Anatomy of Economy - Book 1 (1 of 3 On Root Cause and Solutions to Economic Down Turn and Poverty) by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

Knowledge & Economics

Knowledge is a necessary ingredient for efficient

production of goods. Also it is necessary to

create newer products and newer services for

the consumer.

In an ideal society where wealth generated is

distributed to citizen in an equitable and just

manner, most common man routinely produced,

distributed and consumed.

A few among them, the more knowledgeable

among common people developed newer

products and services would do.

But we are in a time where more knowledgeable

grab the nation’s wealth leaving a negligible

wealth for a large population to share.

1. Anatomy of Economics

The only way to have a healthy economic society

where the producers get their fair share of the

nation’s wealth is through an education system

that delivers Learning & thinking skills.

Knowledge comes from Learning & Thinking.


What makes the difference between:

(a) Rich and a poor in any society ?

(b) A criminal and a Saint?

(c) A leader and a Follower?

(d) A Master and a Slave.

Some might attribute the difference, to Fate

of the individual, some others attribute to the

luck. But if we honestly examine, we will trace

it Knowledge.

There are several opportunities in life to acquire

knowledge. (a) our own, good and bad experiences

can teach us. The difficulty is that It takes a long

time and painful to endure bad experience, (b)

Experience Of those around us, is the best way

of Acquiring knowledge withhout pain, (c) Great

thinkers of present and past Written down the

essence of several experiences which you can

read / Hear and get them. This is both quicker

and rich.

Education systems, give us the Linguistics

skills so that we can read and learn from the

words Of Wise men among our ancestors.

Economics Basics that every citizen should know

The role of Education

We are all learning even without going to school.

With a formal education. the pace of learning is

faster and quantum of learning is larger.

Education is a method of Fast-tracking the

learning. Here the students are equipped with

multiple language skills. More the number of

languages we learn, the opportunity to learn


When one society employ method to make their

citizen learn faster, it becomes necessary for

other society to follow. Strength of a country

depends on the aggregate knowledge of its


The ideal period to start a formal learning is


The knowledge has four steps,

(1) The ability to remember all that we learn.

The poor has the lowest ability to remember.

(2) Pro active steps to learn from various sources

of information, filtering the irrelevant ones and

retaining the informations that is relevant to our

lives and goals that we seek to attain.

(3) Processing Information

Learning give us enormous information. But, our

ability to (store and recall) remember if finite

and small. With the arrival of new information

all the stored information melts away.


1. Anatomy of Economics

(4) Information cannot be used directly. When

the knowledge is extracted from information

and stored it is quicker to use and also require

very little memory.

So, it is necessary to extract the essence called

knowledge from the information that we

gather, before they are forgotten.

What is knowledge

An analogy: If flowers are compared to

information, the scent or honey in them is the


Said in a different way, it is a and short & crisp

list - “Problem - Solution” pair.

The conversion involve several processes which

Economics Basics that every citizen should know

most education system is unaware of/.

The processes necessary for converting

information into knowledge is known as


Various people, knew one or more of these

processes, naturally. Often the environment

in which one is raised contributes to these

processes, greatly.

We stop at the discussion of Education and

Knowledge with the following statements.

(A) The knowledge is the essence of information

that it quick to apply in unusual life situations.

Necessary to solve problems, take crucial

decisions in our favour, prevent a possible loss

due to a wrong decision or a wrong move.

(B) When more than one process is applied on

information around us, we can extract more


(C) Less knowledge leads us to life full of problem.

Higher the knowledge one is freed from poverty,

slavery and deprivation.

More detailed discussion on Knowledge and

the processes to convert information into


(D) Every academic institutions deliver

Information and test the student’s ability to

retain the same for up to an year.

(E) The right education is essential for the society than the Right-To-Education.


1. Anatomy of Economics

4. Internalize Knowledge.

Even the knowledge, so acquired could be lost

with time or with new knowledge that we get.

In order that the knowledge is not lost and also

be able to apply through sub-conscious mind,

the knowledge should be internalized.

Internalized knowledge can be called the


Further discussion on Education and knowledge

can be found in the ebook:

Knowledge. Go, get it.


With changing time, every person require more

material for living. There is immense wealth in

any society,

But there is an unceasing competition among

people in the society to grab as much that their

Learning & thinking abilities allow them.

(1) Those with the highest ability to learn &

think, corner the most of the wealth in the


(2) The poor, with very poor ability to Learn & think, ends-up an insignificantly low share from

the nation’s wealth.

(3) Others, with varying extent of Learning &

thinking abilities, acquire the nation’s wealth

proportionate to their learning & thinking


Economics Basics that every citizen should know


(5) The Men-of-knowledge popularly known as

Sages Siddha, Sufi, Zen Masters do not take part

in this wild chase for material, for they realize:

(A) Wealth beyond basic needs do not enhance

one’s happiness, life span or any positive aspect

of life.

(B) They men-of-knowledge, even if they have

children they do not corner the wealth and pass

it on to them. This is because, they realize simple

truth that :

The Idea of Me & Mind are illusions.

(C) Nothing follow us, after one’s life comes to

an end. The only exceptions are the sins we

commit in this life in our craving for possessions

and positions.

The men-of-knowledge aver that the sins that we

carry along determines the roles that we play in

the next successive births,

More on this can be found in the discussions in

the following title:

1. Anatomy of Economics