Poverty Line by N.நடராஜன் - HTML preview

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Chapter 9

How to earn money legally and easily


Answer: Run over the runners.

Money or the wealth in general is never static, unlike any tree building or rock are.

It is dynamic and always on the move!, it is like a wind. To catch and hold the wind, one should run faster than the wind.

How do rich and super rich remain and grow richer?

The answer is,  Run over the Runners!

How to do that?

Anyone hungry or in dire need would run for food and basic needs. They get too little for all their efforts. The poor are always in the metaphorical run. They run for mere existence.

The rich has huge resources and has no need to fight both hunger and other survival needs. There is no need for rich to run the way the poor run.

So the rich and super rich, metaphorically  run - over -  the heads of running poor. That is, they exploit the efforts of the poor to own their riches.

There are the others who are  not in the metaphorical run  who are generally known as  men-of-knowledge. They are variously called Sages, saints, Sufis and zen masters. Neither they  care hunger and has a need for anything that can be bought with money.

So essentially, those who run are the poor.

The elite knew that if they are not in the run, the wealth they hold will leak-away. By design, the money cannot stay in a place. So the rich need to move but found a way to move and yet not run.

This they accomplish by running over the crowd that is eternally on the run.

See though your mind’s eyes!

Imagine a scenario when Elite are running on the head of poor  people who are on the run.

In this scenario, when the poor (runners) are on the run, elite need to just stay on the top of the running masses. Still  they moves without any efforts.

In situations when the elite run, they move far ahead of the runners who are already on the run!

Are the rich and Super rich, the sinners?

Most of the rich and super rich corner so much of national wealth that do not and cannot use the money that they gather using all their overt and covet methods during their entire life time.

Some say that they save for their off-springs.

Those who have basics of spiritual knowledge from eastern scriptures like vedas and Upanishads would know that the all the wealth belong to God. Anyone meddling with it beyond what is absolutely necessary will be punished.

The thought that “my son” , my daughter, my wife is a wrong idea  (I and Mine) induced by  Maya.  All that is induced by Maya is falsehood.

The truth

Every soul is  in an eternal journey. To making the lives on an eternal run Maya created twin falsehood. I and Mine.

Neither we belong to any one not any others belong to us. The friends relatives enemies are all transient. Every one around us appear to have some relevance to our lives but in reality it is not true.

If it possible that our children could have been a detractor in an earlier birth. Certainly they were not your children in the next several birth.

What one does, as rich?

Rich and super rich Commit the sin of blocking the poor of their basic living needs. Neither the rich can use the wealth meaningfully to enhance their own lives now allow other who need use it.

They  corner the nation’s wealth through legal and illegal means Many stash away the nation’s wealth belong to their fellow citizen to alien countries.

Those who have spiritually inclined understand what they do is a sin and will desist from committing such sins.