Poverty Line by N.நடராஜன் - HTML preview

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What we need is a decent life and the material required tor a healthy and happy living.

1.  Why youngsters seek employment?

Every youth who get into the education system only to secure an Ideal Employment so that life is lead smoothly. Many self-employed and entrepreneurs earn more, have greater freedom and in no situation will  opt for a cozy job.

What are the features of ideal jobs, one seek to get?

A.    Typically a job in a Government department on, terms of employment that most young people aspire to get hold of:

Most of the Government employees is paid salaries to attend office.

Additionally, the employees are Paid by public (as a  bribe) an incentive to do the work as he is required to perform.

Most employees need not attend their work         place in the prescribed time.

Get paid salary and health care, even after their retirement.

It is possible that the emoluments are Lesser than corporate houses and multinational companies but the job security scroes very high.

One can absent from work place for festivals, personal or famility work.

Health reasons.

Maternity and paternity leaves

Holiday travel at government expense.

Education expense for children.

The list is endless..

Such employment gives the individual High levels of authority with zero responsibility..

zero accountability

Near zero deliverable.

2.  What is the problem in government giving employment to every one?

Government, in order to meet such an employment  to all its citizen have to generate very large sums from others who are not employed with government.

If more wealth flows into our country than leaving us,, that too in billions of dollars every month, it is possible.

3.  Those who did not care to understand Basics of Economics  will become poor.

Question 1 : If government is not responsible who then will give employment?

Answer:  The Natural Economy.

Question 2 :   What is special with Natural economy?

Invaders like British crushed the natural economy and controlled the economy to the disadvantage of the colonies created by them so as to benefit their own society.

Why should citizen know about Economic theories?

Knowledge, on everything is a must for a peaceful existence.  One without knowledge is vulnerable to exploitation by others around.

Every society has several layers of people with each layer with a higher levels of (wrong) knowledge than others. Those in the lowest layer are the poorest. Those at the top are rich and powerful.

4.  Economic theories & Money

are not Nuclear Scinces

Economics is a simple subject. The experts who wrote the books have made it complicated than it is. Evolved in countries that plundered resource rich socieites

It is a work on  mindless greed. It is a love story where hero dies in scene .even before the story began.

Economics is about (1) Production of Goods and services  that People need for a comfortable life (2) Distribution of goods and services so produced to reach the needy consumers (Produccers and distributors included)

(3) People who produce, distribute and consume.

In reality, when there is no people, there is no need for a product or services. proucer or distributor. So the Most important factor in Economic theories is People.

When technology advances, the impact is  on People who produce and distribute. No one economist appear to have worked on solution to  human survival in tough situations.. The whole theory is centered about profit maximizing. That is the reason I see Economics as a tool of greedy investors.

Said in a different way, Economic theories are largely about, "Some investor investing some money and hire producers and distributors. How much profit can be made and how to maximize it".

One should learn  basics of economic theor  ies and all about money. Also be aware of what their government is doing with their money in any society,  World over the majority of the common man are being exploited and left to live poor.

Those with The countries that were once colonised / ruled by other nations have produced massive amount of Learning & Thinking disabled citizen and greedy & heartless elites.

There is no reason for poverty in any country, including in India,  The country with poverty is invariably lead by leaders who are  spirituality non-elevated people occupying top possitions in the governance of that country.

Poverty is inter-twined with theories based on falsehood and dubious practices. in every society.

It is necessary that every citizen  understand very basics. The willy-nilly amoung leaders  syphon off the wealth to other economic destinations and push their own people into poverty and sufferings.

I have written two books with stories and pictures to explain economics. The subject Economics is made to look complex and scary. In fact it is truly simple.

The third book is getting ready. That will reveal the world how the political and business leaders ceate poverty and earn sin for themselves.

