An Instructor's View on Student Success by Dominick Saffioti - HTML preview

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Test Preparation

Test Preparation

To do well on tests you must first learn the material. You need to read over your lecture notes and ask yourself questions on the material you don't know well before the test.
Below are a few techniques to help you to better understand the material:

Getting ready for the test


• Take good notes in your class lectures and textbooks


See the Guides on „Taking notes in this document.


• Review your notes soon after class/lecture


Review notes briefly before the next class


• Schedule


Make time at the end of the lesson for a longer review

• Reviewing
Study the lessons Objectives. Your Instructor told you that this is what you should be able to do after the lesson.

What you should have learned will be on the test.

• Organize
Organize your notes, texts, and assignments According to what might be on the test

• Test yourself
Test yourself on the material in the Objectives.
Flashcards may be a helpful way to review in courses that have many unfamiliar terms. Review the card in random order using only those terms that you have difficulty remembering. Finish your studying the day before the exam.

Something to think about

In order to succeed in anything we do, it is important to surround ourselves with the right people. If you want to learn how to make money, who would you hang around with? Someone who is rich or poor? If you want to learn something that is hard, who would you hang around with? Would it be the student with poor grades or the student with good grades? Now dont get me wrong I am not saying to stop being friends with someone just because they struggle in school, but also work with others that can help you be successful.