Economics Of Nobel Laureates - Revised by VT Naidu - HTML preview

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Appendix – A.      List of Nobel Economists

S.No            Name                                    Year of



1      Rangnar Frisch and John Tinbergen             1969

2      Paul Samuelson                                     1970

3.      Simon Kuznets                                     1971

4.      J.R.Hicks and K.J. Arrow                         1972

5      Wassily Leontief                                     1973

6      Gunnar Myurdal and Hayek                         1974

7      Koopmans and Kantarovich                         1975

8      Milton Friedman                               1976

9      Bertil-Ohlin and James Meade                   1977

10      H.A.Simon                                     1978

11      T.W. Schultz and Arthur Lewis                   1979

12      Lawrence Klein                                     1980

13.      James Tobin                                     1981

14      George Stigler                                     1982

15      G.Debreau                                     1983

16      Richard Stone                                     1984

17      Franco-Modigliani                               1985

18      James Buchanan                                     1986      

19      R.M.Solow                                     1987

20      Maurice Allais                                     1988

21      Trygve Havelmo                               1989

22      Morkowitz, Merton Miller and Sharpe             1990

23.      Ronald Coase                                    1991

24      Becker, Gary.S                                    1992

25      Robert Fozel and Douglas North                  1993

26      Hasranyi, John Nash and Shelton                  1994

27      Rober Lucas, Jr.                                    1995

28      Mirrlees and William Vickrey                  1996

29      Robert Merton and Myron Scholes                  1997

30      A.K.Sen                                          1998

31       Robert A.Mundell                              1999

32      James Heckman and Danial McFadden            2000

33      G.Akerloff, M.S.Spence and J.Stiglitz            2001

34      Danial kahneman and Vernon L.Smith            2002

35      Engle and Granger                              2003

36      Finn Kydland and Edward Prescot                  2004

37      Robert Aumann and Thomas Schelling            2005

38      Phelps Edmund S.                              2006

39 Hurwitz, Myerson & Maskin       2007

40.      Paul Krugman                                    2008

41.      Elinor Ostrom & Oliver Williamson             2009

42.      Peter A. Diamond, Dale Mortenson and

Christoper A. Pissarideo                        2010

43. Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims 2011

44.      Lyod Shapely and Alvin Roath                  2012

45.      Eugene Fama,                               

Lars Peter Hansen,       

Robert J. Shiller)                                    2013

46.      Jean Tirol                                          2014

47.      Angus Deaton                                     2015























Note: Through the google search, we can find most of the books and articles of noble economists and articles about them and they may be down loaded.



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