care. A CIGNA executive blowed the whistle on health care companies, who dump patients to satisfy their Wall St investors. (I described the burning of $400K per employee X 440,000 employees in the business to do their work of burning 20% of the health care dollars meant for care providers). (I find this an atrocious industry of “do nothing and golf a lot” people operated at the expense of other peoples’ lives. This is a no brainer savings.)
The World Food Program says we’re in the worst famine in 45 years. Countries’ debts keep them from feeding their people. (Remember the Economic Hit Man). Meanwhile large food corporations are experiencing the highest profits ever. Wall Street has a bunch of Socialists who cry to the government to bail them out for their bad gambling decisions, while 4 million home owners are defaulting on their loans and will lose their houses. (So the idiots in government don’t do it for the people, they do it for the crooks; so we don’t have a representative democracy FOR the people).