Economics Of Nobel Laureates - Revised by VT Naidu - HTML preview

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Appendix – B ,

Ideological profiles of Nobel economics laureates, EJW Type/ Profile of Economics Laureate Ragnar Frisch, EJW pdf type/ the name of each Nobel Economist and download his profile. Another example: Type/ Profile of Economics Laureate, A.K.Sen, EJW, pdf


Download Some Best Text Books on Economics


You may read one or more Text Books on Micro Economics/ Macro Economics.

  1. David Kreps, Micro Economic Theory – CDU, 38-A258-3 PDF (Touch: Cubo 5700 djvu)
  2. Varian, Intermediate Micro Economics, world press PDF
  3. Intermediate Micro Economics, Julian Garin, PDF
  4. Dornbusch Macro Economist 10-1 World press PDF Touch – UGESS world press.
  5. Gregory Manikov, Macro Economics, 7th Edition 2009 (6) PDF





















About the Author

V.T. Naidu


Born      :      20th, Aug 1935 in Bangaramma Peta,

Salur, V.Z.M. Dist. (A.P)


Education      :      M.A. Economics, April 1956 (Andhra University)

M.A. Economic-Stats. Apr. 1958 (Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University)

             Phd. Economics, 1966 (S.V. University, Tirupati)

Non-Degree, 1966-67 (University of Wisconsin, Madison, U.S.A)


Teaching       :      Faculty member of

Economics in S.V. University (1960-75)

and in Bangalore University(1970-71) and

Professor of Rural –Development in S.K University, Anantapur (1975-1995)


Publications :      Farm Credit and Cooperatives in India,

Vora and Co. Bombay, 1968

and 40 articles in Journals and Periodicals.


Administrative Work      : Head of the Department of Rural Development and Sociology, Dean of Arts. Principal of S.K University College and Rector of S.K. University.


Awards :      1) Selected for Full-Bright and Smith-

Mundt Fellowship for Study in USA during 1966-67


2) Selected by the State of Andhra Pradesh for “Best Teacher”

award for College and University Teachers in 1983-84.



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