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[10] Tips for every Forex trader

At Easy-Forex™, we believe that proper training is essential to achieving trading success. Without the appropriate preparation and expertise, a trader's chances of succeeding are substantially reduced. Our free Forex training was created to teach our clients a strategy to day-trade currencies. Traders that use a strategy, or system to trade, tremendously increase their probability of success as Forex traders. Easy-Forex™ offers the following Forex Training resources:

This book as well as other Easy-Forex™ books;
A Guided Tour on the Easy-Forex™ website;
Information (“Info-Center”) on the Easy-Forex™ website;
Technical analysis;
Fundamental analysis;

Access to charts, news, outlooks and research, once a trader has registered with the system;


Free, live 1-on-1 training online;

And finally, you can start trading – and learning – for as little as USD 25. This is your best actual training, and we recommend you view it as such, “playing small” while you learn the market step-by-step.

Easy-Forex™ not only advises you to start with a small amount of money, but makes the first step easy for you. However, before you start:

• Carefully read the Terms and Conditions
• We strongly advise that you read the Disclaimers and the Risk Warning
• Remember: Forex is a risky business!

It should not take more that a few trades to familiarize yourself with the Easy-Forex™ Trading Platform. Ideally, you will start by making a few smaller trades in order to become familiar with the market and the platform. Only then should you consider making larger trades.

Learn at your own pace

Learn at your own pace, and learn from the experiences of others, who can provide insight, analyses and information, and can help you steer clear of the hazards novices sometimes encounter. Read (and participate in) Forex forums and reviews which are available in many places on the net.

Now is the time to expand your trading knowledge. Currency markets differ from other trading markets due to time zone liquidity, specific currencyrelated issues, central bank activity, real and nominal interest rate differentials and more. This is the time to learn to understand these factors.

Learning Forex trading:
Topics you should be familiar with:

Evaluation of currency trades;
Developing a market view;
Using trend analysis indicators;
Reading and understanding Forex charts;
Pinpointing advanced support and resistance levels;
Assessing trading signals;
Identifying market tops and bottoms;
Setting price objectives for winning trades;
Handling Stop-Loss and Take-Profit limits.

Hands-on Forex training

Easy-Forex™ hands-on trading means immediate access to proven trading techniques you can use to increase profits. Whether you are a short-term, breakout, range or position trader, Easy-Forex™ experts can help you learn trading techniques that can maximize your ability to identify low-risk/highprobability trades. Our training is appropriate for a wide range of Forex traders, from individuals just starting in the spot currency market, to experienced professionals.

Like anything in life, you don't really understand it until you jump into it. Get started on Easy-Forex™, risking as little as USD 25 per trade. Take the Guided Tour through the training material while you are entering and watching your first trades - because there's nothing quite like trading while you learn. This is practical, visual, hands-on training. Plus, it allows the new traders to develop an understanding of basic trading techniques, risk control, and the opening and management of a live trading account.

Whether you are an investor who wants to learn Day-Trading for the first time, or a day trader with stock market or futures trading experience, who wants to give Forex trading a try, take the first steps with Easy-Forex™. Go through the basics of the Forex market, experience real time training with real time trading, take the Guided Tour and then trade. Our training gives new and experienced traders alike all the necessary tools to start buying and selling currencies in the foreign exchange market.

Make use of what the Easy-Forex™ Trading Platform offers:
24-hr commission-free trading in 14+ currency pairs;
Web-based trading platform requires no download or installation;
Guaranteed fills on stops and limits up to USD 2,000,000;
Free access to charting, news, and research;
24-hour customer support via phone and web site;
Deposits accepted in multiple currencies;
Credit card, PayPal and Western-Union deposit facilities;
Straightforward withdrawal procedures.

Don't attempt to trade until you receive the training needed to become a successful trader. There are substantial earnings to be made in the foreign currency market, but trading in Forex is for the well-informed.

Easy-Forex™ offers you a first-rate Forex trading platform and an unmatched degree of service. Obviously, our experts are real people in real offices and dealing rooms, ready to assist.

Real-time dealers available 24x7

Trading foreign exchange is exciting and potentially very profitable, but there are also significant risk factors. It is crucial that you fully understand the implications of margin trading and the particular hazards and opportunities that foreign exchange trading offers. However, if you are ever in doubt about any aspects of a trade, you can always discuss the matter in-depth with one of our dealers. They are available 24 hours a day.

Forex risk management strategies

The Forex market behaves differently from other markets. The speed, volatility, and enormous size of the Forex market are unlike anything else in the financial world. Beware: the Forex market cannot be controlled - no single event, individual, or factor rules it. As such, it is the closest market to what economists call “a perfect market”! However, just like any other speculative business, increased risk entails chances for a higher profits as well as higher losses.

