Flat Earth: Evidence To Consider If You Dare by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Four

Water – Ingredient for Life and Flat Earth Proof

Evidence to Consider #18

Water: Gravity as we’ve been told

Situation: So if the accepted scientific norms of space are applied and we look at the heliocentric model we will see that Earth is the third planet from the sun. What a sun too - I mean it’s been calculated that the mass of earth could fit into the sun’s mass over a million times or more. The numbers really don’t matter, but basically when referring to the accepted views of space they start with a couple hundred grand and quickly move into millions and then billions and so on. Kind of like the Theory of Evolution. Hmm, imagine that. Anyway, because the sun is so big and so magnetically powerful it holds all the planets in a steady orbit around it. One question that might arise is why isn’t the moon sucked away from the earth by the sun when it comes between the sun and the earth? It’s got to be the centrifugal force, man – it just holds that moon locked to the earth. Just like how earth’s gravity is so powerful that it can hold in all the tons and tons of water in the oceans from all sluicing to the bottom hemisphere of the planet, while at the same time allowing human body’s consisting of 70% water to move about freely in both hemispheres instead of being glued to the surface of the planet like paperclips on a strong magnet. It’s just amazing really. I mean Newton’s Theory of Gravity – you know the mystic force of nature that’s never been seen, never been measured and appears to be one peculiarly selective force if indeed it does exist. On the one hand the earth is being dragged through the cosmos by the sun, but the earth manages to hold the moon away from the sun and yet NASA tells us that the moon is actually getting farther away from us and will one day spiral away out into space on its own journey, but while this is all going on Jupiter, the fifth planet from the sun that supposedly has a mass 2 and a half times larger than all the other planets combined is still being dragged around by the sun right along with the earth. Really? Does no one see the obvious gaps in logic? Earth’s gravity is so powerful that it can hold a small moon in orbit around it, but a planet several times larger than all the other planets combined that is even yet positioned farther out in space is still being dragged around like a puppy by the sun. In like fashion the quadrillions of tons of seawater on earth are glued virtually upside down in places to a ball and for the most part stay in place while earthly beings such as you and I walk around freely. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – Do your own research! If you do, you will see and read arguments from professors and layman everywhere that are offering up evidential proofs that not only are Newton’s theories wrong, but so are Einstein’s when it comes to the Theory of Relativity. I could list source after source, but I’m not going to do that, because simply put if you don’t have the drive to find out the truth of what you believe and why you believe it by now, me listing out fields of data is simply going to do you no good. The truth is something that needs to be found and the good news is that it can be, but you have to be open to discovering it, because if you just read it you won’t know what to do with it. The purpose of this book is to point out evidences for the individual to consider in order to make that journey of self-discovery for yourselves. If I tell you to just believe me and other flat earthers because we’re just so smart how would I be any different than the current deceivers of mankind? I didn’t stumble upon hidden truths because I was smarter than anyone, no, this journey began because I was delivered from a lie. A lie that held me in a make believe prison and conditioned me to think and act like a slave in that I believed and did everything told to me without ever once questioning it as to do so would make one look so stupid wouldn’t it? Everyone knows the earth is round after all. Correction: That is almost everyone and the mostly everyone in question believe what they do out of simple faith and conditioning by the powers that be that throw the truth in everyone’s faces with a UN flag that depicts a flat earth with Antarctica nowhere to be found on it.

The next three evidences involving water will if the others before them have not proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that for the majority of us, we have been born into a grand scaled lie and have unwittingly even taken a part in perpetuating it out even further. Truly as it has been said, “The truth will set you free.” This is indeed the case and it is my hope that even as I have been delivered from a false practice of belief even so maybe others can be too. Read on if you still need evidence to help you make the leap to question modern reality as you know it. Come right on in. Warning: The waters of truth can be quite cold and jarring to say the least, but at least you will know that you are alive.


Evidence to Consider #19

Water: The Nile

Situation: The Nile, ancient river that it is, flows over a thousand miles through the desert wastes of Sudan and Eygpt to eventually spill into the Mediterranean Sea and yet the measurably drop in elevation over this great expanse of time honored distance rooted in antiquity is exactly one foot. That’s right. The drop in elevation over a thousand miles of flow is one foot. ………. Pause………. Okay, what is the accepted rate of fall over the horizon in regards to the curvature of the earth again? Here’s that chart again for you.

1 mile =.67 feet of fall over the horizon (otherwise known as the vanishing point)
5 miles = 16.67 feet of fall over the horizon
10 miles = 66.69 feet of fall over the horizon
20 miles = 266.75 feet of fall over the horizon
50 miles = 1,667.17 feet of fall over the horizon
100 miles = 6,668.14 feet of fall over the horizon
1,000 miles = 663,337.65 feet of fall over the horizon.

