CHOICES: Making an Informed Decision on PARENTING by H. Glenroy Seale - HTML preview

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Part 1

Definitions and Brief Commentary on Relevant Concepts/Terms


A “parent” according to the Oxford Dictionary is “a father or mother” or “one who gives birth to and/or nurtures and raises an offspring”.

The different roles of parents may vary throughout life’s journey. They can prove to be especially complex in our different human cultures and environments.

While an individual’s parents are often also his/her biological parents, there is another type of parent. This parent is different from the person from whom one has inherited more than half of his/her genes. They are also very present in the child’s life. For example, this may be a stepfather, or stepmother, godparent, or a foster parent, aunt, uncle or grandparent.

In many cases being a stepmother or stepfather has been known to work successfully, especially when the step-parent/s bond/s with the child. In many instances they bond as though the two were the actual direct flesh and blood products of each other.


A “mother” is “a woman in relation to a child or children, to whom she has given birth,” according to the Oxford Dictionary.

The maternal bond defines the feelings the mother has for her child, or for someone else’s child.

Mothers may also be categorized according to their social, or legal relationship with the child.

Whether it is the provision of shelter, clothing, food, access to efficient health care, access to good education or spiritual instruction, mothers will generally try to ensure that their children can enjoy the best of these elements.

Always remember that maternity is almost never in doubt. It is paternity which can be doubtful because of a number of factors which include dishonesty, unfaithfulness and so on.


A “father” is defined as “the biological or social male parent of a child or offspring”. (Askdefine dictionary. com)

Like mothers, fathers may be categorized according to their biological, social, or legal relationship with the child.

The term “biological parent” refers to a parent who is the direct biological mother or father of an individual.

In some cases the role of fathering may also be fully adopted by a godfather, grandfather, stepfather and the child.

In many cases the relationship has been known to work successfully, especially when there is complete bonding with the child. In some instances the two bond as though were the direct flesh and blood products of each other.


A “child” is “a young human being below the age of puberty”, as defined by the Oxford dictionary.

The term “child” may also describe a relationship with a parent, such as, sons and daughters of any age.

In the case of mammals, specifically humans, the mother through the process of conception or implantation gestates her child in the uterus until the fetus is sufficiently well-developed to be born.

The first stage of development is called the embryo. After the eighth week it is referred to as the fetus. When the pregnancy has reached what may be considered as full term the mother then goes into labour and gives birth.

Foster Care

“Foster care” is “a system by which a certified, ‘stand-in parent’ cares for minor children or teenagers, who have been removed from their birth parents or other custodial adults by the state authority” (

In certain cases, the mother or father may have died and the other parent may not be present. Responsibility for the young person is assumed by the relevant governmental authority or until a suitable placement with another family is found. There can be situations of voluntary foster care placements made by the parents of children.

In such cases, foster placements are monitored until the birth family can provide appropriate care, or the rights of the birth parents are terminated, and the child is adopted.

A third option, guardianship, is sometimes utilized in certain cases where a child cannot be reunified with his/ her birth family, and adoption is not right for him/her. This generally includes some older foster children who may be strongly bonded to their family of origin, and who may be unwilling to pursue adoption.


“Marriage” is the formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife”; as stated by the Oxford dictionary.

The Wikipedia online dictionary defines “Marriage” as “an institution in which interpersonal relationships (usually intimate and sexual) are sanctioned with governmental, social, or religious recognition”.

Marriage is often created by a contract, or through various civil processes. Civil marriage is the legal concept of marriage as a governmental institution, in accordance with the marriage laws of the land or state.

In some churches before the marriage ceremony, some members choose to use their right to using the publishing of the Banns of Marriage. Others will use the option of obtaining a Marriage License.

Once the union is recognized by the State, by the religion(s) to which the parties belong, and/or by society in general, the act of marriage changes the personal status of the individuals, in the eyes of those authorities that recognize it.

Many people marry for various reasons, but usually for one or more of the following: legal, social and economic stability, the formation of a family unit.

Other reasons include but are not limited to: procreation, the nurturing and education of children, legitimizing of sexual relations, public declaration of love, or even to obtain citizenship status, (sometimes referred to as a marriage of convenience).

The Family

“The family”, is “a group of people, consisting of parents and children living together in a household”, (The Oxford Dictionary). It can be reasoned that the family denotes a group of people affiliated by genetic relation/affinity, or co-residence.

Many of our sociologists and anthropologists believe that the primary function of the family is to reproduce society, either biologically, or socially, or both. Thus, anyone’s experience of one’s family shifts over time. From the perspective of children, the family is a unit of orientation. It serves to locate children socially, and plays a major role in their enculturation, education and socialization.

From the point of view of many individuals, the family is a unit of procreation whose functions are to enculturate and to socialize children.

However, producing, enculturating and socializing children should not be the only focus of the functions of the family. Some may ask the question “why”? This is because in societies with a division of sexual fervor and marriage, the resulting relationship between two people is necessary for the formation of an economically stable and productive household.

For many people a close family bond is like a safe harbor. It is a place where we can find refuge when it is necessary. Like toddlers many of us trust that someone will pick us up when we fall.

All of us like to have the confidence that there is someone there for us as we experience the various storms in our lives. The family bonds previously mentioned will help us to believe and have confidence in ourselves. These bonds will also assist us in forming trust and hope in the world around us.

The efforts of telling our children bedtime stories, sharing hugs, holidays and daily meals being shared together provide us with a sense of warmth. These also provide a solid structure and a relatively safe environment. Some of these tasks and traditions serve not only to create memories, but also to leave a lasting family legacy. For many, they also create our first mature path in life, a path which can leave positive