Poverty Line by N.நடராஜன் - HTML preview

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Poverty of our citizen is nearly 250 year old, if not 1000 years of alien rule.

Moguls destroyed our Knowledge centers, brutalized people who refused to change their religion stole our wealth and many  But, it appears they did not change the economic structure from Traditional one to controlled, that which British invaders did.

Poverty started then.

The independence was a great moment when the public would share the century long fight for self-rule. Sadly the benefit freedom did not percolate to common man. Indians replace British rulers. Elite remain elite. The common man remain poor as was under alien rule.

What stop the poor in India in having their share of nation’s wealth is their ability to learn & think.

Till the poor  learn & think, the poor would continue to hear promises from leaders and live like cattle. Live on wages for the work that the cattle get.

It is possible some among the elite might turn spiritual and understand the futile exercise of stealing the wealth of common man siphon it to other economies only to die as a rich-sinner.

Then the citizen would receive the equitable portion of the nation’s wealth and lead the life of their contemporaries in developed world.

Time would tell, what would happen first.