Okay then how exactly does our one foot of elevation change over a thousand miles turn into the NASA’s bare, minimum of curvature fall equaling 666,337.65 feet? While die hard believers in the round earth theory come up with off the wall concepts to combat this irrevocable proof for a flat earth only to settle on the hope that NASA has an answer for it in a scientific journal forum somewhere – which the answer to is – no they don’t. They won’t even debate a fact like this with a flat earther, because they can’t and so they don’t, instead they just call us stupid. Interested readers do move on as water has more to say in support of a flat stationary earth.


Evidence to Consider #20

Water: The Seas Don’t Lie

Situation: We have these maps worldwide that are called topographical maps and they function on a very simple and worldwide measurable principle – sea level. Water is self-leveling and while there are lakes at higher altitudes the connected oceans and seas of this world form a baseline measurement from which all other measurements in height are gleaned both above and below the level of the sea, which is elevation 0. Mountains like Mt. Everest rise over 29,000 feet above sea level and rifts in the oceans plunge to even deeper depths below sea level. The baseline of ‘sea level’ is pure factualness. There is no arguing with it like can be done in a back and forth matter about gravity and matters of density, heat, volume, and mass. The Zero level mark is the same worldwide, an international standard of observable fact. Why is sea level so important to a flat earth? Well, because it can only exist on a flat pane and function as it does. Water is self-leveling. If you have water left in a bucket it doesn’t form into a ball of water. It remains flat and the measurement from the rim of the bucket down to the surface of the water on one side of the bucket is the same on the other side of the bucket with no degree of upward curvature of the water across the middle expanse of the bucket. An argument might be raised that a bucket is too small an object and the rate of curvature that should exist if the earth is round simply can’t be measured. That’s fine, move on to a bigger target, freshwater lakes. Pick any lake in the world you would like to and get some surveying gear and go out and take some base point measurements of the surface of the water from one side to the other and guess what – no degree of curvature of any body of water on earth has ever been found. The water in a lake no matter how big or small it might be is perfectly level across its entire expanse. Don’t believe me then look it up, better yet, do it yourself. Say you have a swimming pool that you can visit. Get yourself a laser level and take a crack at it. Even if the swimming pool is only 30 feet across according to NASA’s official earth curvature calculations you’re going to have a measurable degree of curvature over even such a short distance. I know the reality that is being set before you is huge, but just hang in there and allow yourself to contemplate and rationalize out things. Things such as - how did seafarers in the old sailing days chart out their location at sea by either using the stars or a sextant with which they took direct measurements off of the sun to find out where they were when they had no formula for earth curvature rattling around in their brains? All their dead reckoning was based off of linear line measurements with no curve added in. You ever see a movie or a picture of an old maritime map or heck, even a modern map say off of a movie like the Red October? Every last map any sea captain has ever used from the days of Captain Cook to the Soviet Commander of a nuclear submarine has been a flat earth map. No sea captain has ever taken an actual globe and used it to plot a course to anywhere as it is simply mathematically impossible. What is even the sense of all the globes put on the market and stuck in classrooms when every last one of them is shaped like a round ball and not an oblate spheroid as NASA claims the earth to be like in appearance, but never actually shows it in that shape anyway. Anyone ever see a pear shaped globe hanging out on someone’s office desk?

Sea captains both past and present don’t have formulas that account for curvature nor do they have prewarped perspective print outs that will coincide with a straight pencil line drawn telemetry drawn across a map in order to account for the rate of curvature as a reference for a course of heading in order to know how fast the ship has to travel and for how many days in order to reach a given point somewhere else on the sea chart map. The only formulas they’ve ever used to plot these measurements are based off of straight line trajectories and known fixed points of reference, but if the earth is curved then literally there is this giant bubble of water that the ship literally has to sail up and over that would add untold nautical sea miles to the journey. No 2D drawn dimensional unit can be converted over to equal the same number of units when portrayed in a 3D model where not only do you have the factors of x and y, but also that of a vertical plane z axis to consider. Am I coming through?



Do you see how it’s impossible for a ship captain to plot a straight course based off linear line measurements whose units of length are the basis for determining the time of arrival at the final destination and whose tested and tried long term use has been in existence since the days that men universally accepted the fact that the earth was flat. Man’s opinion may have changed over the years, but the realities of a sea chart and finding your way anywhere on earth has not. The reason a charted out course on a sea chart reaches its destination time and time again is because the sea is level. It’s level. It’s dead flat level. How many of you have a road atlas in your car? Probably a few of you, the few who haven’t given over to the peace of mind of simply driving and letting the British voiced woman in your phone tell you where to go. If you have one pull it out and take a look. See any lines of curvature. No, actually there’s this little scale bar that says this much darkened out space equals this many miles of distance. So with that baseline measurement you can see that it’s roughly going to take 700 miles of travel to get from the state of Maryland to the state of Illinois. Where are the curvature calculations? Why did your first word math problems in school, “Harry is in a plane traveling at 500 miles per hour. How long will it take him to reach Cleveland, Ohio that is a straight distance of 1,500 miles away from his starting location?” never factor in the fact that the earth is curved and so you need to add in more time because there’s more distance to be traveled? The plain, simple truth people is that we’ve been lied to about a lot. How much is anyone’s guess, but I think it’s time we found out.


