Poverty Line by N.நடராஜன் - HTML preview

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Chapter 10

How do one become & remain rich?


In an ideal society earning meant working with knowledge and skills to produce products and services to meet the needs and comforts of fellow citizen.

Some services won’t need a great skill or knowledge some others need varying degrees of skills knowledge and physical effort.

The poorest  produce  Real Products and Real Services that are both necessary and useful to society.

The rich, on the other hand, produces Pseudo Products

The Poor also produces Primary products and Primary Services , while the rich produce secondary products and Secondary services only.


How the people become rich and super rich ?

(1) Producing Secondary Products

Using machineries and power they convert the primary products into secondary products.

Buy cotton from  farmers and make textiles .

Buy wheat and rice and make wheat flour, noodles, biscuits and other food products.

Buy corn from farmer and make corn flakes.

coal from miners and run power plants.

These are mass produced with machines and are not risky like production primary products. Profit margins are nearly 200% and more

(2) Producing pseudo products

The poor do not even know what are pseudo products and how they are made. People who are rich and super rich produce and profit by Pseudo products,

To Produce Pseudo Products and make it a part of nation’s finance system two skills:

Skill 1: Creating a product that are not really a product worthy of  consumption

(2) Packaging such a product that which  is not real and Promote it as a products of great value through publicity is the next. This is  included as a financial product in the Financial system. Then this is sold to   lessor citizen with negligible learning & Thinking skills!

There are several Pseudo Products : Stocks, Mutual funds, Insurance, Gambling, sports-as-entertainment are a few to mention.

You will read below one of the popular Pseudo products.

An example of becoming rich using the above technique.

(A) Sports are played and build health. Watching it, is incidental. They are physical activity that keeps body and mind fit.

(B) A popular pseudo product is sports as entertainment. Retired sports persons are collected,  with a lot of media hype created and run by elite in the society This sports have with ingredients that are not natural to original sporting events.

(C) This is a service product with gambling as one of the special features.

(D) Where there is gambling there is Crime. Internet pages have several interesting articles on Crime and gambling.

(3) Institutions of Exploitation

There are institutions created to exploit the learning & thinking disabled masses in many countries. They dealing in pseudo products. These help the rich and super rich.

Trading in currency

Stocks &  derivative trading

Commodity trading

They produce pseudo wealth and helps the rich and super rich  of the country siphoned off to other economies.

(4) Riding on the runners.

We will briefly discuss  about a phenomenon “Running on Runners” that make one rich.

Metaphorically we are all in an eternal run. The pace and direction of the run are not the same for everyone. Every one  runs with a goal or objective in their mind.

Majority of the poor runs for their mere survival. If they stop their run, they might die. Middle class run to ensure the present and secure the future economic security.

Rich and Super rich merely need to stand atop the running poor, They would be rich.

The elite - rich and super rich need not run like the common man. It can be said that they ride over the running common man.  They only need to ensure that the poor and middle class run, non-stop.

They remain rich when they merely ride on the runner. They become market leaders, superrich when they run on the runners.


What makes them rich?

The absence of Spiritual thoughts make learning and thinking enable the rich and super rich commit the sin  of depriving the lesser mortals  of the  due share of their wealth.

Spiritual knowledge tell them that we came into this wrld empty handed and leave without anything in hand. But, in the processes of becoming rich they commit enormous sins.

If at all they die as a rich person.

Any one can ride on the running poor only as long as the poor remain learning & thinking  disabled.

No phenomenon can be permanent. Some day poor will acquire learning & thinking skills. Then run of the Rich and super rich on runners would stop. This will be the start of ushering in prosperity to the poor.


More on learning & thinking

Those with no to very less learning & thinking skills, live poor and being exploited.

Those with different (higher) levels of knowledge exploit the poor and amass the wealth due.

Not all  the people with higher levels of learning & Thinking capabilities exploit the lessor one and become rich.

There is a miniscule population, in every society, whose knowledge crosses a certain threshold of  learning and thinking skills, they neither seek wealth nor exploit the lesser mortals. They are spiritually elevated people.

When one crosses  a certain threshold, he turns  spiritual. Spiritually elevated do not exploit the poor. But help the poor in escaping poverty.  They are called Seers, sages Sufis, Zen masters and saints. They help the common man in the society from being exploited by giving them knowledge through lectures and scriptures.

Not all who claim themselves are spiritual. Some rogue elements among exploiters make the  vulnerable in the garb of Spiritual people too.

Unfortunately, even to distinguish the Spiritual people from Rogue elements  in the society one needs basic learning & thinking skills. Those who fall short of this become poor and suffer.