The Credit Info - Repair Kit by Scott McKay - HTML preview

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1. About Me

The most important thing there is to understand about me is that


everything that I do in life is for my family. I have a beautiful wife and two


amazing children. So whether it’s trying to better my career or improve my credit


it’s being done for them. Even writing this book is benefiting them by helping to


increase the traffic to my website I created,, which


does help me to make some extra money on the side.


Over the past few years I have been working on recovering from a


bankruptcy I had to file due to a major decrease in pay. I was working a sales job


making over $50K a year when I was laid off and had to accept a management


position making only $15K a year. During these past few years I have learned a lot


about credit and how to avoid having to pay someone to fix your credit for you.


I am a banker by trade and I have to deal with other peoples’ credit


problems all day long sometimes. I used to work in the customer service


department where I would answer general banking questions. Now I work in the


sales department where I open new checking and savings accounts, and take


credit applications for all types of lending products. If any of my potential customers out there reads this information and learns from it my job may be just that much easier making the time and effort I put into this book well worth it.