Poverty Line by N.நடராஜன் - HTML preview

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Manyways to cross the

poverty line


There can be statistics, Economic theories,  historic reasons and explanations that might help to understand the problem and its depth. It is no use unless they lead to changing the society in a way, poverty is minimized.

The following two topics discussed below, will prove that humans are not any superior to Animals.

Humans though pretend to be superior to animals are no different from Animals. Man is deceptive unlike animals. Man, while looking alike has different animal minds.


Human Mind

If only the people looked the way their mind worked, they would be as depicted in the picture here.


After reading the book titled Mind of Man, an Animal farm, the reader might be convinced that the mind of every human is that of an animal. Some are predators, many others are like cattle.

The difference between the victims  and its Victimizer lies in their minds. Not in their sizes or features. For example, the Elephants are large and strong but are said to fear for ants. The small ants can enter the trunk of an elephant and create a hell for them.

Let us go back to a little more than two centuries (1757) into the  Indian History, Robert Clive of the British armyfought the ruler Bengal.

The battle was between Siraj ud-Daulah, the last independent Nawab of Bengal, and the British East India Company.

British won the then ruler hands down.

The retreating British army of mere 500 soldiers faced  angry citizen, seething with anger, numbering in Lakhs assembled on either side of the road.

While the army feared decimation at the hands of lakhs of citizen, nothing really happened.

(The anger meant nothing more than a desperation to the marching army.

 If only the citizen picked-up stones and sticks and descended on the marching army, India would not have been under British rule).

Here victims and victimizer are humans but yet did not have the same mind.

Bulk of the people in any society never learn what to do when they are exasperated, injured, enslaved or injustice meted-out to them. They cannot Think of what to do to prevent or escape from such a situation.  They cannot act cohesively and collectively.  Now, we will turn our attention to the events in the animal kingdom.

Animal Kingdom.

Next, an example from Animal Kingdom.

A lion or a Tiger, start its hunt.  Hundreds or even Thousands of Deer, bison,  run for their lives.imal As they run,  one of them stray away from its herd. The animal separated from the rest become tired quickly and a victim..

It is not that the predator is any stronger than the herd of animals it chases for food.  They never Learn living as a herd gives them safety. But never learn beyond that.

Watching various TV Program on Animals educate us it is not the inability of the these herbovores collectively enough equiped to fight back their predators.is their  lack of experience in  winning a fight with predators.

The documentary shows instances of predators loosing a fight with their victims.

The lessons that the victims did not learn is, If only they attacked the predators, they will surely win over them. They need not have to run for their lives.

The advantage of the chasing predator is its tremendous energy. It can chase its victim for a longer time. The weakness of the victims is their fear.

Predators have witnessed more successes and almost no failures in their life time. They have learnt so they can think to chase and hunt down their victims.

The victims, just the opposite,  Even though some have won sometime not every one Learnt so they cannot think of victory over their victimizer.

The major casualty was the masses whose ability to Learn & Think was the casualty. Poverty and slavery leaves people the twin debilities  The lack of interest and ability in learning and thinking.

They leave the society of very large number of  people with No learning  and thinking ability to very low  ability.

Then it is a chain.

The life is not just binary. A victim and a predator. It is a chain.

Those with slightly higher Learning & thinking abilities exploit and enslave people with lesser abilities than thenselves.,

More the disability become more the poor in the society.

In other words, the poor are enslaved and exploited by those who have higher levels of Learning and thingking skills.


The  masses should  wake-up to the reality.

Every (poor) job seeker should realize that that No Government can provide them the jobs.  If the leaders are saying so, they are merely lying.

Reservation in Jobs: Leaders successfully fooled the poor (who are thinking disabled) to believe a few jobs reserved for  section of the society (will benefit, a caste, Religion).

Indian leaders . 


Not leaders and not Bureaucrats

The fun is, none in any Government has leaders, of any party that exit or that existed, who could produce jobs that people look for!

The truth remains that, if the leaders were able to create the dream jobs,  they would never have come to seek political offices..

The story remains the same with Bureaucrats.

Why then the leaders talk of providing jobs?

The leaders knew  well that people would forget this unemployment issue and take-up that which is new.

One might ask, if this is true, “who  else can do that”?

That is what we will discuss in the following pages.




There is always dearth of people who live by Value systems.


One may not be highly skilled!

May not have several degrees!

If that person is known not to talk lies!

Honest in his dealings!

He has a high demand for employment.

The two books:

My Dear Son Book 1

My Dear Son Part II

Contain stories that  would help  reader, appreciate and follow value based       living.


If the parents load the minds of their children, with the virtues of living by Value system, that would be the greatest wealth they given their children.

Japanese people  has their reputation for honesty can be understood by tourists from India to .Japan..

They do not take anything with them that do not belong to them.

It will be tough to teach value system as a lesson. But the trick will be done by stories that carry the Moral into young minds.

We normally hear or read stories when people profited by evil thoughts and evil acts. No one tells his story of failure when acted with evil mind and falsehood.


Even if one doesnot have great skills, if one live by value system, he can have a cool and comfortable career.