An Instructor's View on Student Success by Dominick Saffioti - HTML preview

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Test Taking Suggestions

Test Taking Suggestions

When I was young I would suffer from test anxiety, this made me very uncomfortable during testing. I would get a pounding headache my vision would blur and I would choose any answer just to get it over with. If this is you try to take a few deep breaths and to relax tense muscles. Repeat this throughout the test. This process will help you to stay relaxed and to make more energy available for remembering, thinking, and writing. Be confidence and keep a positive attitude. Avoid speaking with any fellow students who have not prepared, who express negativity, who will distract your preparation. As we all know Misery loves company.

The night before the exam I try to get a good night's sleep. Stay away from alcohol it is a depressant and also will dehydrate you. Drink
plenty of water
the human brain will give up its
water when we are dehydrated this makes it harder to
think and concentrate when we are dehydrated.
Dont get upset over a question that you think is
extremely difficult or unfair; ask a question if you
can, or wait for the review to find out what the
instructor was looking for.

It is always wise to read all the test instructions


before answering any question on the test. Not dong
this can hurt your test score. Preview the test to see how much time you need to allot for each section. If the test is all multiple-choice questions, it is good to know that immediately. Answer the questions that require the least amount of thought first, and then go back to the questions that require more thought.