Anatomy of Economy - Book 1 (1 of 3 On Root Cause and Solutions to Economic Down Turn and Poverty) by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

The Natural & The Managed


Natural Economy:

Individuals, or small communities decide what

to produce and where to produce and where to

distribute their products and services.

The people is not constrained by the decision

of a few leaders on what to produce, to whom to

distribute and who would consume.

The the three tasks of economy namely (1)

Production, (2) Consumption (3) Distribution are

shared between the people that provides the

people an occupation so as to own wealth to buy

goods to consume.

None of these three tasks are not taken away

from one society to another. When it is done,

people would be deprived of occupation. That

would leave people without wealth to buy the

Products to Consume.

More importantly, the wealth generated by the

society remains largely within the society.

1. Anatomy of Economics

Managed Economy:

There are a few common issues that encompass

the entire society that needs a focused


Such issues can be addressed in smaller societies

without dedicated people and specialized


In larger societies need dedicated people, with

larger resources and specialized skills. Such

issues are:

1. Securing nation’s borders of the society.

2. Scientific & Technological advancement of

the society to match other societies around.

Failing to do so, the developed societes might

exploit those lagging behind.

3. Creating common infrastructure for the

entire society,

4. Fair distribution of wealth. Responsibility of

the managers of the Managed societies is to

ensure that the Nation’s wealth Shared among

the citizen, equitably.

Governments, by co-opting the experts in

various technologies guide people on the

three key aspects of Economy, namely, what

the (1) People do, What to (2) produce and

how much and who would (3) consume.

The disadvantage

It can be argued that that a few leaders along

with their think-tanks, can guide the masses into

prosperity. Cause timely changes to processes in

Economics Basics that every citizen should know

the economy to smooth flow of life

But the truth remains that there no proof of

existence of such leaders in the society, anywhere

in the world, in the past and present, who are:

knowledgeable, patriotic and sensitive

to problems of the common man, capable of

accomplish such a task.

Leaders, place their (self and political) survival

goals before that of the society. Their actions

in favour of common man, if at all, is symbolic.

Falls very much short of the mandate given to

them. This is proved by ever increasing poverty

in developing societies.

World over, the leaders thrive on the lack of

ability to remember and very little to negligible

Learning & Thinking abilities of common man.

With mindless fiddling with the natural economy

to Manage the economics themselves had

resulted in increasing unemployment or under-

employment in most societies. Year after year

more and more people fall below below the

poverty line .

Developed world is no exception: We observe

that, in the last two decades, jobs that were performed

by people in Developed countries were moved to

developing and under developed countries. Now the

same would happen in countries like India when MNCs

are allowed to perform performed by common man, in

India without a reciprocal arrangement or obligation

to buy our products.

1. Anatomy of Economics

Shift from natural economy

Invaders from alien societies changed all the

prosperous natural economy of their colonies

into Managed Economy. (Government decided

who to produce, what to produce and where to

distribute the goods and services.

They took away raw material from their colonies

and dumped the finished goods, rendering the

citizens unemployed.

Managed economy leaves common man, the real

people who produce real wealth and therefore

the power behind the society, totally powerless

and enslaved.


Economics Basics that every citizen should know