Currency markets are highly speculative and volatile in nature.

Any currency can become very expensive or very cheap in relation to any or all other currencies in a matter of days, hours, or sometimes, in minutes. The unpredictable nature of currencies is what attracts an investor to trade and invest in this market.

Truly ask yourself: "How much am I ready to lose?"
When you terminated, closed or exited your position, had you understood the risks and taken steps to avoid them?

Some foreign exchange risk management issues
The following may come up in your day-to-day foreign exchange transactions.

Unexpected corrections in currency exchange rates
Wild variations in foreign exchange rates
Volatile markets offering profit opportunities
Lost payments
Delayed confirmation of payments and receivables
Divergence between bank drafts received and the contract price
These are issues every trader should cover, both before and during a trade.

Exit the Forex market at profit targets

Limit orders, also known as Take-Profit orders, allow Forex traders to exit the Forex market at pre-determined profit targets. If you are short (sold) a currency pair, the system will only allow you to place a limit order below the current market price, because this is the profit zone. Similarly, if you are long (bought) the currency pair, the system will only allow you to place a limit order above the current market price. Take-Profit orders help create a disciplined trading methodology and make it possible for traders to walk away from the computer without continuously monitoring the market.

Control risk by capping losses

Stop-Loss orders allow traders to set an exit point for a losing trade. If you are short a currency pair, the Stop-Loss order should be placed above the current market price. If you are long the currency pair, the Stop-Loss order should be placed below the current market price. Stop-Loss orders help traders control risk by capping losses. Stop-Loss orders are counter-intuitive because you do not want them to be hit; however, you will be happy that you placed them.

Be disciplined, don’t be greedy.
Close your Forex position as you originally planned!


00002.jpgWhere should I place my Stop-Loss and Take-Profit orders?

As a general rule of thumb, traders should set Stop-Loss orders closer to the opening price than Take-Profit orders. If this rule is followed, a trader needs to be right less than 50% of the time to be profitable. For example, a trader who uses 30 pip Stop-Loss and 100-pip Take-Profit orders, needs to be right only one-third of the time to make a profit. Where traders place Stop-Loss and Take-Profit orders will depend on how risk-averse they are. Stop-Loss orders should not be so tight that normal market volatility triggers the order. Similarly, Take-Profit orders should reflect a realistic expectation of gains based on the market's trading activity and the length of time one wants to hold the position. When initially setting up a trade, it is prudent to look to change the Stop-Loss and set it at a rate in the “middle ground” where you are not overexposed to the trade, and at the same time, are not too close to the market.

Trading foreign currencies is a demanding and potentially profitable opportunity for trained and experienced investors. However, before deciding to participate in the Forex market, you should soberly reflect on the desired result of your investment and your level of experience.


Warning! Do not invest money you cannot afford to lose!

There is significant risk in any foreign exchange deal. Any transaction involving currencies involves risks, including, but not limited to, the potential for changing political and/or economic conditions, that may substantially affect the price or liquidity of a currency.

Moreover, the leveraged nature of Forex trading means that any market movement will have an equally proportional effect on your deposited funds. This may work against you as well as for you. The possibility exists that you could sustain a total loss of your initial margin funds and be required to deposit additional funds to maintain your position. If you fail to meet any margin call within the time prescribed, your position will be liquidated and you will be responsible for any resulting losses. “Stop-Loss” or “Take-Profit” order strategies may lower an investor's exposure to risk.

Easy-Forex™ foreign exchange technology links around-the-clock to the world's foreign currency exchange trading floors to get the lowest foreign currency rates and to take every opportunity to make or settle a transaction.

Avoiding/reducing risk when trading Forex:

Trade like a technical analyst does. For the best possible results, understanding the fundamentals behind an investment also requires understanding the technical analysis method. When your fundamental and technical signals point in the same direction, you have a good chance of having a successful trade, especially with good money management skills. Use simple support and resistance technical analysis, Fibonacci Retracing and reversal days.

Be disciplined;
Create a position and understand your reasons for having that position;

Establish Stop-Loss and Take-Profit levels.

Discipline includes hitting your stops and not following the temptation to stay with a losing position that has gone through your Stop-Loss level. A good rule of thumb is: In a bull market, be long or neutral - in a bear market, be short or neutral. If you forget this rule and trade against the trend, you will usually cause yourself worries, and frequently, losses.

Never add to a losing position. On the Easy-Forex™ platform, traders can change their trade orders as many times as they wish free of charge, either as a Stop-Loss or as a Take-Profit. The trader can also close the trade manually without a Stop-Loss or Take-Profit order being hit. Many successful traders update their Stop-Loss price in their “live” positions beyond the rate at which they made the trade, so that the worst that can happen is that they get stopped out and still make a profit.

00002.jpgNever invest in Forex what you are not prepared to lose.