Evidence to Consider #21

Water: Seeing the way home.

Situation: Okay, one more use of the high seas to illustrate how actually laughable it is to prove that NASA and you name everybody else involved in the conspiracy is flat out lying about the shape of the earth. Lighthouses. Lighthouses are as concrete of a fact as one could ask for to forever sink the notion of the earth being a ball as actually being nothing more than a silly notion. Look below and tell me what you see.






The evidence for a flattish non-round earth is really staggering when you look at actual observational facts that can be measured and quantified by the average Sue or Joe. When it comes to sight line distances that defy anything remotely possible for the earth to be round as NASA claims you have many if not countless examples. People in Canada many, many miles away can see the city skyline of Chicago over Lake Michigan if conditions are right. Another one would be the Cliffs of Dover visible over the English Channel and for me it’s a 90’ foot tall row of windmills that I shouldn’t be seeing as far away as I do from my own land if NASA was telling the truth. One note: When you go to research these proofs for a flat earth be aware that what you’re going to find is a mountain of trolls doing their best to put up roadblocks of obtuseness to invariably seek to shove a finger in the leaking dyke that is the whole notion of a round or even spheroid shaped earth. Invariably, after their mumbo jumbo over how stupid flat earth believing people are, you will often witness they sum up their reasons to discount solid facts by them, citing some official person of academia or tv personality that said something like, “It’s so obvious! The earth is round, because, well…. because it just is.” I have yet to see one proof from a round earth believing person as to why it is so obvious that the earth is round that didn’t rely on NASA or something related to the space program and satellites. Do you feel the spin of the earth beneath you as you sleep? With your first step out of bed are you smacked into the wall of your bedroom at a 1,000 miles per hour? Of course not, but then why aren’t you? This is a question that really boils down to the individual, because you see NASA doesn’t have any explanation for why that doesn’t happen. They just have a legion of important people in positions of preeminence, who are paid quite well to spout out a bunch of tangled webs designed to confuse one and at the same time cast this crowd controlling aura of ‘ you’re not one of those stupid people are you? Come join up with the crowd again or else….” The ‘or else’ is the unspoken threat of being labeled as crazy and it being justifiable to lock you away just because you don’t go along with the flow. Dictatorships are nothing new and right now there’s a host of them across the breadth of nations that do not respect the borders of countries, but seek to dominate everyone’s thoughts and actions into an aura of obedience to the accepted policy of the powers that be. Freedom of thought and the ability to question one’s reality are looked down upon things indeed, because an idea based in truth has the potential to overturn countless years of mind manipulation in just a few trauma seized moments of clarity. It is my opinion that the proverbial dam of lies and mind manipulations needs busting and it is a Biblically rooted one as well. I truly believe we are witnessing the last days unravel before us even as God prophesied in the book of Daniel that we would know the end times by the fact that knowledge would be increased and that the love of many would wax cold. I see both events happening in ever increasing measure and the flat earth movement is a good example of it. Lies are falling by the wayside more and more in the lives and perceptions of a growing few, but the hatred of the majority in response to this minority passionately seeking the truth is more virulent than it has ever been. Why do so many literally hate on a group of people who believes differently than they do about the shape/conditions of the world we live on? It should be an issue for debate, not the ridicule and extreme prejudice as is often seen on the part of those defending a globe model. A model that has only been in existence for a little over seventy years or so, while the flat earth movement can claim the allegiance of belief of every great civilization of antiquity. Ahhhh…. is that it? Is the hatred by the current age of the accepted reality and common knowledge of prior ages, so rabid because it represents that this is indeed the last age and so the desire to obscure the truth from reoccurring in the hearts and minds of people is conversely intense, because face it – a domed flat earth testifies to the reality of a heavenly all powerful Creator like nothing else ever could. This age is different and yet the need to stand for the truth and the right to peaceably seek it out has never been more important and it is my great hope that I have encouraged some reading this handbook to start their own journey of discovery and if so then do keep reading as I have some more evidences of a flat earth for you to consider. If this isn’t you then why, pray tell, are you still reading? While you’re pondering on that you might also ask how the Apollo moon landing team unloaded their moon buggy from a shuttle that didn’t have a doorway capable of offloading it through. Food for thought people.