Poverty Line by N.நடராஜன் - HTML preview

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cation, the poor was told, that poor would get  both social   economic progress.

The elites, the rich and cronies of leaders opened thousands of Education institutions and prospered. The poor lost their land and have become poorer!

Having taken the advise of various hues of leaders seriously  Crores of poor qualified in various professional courses at a great cost. This only made the poor, poorer.

Leaders Promise jobs

The truth is that the governments are run by Leaders who have neither skills or knowledge that are required for an employment for a decent pay. Even if they did, will that fetch them the wealth they amass as a political functionary? Doubtful.

This being a truth, it is really a wonder how the voting public believed that their leaders would solve unemployment problems.

The problem is with Defective education system that does not impart Learning practices and Thinking skills.

Education targets middle class clerical jobs!

Rich seem to find comfort in larger section of the society remaining poor.

Leaders are most benefitted with more poor in their society.

Education doesnot always leads to prosperity. More specifically the education system is information-delivery mechanism in the current “information Driven world”

Not many leaders in most societies, especially ex-colonies, have Educational qualifications which will fetch them assets owned by them and their family members.. The partial disclosure of their assets (Only self) during nomination before elections will reveal the truth.

Educated unemployed should bear in mind.

It is foolish to believe that any leader will organize jobs for its citizen in any country.

In any society number of jobs keeps diminishing year after year with in advent of new technologies.

Job reservations does not provide jobs to every one.

By and large, those who benefit from job reservations are leaders and their touts.

Don’t look for employment instead become self-employed.

Look for Self-Employment as a producer of Products & Services to the fellow citizen.

You will read a few stories and most of them are real-life stories.

One would discover, how nice it to be self-employed.


There is wealth in every country to Cater to the needs of every life

But the nation’s wealth  vanish both legally and illegally into richer countries, the way it travelled during colonial times. 

In the past  it was the invaders who caused poverty. Now, we have our own leaders with Fox-dominant-Minded  leaders to blame.

If the unemployed seeks to live a happy healthy life remove leaders from your mind. Shed your cattle-dominant Mind  from your mind-set.

How do One do it? Download the following free ebook that explain all about the human mind, the reason for poverty, slavery and human misery. Some  solutions to mitigate human misery.