Those who did not care to Learn (understand) and Think  will become poor


1.  What do the job seeker looks for?

1. Assured monthly income sufficient to lead a life of comfort / luxury..

2. Preference to place of work, time of work, choice of work.

3. Paid holidays - emergency, long and short

4. Fault tolerant employer. (No punishment for non-performance, negligence, ignorance).

5.  Substatial Post retirement income, including health care.

6. Uniform allowance, transport allowance, shift allowance

7. Salary advance, festival advance,

8. Free / subsidized lunch coffee / tea.

The list is endless. So, we will end it here.

2. Why am I not getting my dream job?


Why only some people get a job of their choice?

Why some are uncomfortable in their chosen job?

Three requirements are there for successful Job hunt. (Also in performing the job: are:

(1) The communication abilities, Presentation skills and subject knowledge or skills desired for the job..

In India this is delivered in professional education (as an add-on) at the end of the academic career. That is the tragedy. That is,  too little and too late.

Effective communication is a great tool for every stage of life. As a child, student employee employer.

There are a few among us who are good in communication due to reasons not traceable to education system. 

Subject knowledge and skills.

The education systems started on a wrong note. The early educators conceived ROTE based Learning  as a tool or methodology to impart knowledge. This meant, reading / listening and remembering them for ever.

This is no doubt is a basic step to learn and acquire skills and knowledge.

The humans, have very limited memory. Various persons have different extent of abilities to remember.

Learning is a slight complex process. One need to know some information and convert them to experience in the invisible Real World.

There are a few who are quick to find a well paid job but very soon find themselves unfit for the role played.  They do not enjoy the job they choose.

Such individuals do not really understand what the job calls for  and assess their suitability (emotional, Physical) suitability for a given job..

Also many of them suffer from attitude problems in the work place with customers, colleagues and management.

There are many others who could be most suitable for the job but unable to convince the potential employer because the fail in the communication, presentation

To sum it up, for successful employment, the requirements are (A) communication abilities, (B) presentation skills (C) subject knowledge or skills and a (D) positive attitude.  

In many enterprises engaged in service delivery the preference is given to attitude over skills.

More often than not, many employees with higher skill levels  are unpopular in the work place.

By nature or training, every one has a certain commonly agreed behaviour in the interest of both Employer and Employee.

Know yourself and find the job best suited for you.

1. Some seeks fulfilment or job satisfaction in their assignment. In their personal life, they are invariably honey for a living.appy married guys.

2. A few are achievers. They earn more than others. They could be unpopular among colleagues and others in the society, because they look down upon them as mere insects.

3. Clock punchers. Neither they achieve a planned career growth nor derive saisfaction from their work. Their needs are merely the Salary or wages.

4. Risk taker are very few, daring and go where is huge money.

5. Japanese, (during the days of Total Quality Management was much talked about), were described as Company people. Such individuals do not switch their employer for their personal career growth and prosperity. They cling to the same company and move up in the career ladder.

What are the characteristics of a good employee?

1. Communicator: Employers love to hire employees who have the ability to communicate well and express themselves clearly. both in writing or speaking.

2. Self-Motivated: A good employee never hesitates to taking responsibility or a more responsible position. Ready to work beyond the call of duty in order to meet goals or to solve problems, even if the job description  does not included.

3. Hard worker: There is no substitute to hard work, when required.  Modern Managers expect their juniors to work smartly rather than hard work.

4. Adaptable: Everything around us is changing continuously. Employees who know how to adjust themselves to these changes are happy always.

5. Learner:  Ideal employees should not need periodic training. Steep changes and uniformity of understanding the changes some times addressed by in-house training,

6. Team Player (Helping others)   : Many enterprises need team-play among various sections of employees. Majorely individual performers on the role is a disaster in such a situation.

7. Life by value system : One can get millions of graduate and post graduate qualified professionals to choose from. But too few (a) who always talk the truth. (b) integrity in dealing in every life situation (3) Free of greed and jeolousy.

8. Stealing Credit: A good employee will not only truthfully let the right co-worker have herhildren credit but also share her own accolades with his team.

9 Discipline and punctuality: Every boss loves a punctual, disciplined and conscientious employee. Time is money.

10. Avoid gossip: The person should always remember that he came to the office to work and to make a career. Do not spread office gossip or rumours.

Respect the privacy of the co workers.