The Credit Info - Repair Kit by Scott McKay - HTML preview

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2. Credit Basics

Having good or bad credit is one thing that will affect almost every person’s


life at one time or another. Understanding how to build and improve your credit


score is a key factor to achieving financial success in life. There are a lot of people


out there who think that just because they have their paycheck directly deposited


into their checking account and are willing to have their loan payments directly


withdrawn from that same checking account that it will be easy to get a loan at


their local bank. While most banks will give you a lower rate or incentive to set up


an auto-pay from your checking account they still are going to base the initial


decision for the loan on your credit, not on your relationship with the bank.


Your ability to repay your debts and fulfill your financial obligations could


end up saving you thousands upon thousands of dollars through-out your


lifetime. It’s very easy to explain why. If you have a lower credit score lenders will


be hesitant to lend money to you because they know that you have had financial


troubles in the past. Because of this you would be considered a high risk to lenders and they will want to charge you more interest to offset that risk.


Whereas if your credit score is high lenders know their chances of collecting their


money/ interest are high and are comfortable charging you a lower interest rate.


There are also other applications that your credit can affect aside form just


loan or credit card applications. One of the most important of these is home and


automobile insurance applications. Almost everyone at some point is going to


need to have an auto insurance policy. Another more common application would


be for either cellular service or for a satellite provider. Just always try to


remember that banks are not the only institutions that require you to have good credit.